This Article has been published a couple of times over the past couple of years with great and sometimes humorous responses as I see there are many new licensees entering the profession or trying to, whether paralegal or lawyer, I am sending it out there again.

As many of you that have followed over the years know, every now and then a subject or pet peeve that we feel strongly about and maintained a respectful silence about gets to much for me to keep my mouth shut no matter how I feel about such opinion postings on this world wide webby thing. As such after congratulating the various members and/or licensees for their obvious achievements I watched the various discussions and inquiries about the hanging up of their shingles before the ink was dry and it worried me.

So with that preamble I want to suggest the following;

Steak not Sizzle

Almost everyone on getting ready to open their first firm, including me back when fire and the wheel were just out for Beta testing, thinks that they want a cool, Bay Street looking office to impress the clients, drum up business and look like they are a movers and shakers. The problem with this approach is the that your lease will be from 12 to 24 months long at a rate you probably could not afford without the line of credit and it will only take 3 to 6 months to discover that clients were not waiting to storm your doors and that having an office and sign has no proportionate relationship to the amount of work you get and the willingness of clients to actually pay you. Thus to avoid the issue of an outstanding line of credit and no work to service it consider taking baby steps. Set up an office at home if it can be made practical, share space, rent chambers space, work from home and arrange meeting and conference areas or just work for someone else either on contract or on a referral basis. The bottom line is be cheap in respect to expenditures, invest only in capital and service expenses that are of a long term benefit, save you time or make you money. You obviously spent the time to get to this position and as such have the passion for what you are doing but you have to remember it is a business not a vocation, pro bono is commendable, causes are honourable but they do not pay the bills.

As to the concept of the flashy office from personal experience and as implied by the title to this portion of my unsolicited rant, steak is better than sizzle. Work hard on your cases, prepare, prepare and prepare. Win what you can. Put up a hard and reasoned fight for all whether you win or lose. Word of mouth that you are prepared and willing to fight is better than a hundred bill boards or a thousand social media hits.

Invest in Your Future

Ok, now that I have told you not to spend money I am going to tell you to spend some money, not because you will want to do this but because in 2, 5, 10 and 20 years you will light a candle for me on my birthday or you can pay me now in anticipation of your savings….. no, didn’t think so but worth a shot.

As indicated above you do not need the fancy office but it would not hurt to have some of the modern bells and whistles. For those of you that have looked beyond the licensing procedures and for those of you that have not you will soon learn a new phrase, words that strike more fear than the name Voldemort (you are welcome Harry Potter nerds)……. LSO AUDIT!!!!!

Ohhhh not scared, ok, go to the LSO website and read the LSO Practice Audit outline…when you get out from under your desk continue reading this…….

Now, that we are on the same page we can agree that it would appear that if you do everything you are required to do to comply with LSO standards you will not have time to actually practice law. Not the case…. planning and technology. While not available when I started practice when we carried books into the Court room and faxes were new fangled things, the new software Ulaw etc were unavailable, they can help keep you organized, make LSO reporting simple and make many of your reports a click away. I am not recommending any specific one both because I do not know and because I think Space Invaders is still pretty cool, however the many people I know that have been audited have all stated that the programs helped save them time, money, and years of their lives worrying about the audit. This is not to say that this technology is the be all and end all, rather it deals with some of the complex issues that would be hard to catch up on. The secret is to set up the required systems and make them part of your normal practice on each file, set up forms and practices for each file and stick to them, pain in the butt now but pays dividends in lack of time spent catching up and in stressing generally, be one of those members that everyone hates that gets notice of an audit and says ok what else is new.

Now that we have dealt with the scary stuff we can move on to the stuff you will not like until you are my age at which time if you listen to me I expect a small monument or shrine built in your offices to my honour. This advice is clearly not mine and as such not listened to at the time it was given but now that I am an old fart writing this I know that I would not be an old fart writing this if I had done what I was told. Pay yourself!!!!

I am not talking about weekly wages or money to pay the rent, I am saying forego the daily double mocha chino, frappe, gold leaf, caramel swirl, double shot with extra froth at Starbucks and put that $1,000.00 or $10.00 into a RRSP, bank shares, long term bank account, low risk portfolio or anything you cannot pull out tomorrow. Eventually we all say if I could go back in time I would invest money and collect it now with compound interest. Well you are now back in time….do it! Doesn’t seem like much but in 30 years it adds up and means you get to retire happy rather than keep slogging it out to pay the bills and write irritating Facebook posts. Your Welcome!!!!

Attitude Rather Than Advocacy

So, at this point as you have listened to me because I am old, we can again discuss an issue that works hand in hand with your hours of preparation on each file to ensure that you are not talking through an alternative orifice when dealing with opposing Counsel, Representatives or the Court. For this I have always have several rules that have been compiled over the years as a result of both experience and talking with Counsel and Judges that knew a lot more about the practice of law than I did, these rules are as follows.

a) I was once told by a very experienced Counsel that he always was polite and respectful to every opposing representative he ever spoke to on any file not because he presumed that they knew more than he did or that they had more experience than he did but rather because he assumed the moment he became an arrogant dick he would be wrong and the secret that he actually was a dick would be out

b) Remember that you are the advocate, no matter how badly you think your client has been wronged, you have not been wronged, no matter how much of a dick you think the opposing party is, your colleague representing them is not a dick, he or she is simply doing his or her job. You have been retained to do a job based on your knowledge and dispassionate professionalism, you have not been retained to yell, scream, threaten or convince opposing Counsel that they are a dick and you know better so conduct yourself accordingly if for no other reason that you do not want to end up before the Court looking like the real dick.

c) Do not send letters lecturing your opposite number on the law and your alleged obvious superior knowledge of same mainly because you could be wrong and again not just look like a dick but an arrogant one to boot. As you are on opposite sides of a matter you will always disagree with opposing Counsel or representative you will either work out a settlement based on the facts, inherent trial risks and best interests of your client or you will go to trial, sometimes a trial will result from your lack of preparation sometimes from the other sides lack thereof or sometimes just because a matter has to go to trial to be resolved, its not personal its professional, if you have said something during the course of proceedings that would impede you going to lunch afterwards with the opposing representative, you are doing it Wrong and may be the dick.

Thus based on the above I hope I have suggested some means by which you can succeed both at the business of law and that you can avoid being a dick, and by avoiding same gain the respect of your peers and the Courts because to paraphrase a principle of physics, while nature abhors a vacuum, the Courts abhor a dick.

Well I have spent enough time spreading my so called wisdom, if you do not like what I have suggested contact me in 20 years and tell me I am wrong, if you think it may help…..send money now, as I said I am old


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