Advice on how your care home can succeed with care technology!

Advice on how your care home can succeed with care technology!

Multiple local authorities in Scandinavia have analysed and compiled experiences regarding the use of care technology in the health and care sectors in Norway, Sweden, Denmark and Finland.?

Based on this analysis, they have put forward seven pieces of advice on how local authorities and care homes can succeed with care technology, drawing on experience from the health and care sectors in Norway, Sweden, Denmark and Finland.?

In this newsletter, we share these recommendations with you, as well as a few bonus tips from us!?

7 tips on how to succeed with care technology

  1. Wait until the technology is ready and be mindful of care recipients’ needs.? It is important that the technology is mature enough to be put into use. At the same time, the chosen technology must also be adapted to the needs of the care recipients.?
  2. Introduce one care technology solution at a time.? Implementing and adopting new care technology is resource- and time-consuming for everyone involved, especially while day-to-day tasks must still be carried out. For this reason, it is wise to introduce one technological solution at a time.?
  3. Do not rush.? It is crucial that staff become familiar and comfortable with the new technology, so slow down the implementation process. Haste can lead to uncertainty, which can quickly undermine both enthusiasm and progress.?
  4. Look after your ambassadors.? Digital ambassadors and ‘super users’ must be given the opportunity to share their engagement and enthusiasm for the technology. At the same time, it is important to give them space and ensure that their goodwill is not taken for granted.?
  5. Maintain an overview of workflows and role distribution.? When new care technology is to be integrated into a healthcare organisation, having a clear overview of the workflow and a well-defined distribution of roles is crucial.?
  6. Maintain good dialogue with staff about their attitudes towards care technology.? It is important to understand, reflect upon, and challenge the staff’s attitudes towards new technology. Encouraging staff to consider how the technology can improve their working day may foster curiosity and acceptance.?
  7. Care technology must be prioritised throughout the entire organisation.? When as many people as possible within the organisation are positive about care technology, it becomes simpler for everyone to introduce and use. Information and motivation are particularly important across all levels of management and staff, ensuring that care technology is prioritised throughout the organisation.?


Bonus advice from Sensio?

Use the same technology in all rooms.?

To ensure consistent workflows and clear work routines, it is important that every residential unit uses the same technology. The more (and larger) units that utilise the same technology (known as ‘broad implementation’), the greater the potential for seamless functionality and the realisation of more and greater benefits.?

Integrate the technology into everyday routines.?

When introducing care technology, it is important to update or establish new routines that include how staff will use the technology in their daily work. In addition, it is essential that welfare technology be incorporated into procedures relating to admissions, re-assessment of services, and discharge.?

Set clear goals!?

It is important to define clear goals for introducing care technology. Examples might include ‘reducing the number of falls’, ‘improving workflow’, or ‘improving sleep/reducing disturbances for residents.’ It is also important that these goals are communicated widely throughout the organisation.?

We hope this has given you some ideas about how to proceed when adopting care technology!?

