The Advocate: February 2023
Tennessee Commission on Children and Youth
We lead systems improvement for all children and families through data-driven advocacy, education, and collaboration.
Safe, stable, nurturing relationships create positive childhood experiences.
February is Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month National
Nothing expands a child's imagination like a riveting story! Find a cozy place to curl up and go on your next adventure to celebrate.
Every day in the United States, approximately 2,300 people are reported missing. This day encourages you to stay vigilant, share their names, photos and bring them home to their families.
This an excellent opportunity to have discussions with friends and family about cybersecurity and how to protect your information. As parents, it can be an exciting, yet daunting, time in life to watch your kiddo grow up - especially when it comes to dating. Holding safety conversations and space for your teen to express their thoughts is necessary to ensuring safe dating practices.
The future prosperity of Tennessee depends on its ability to foster the health and well-being of the next generation. Healthy child development is the foundation for economic productivity, responsible citizenship, and lifelong health—all elements of a strong community and healthy economy.
The State of the Child report examines post-pandemic indicators of well-being to evaluate how Tennessee children are doing, what supports have worked and how we can continue to invest in programs that improve outcomes for all children, youth and families. As with many children across the nation, Tennessee's children saw declines in their mental health and educational outcomes over the last two years. The report also shows many parents continue to struggle to find care for their young children.
Come join the TN Commission on Children & Youth for two exciting days celebrating Children's Advocacy Days with the theme focusing on musical movements within our communities. Catering and a live musical performance and an outstanding lineup of speakers will be provided. We can't wait for you to join us for CAD 2023! Visit our website for more details.
Calendar Events & Meetings:
The tragic reality is that too many young people are dying from preventable causes every day, including homicides, accidents and suicides — and the latest data in the KIDS COUNT? Data Center show that the overall teen death rate is on the rise, after decades of decline. This blog post breaks down recent trends on preventable deaths among teens.
While college or university is a foregone conclusion for a lot of people, others aren’t so sure about continuing on with school. Maybe their high school grades aren’t up to par, or maybe they’re worried about tuition costs. Maybe they want to spend time working in a job that doesn’t require a higher degree while they figure things out. Or maybe they want to serve in the military, where they might also have promising career options. Here’s a short guide on possible roads to take, with tips on how to make the most of each journey.?