Advocacy On Behalf of People in Pain and Their Doctors
Richard Lawhern
Subject Matter Expert in public policy for regulation of opioid pain relievers and physicians who prescribe them. 28 years experience and thousands of contacts in social media support groups for people in pain.
Outreach to 29 member organizations of the AMA Substance Use and Pain Care Task Force -- posted this morning.
The following correspondence has been shared with all 29 medical professional associations affiliated with the AMA Substance Use and Pain Care Task Force. I have already received several automated acknowledgements of receipt. The Speakers Bureau of the National Campaign to Protect People in Pain continues our work on your behalf. We intend to engage nationally credible associations and Medical Boards in this campaign.
Anyone wishing to add their voice in this campaign may look up the contact information for their State Medical Boards or for an organization in which your doctor or medical provider is Board Certified.
Go to and enter the phrase "Contact" with the name of your medical board or an organization in which your doctor is a member. Keep your input succinct.
One version might read "I write to endorse the request of Richard A Lawhern PhD on Sunday July 14, 2024, for an online meeting to discuss the need for your organization to go public with demands that the CDD opioid prescribing guidelines be repealed and repudiated."
Use your own words to avoid being blocked as spam.
My contact letter as posted:
From: Richard Lawhern <[email protected]> Sent: Sunday, July 14, 2024 10:43 AM
Jake Sullum <[email protected]>;
Nora Volkow <[email protected]>;
AMA Opioid Task Force <[email protected]>;
Jay Joshi <[email protected]>;
Josh Bloom <[email protected]>;
US Pain <[email protected]>;
Patrick Skerrett <[email protected]>
Subject: Outreach to Member Organizations of the AMA Substance Use and Pain Care Task Force
To all member organizations of the AMA Substance Use and Pain Care Task Force
American Medical Association
American Osteopathic Association
American Academy of Addiction Psychiatry
American Academy of Family Physicians
American Academy of Hospice and Palliative Medicine
American Academy of Neurology
American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons
American Academy of Pain Medicine American
Academy of Pediatrics
American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
American Association of Neurological Surgeons and Congress of Neurological Surgeons
American College of Emergency Physicians
American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine
American College of Physicians
American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists
American Psychiatric Association
American Society of Addiction Medicine
American Society of Anesthesiologists
American Society of Clinical Oncology
Arkansas Medical Society
California Medical Association
Colorado Medical Society
Maine Medical Association
Massachusetts Medical Society
Medical Society of the State of New York
New Mexico Medical Society
Ohio State Medical Association
Oregon Medical Association
Utah Medical Association
Subject: Meeting Request
This correspondence (or gateway posting) is to request an online meeting with members of your governing Board, to discuss the implications of two recent landmark publications, The first is in STAT News. The second has been accepted for publication in about three weeks, in KevinMD – one of the most widely read and quoted healthcare newsletters in America. (Original letter provided attachments -- both are available on request by Linked In readers, to [email protected] ).
Doctors 'overprescribing' opioids isn't the cause of the overdose epidemic — and it never was
Pain medicine in the U.S. is failing patients and clinicians, largely due to the CDC's faulty narrative and the DEA's harassment and prosecution of clinicians for legally and ethically prescribing opioid painkillers to their patients.
The clear implication of this work is that the 2022 CDC guidelines on prescription of opioids to patients with severe chronic pain are fatally flawed by fraud and misinformation -- and must be withdrawn immediately without replacement. These guidelines, in combination with a nationwide witch hunt conducted by the US DEA, are directly responsible for millions of patient desertions by intimidated clinicians, and thousands of patient deaths by medical collapse and suicide. Your organization must take a public position in advocacy on behalf of your members and their patients.
Prescription opioid medications are both safe and effective – and this reality has been known to the US CDC, the Veterans Administration, and the US Drug Enforcement Agency for years. It is time to end the madness and remove all three of these Agencies from doctors' examination rooms. The criminalization of American medicine must END! And your organization must take a public position advocating for this outcome, in keeping with the 2019 declaration of six organizations representing over 600,000 doctors and medical students:
Frontline Physicians Call on Politicians to End Political Interference in the Delivery of Evidence Based Medicine
Our health care system faces many challenges. We call on policymakers to partner with us to advance policies that protect the sanctity of the patient-physician relationship, expand access to timely, evidence-based health care, and eliminate health disparities in our nation.
Personal Investigator - Locator - Personal Protection
8 个月Is Palliative care being used for CRPS patients? My Dr seems to think it’s the same as Hospice.
England & NW Europe+Sweden & Denmark+Scotland+Ireland+Basque+Germanic Europe+Wales = American ?????????
8 个月Look at behaviors instead of the drug. Until the entities listed comprehend the damage being done why would they change anything? Not because we say so. It was money that lured doctors away from opioids. MD’s know opioids are safe and effective when used as prescribed by non allergic patients but the profit is in the alternatives. What is not highlighted are the torturous effects of nontreatment such as cardiac failure, cachexia, suicides, PTSD, loss of ROM & ADL’s, prolonged medical checks plus damages from costly techniques used and loss of livlihood. Also not highlighted are the potential damage to the profession not providing humane treatment. Current medical practice negatively impacts the value of the Hippocratic Oath. Should MD's be required to maintain an accountability back up plan of patient care if removed from practice? A plan of care that fails the patient leads to lawsuits. Patients deserve answers for traumatic abandonment caused by loss of morals and ethics. I'm curious if new med grads are educated on the loss of pain medication in Germany 1933-45 when Jewish MD’s were no longer allowed to treat their patients who died as a result. Perhaps the listed are informed but don’t care?
Chronic Pain Advocate. Public speaker and trainer. Former President of the Aug. Jaycee's and PTA. Owner of Daycare.
8 个月On it. Thank Red!!