Advice for a New Manager - Chinn Up! - July 17, 2024

Advice for a New Manager - Chinn Up! - July 17, 2024

Hi everyone! Welcome to another edition of Chinn Up!, your one-stop shop for actionable career, leadership, and mindset advice. Here, we'll tackle the roadblocks that hold you back – from navigating the ever-changing job market to conquering imposter syndrome and managing tricky interpersonal dynamics.

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Here's today's question:

Hi Brett,

Help! I'm a new-ish manager with a lot on her plate and not enough time to get it all done. (Tale as old as time, right?) I was promoted about three months ago, so I should be past the 90-day learning curve, but I just cannot get a handle on things. It feels like the minute I hit my stride on one project, another lands on my desk.

I have a team of three; they're all very smart and capable. They never complain when I give them tasks but I also wonder if I'm delegating correctly, or if there's something I could be doing better. I often find myself stuck in the weeds and pulling 16-hour days to push things through to the finish line. My team will work extra if I ask... However, I don't want them to see me as a tyrant, either.

How can I get a better handle on my time management? Do you have any other advice for a new manager like me?



Dear S.G.,

Being a new manager can indeed feel overwhelming, but you're not alone in facing these challenges. Generally, time management problems can be traced back to issues with two things: delegation and prioritization.

Let's start by addressing prioritization. One of my favorite adages states: If everything is a priority, nothing is a priority.

So, S.G., what is actually a priority, and what can wait - and how do you figure that out? Here's a couple of tips:

  1. Start each workday, start by identifying one thing that you need to get done that will make everything else easier. Then, do that thing. You can do this for up to three tasks total, but before that, you run the risk of overwhelm and making everything a "priority."
  2. When given a new task/project, work backward to figure out the path you need to take to complete it. Start by breaking it down into smaller milestones. While you'll never want to lose focus on the larger goal, remember that every milestone is a step on the staircase toward it. List out every single step, keeping things as "bite-size" as possible. For example, if a smaller goal is to get stakeholder consensus, what are the exact steps you'll need to take in order to reach it? Once you've completed this exercise, apply the previous principal. Bonus: you'll get a hit of dopamine every time you cross an item off that list.

Now, let's talk about delegation. It's great that you trust your team, but part of your job as a manager is to give everyone work that will help them grow as well as play to their strengths. Correctly delegating tasks and aligning them with team members' strengths and growth areas is a cornerstone of effective leadership. If you feel guilty (my word, not yours) for adding to your team's plate, know that giving them work that aligns with their strengths helps build confidence, and people are more motivated when they feel they are contributing meaningfully to the team. Along the same lines, delegating tasks that challenge employees encourages growth and learning, both vital to career development.

But how do you know what to delegate to whom? I'm a big fan of the Zone of Genius framework from Gay Hendricks' book, The Big Leap. I could dedicate an entire column to this - in fact, I may in the future - but the basic concept is that people’s performance consists of a mixture of skills, strengths, and talents. When all talents, skills, and strengths are all aligned, we are in our Zone of Genius.

Identifying tasks that align with each team member's unique strengths and talents not only optimizes productivity but also fosters a more fulfilling work environment.

The key is to remember that we each have our own unique Zone of Genius. Something that feels un-fun or tiresome to you may be the very thing that another person excels at and even loves! As a manager, I recommend sitting down with each member of your team to explore what lights them up, what they're skilled in, and their unique talents.

You'll also want to complete this exercise for yourself. Be ruthlessly honest - what are you naturally good at? What do you absolutely dread? And what is simply not your forte? This will give you further insight into what should stay squarely on your plate, and what should be delegated to the appropriate team member.

Remember, effective leadership involves empowering your team and aligning their strengths with tasks that challenge and inspire them. Your self-awareness and empathy are already assets in this journey.

Chinn Up, S.G.! You're on the right path.

Thanks for reading! If you found this valuable, please share it with a friend or colleague. P.S. Want me to answer your question in a future edition? Drop your conundrum in the comments, send it to me via DM, or email it to [email protected] . Interested in my 1:1 coaching services? Book a (free) intro call here .

Blair Doran, PHR, SHRM-CP

Owner of Good HR | HR Consultant | Leadership Coach

3 个月

This was a great read Brett!

Brian Fink

I enjoy bringing people together to solve complex problems, build great products, and get things done at McAfee!

3 个月

Effective delegation isn't just a fancy term for dumping your workload on others; it’s the secret sauce for supercharging team dynamics. Done right, it turns a sluggish team into a productivity powerhouse. It builds trust—think of it as giving your team the keys to the sports car rather than keeping them on the tricycle. It's about recognizing who's best equipped to handle tasks, empowering them, and then stepping back to watch the magic happen. The result? A more motivated, skilled team and a leader who actually has time to strategize rather than micromanage. Win-win.



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