I’ve been dealing with this problem with a lot of my clients lately. It has to do with the people you’re taking advice from… or the people you’re trying to impress.
So my question to you is this… Do You think you’re Worthy to get what you want out of life?
Many of my clients are torn between what they want and what they think they’re allowed to have. And they don’t even know how badly this is sabotaging their success.
See if this pertains to you too.
How often do you let friends and family, give you advice about your business and your marketing, when they’ve never had any experience in any of these things, and they’ve never had the courage to do something out of their comfort zone before.
It’s so easy to forget that you’re getting advice from the wrong people, because they’re a part of your inner circle of individuals you trust, but you’re taking free advice from people that have no right giving it, even if they have the best of intentions.
You can’t continue to let people who have done nothing business related in their own lives, tell you how to do anything when it comes to running your business.
Hi there. I’m Jason Hurst with High Ticket Course Design. And I’m here to tell you that it’s OK for you to finally start thinking for yourself, and trim the fat off of your friends lists if you’ve been considering it. Same goes for certain family members as well. If you have a vision of what you want your life to look like, and it’s better than what you’re experiencing now, you deserve to get it. So stop wasting time and go make it happen! Anyone who tells you that it can’t be done or shouldn’t be done is just scared.
They either failed and quit, or they’re just too scared to do anything new themselves. Stay away from them because they’ll end up taking you down with their scarcity mindset. They believe that people can’t afford your services. They believe that no one would ever buy a program from you for more than $500, let alone $5000.
So, why would you ever listen to any advice they give you?
It reminds me of a quote that I read years ago from the actor Will Smith. ,It goes something like this… If you’re absent during my struggle, don’t expect to be present during my success.
In other words, you have more than enough people in your life that think small… and they will not support you as an entrepreneur during the hard times. They’re the ones constantly trying to convince you to go get a job.
But guess what… as soon as you start earning 25k, 50k, or 100k, every month… all of a sudden they want to start telling you how awesome you are. Only it’s for the wrong reasons. They’re only supporting you now that you’ve become wealthy, because they want a piece of what you worked so hard for, even when they didn’t believe in you before. Don’t fall for that nonsense. They will end up taking you back down to their level out of guilt over time.
And That’s what this diagram is about.
It’s the different versions of the Circle of Influence Vs. the Circle of Concern
If your Circle of Concern occupies the most real estate here, then you lose:
Most people function in the circle of concern. (Image on left)
Its where things out of your control. These people are re-active. They focus on circumstances that they have no control over. They operate through everyone else's opinions instead of their own.
Now, the image on the right is where Leaders operate at.
This is what you control = YOU and only YOU.
If you spend time here, you will be pro-active instead of reactive, and you’ll have a higher chance of becoming successful because you’re not letting outside influencers dictate your thoughts and actions… You’re dictating theirs. You’re using your leadership skills to convince others to start thinking like you…Or, just leave your circle completely.
**The more time you spend in your circle of influence and not your circle of concern, the larger your circle of influence will be.
Make sense?
You see, there are too many people in your life that think with a scarcity mindset. You may be living there too. And it doesn’t matter what you do for your business… If you think with scarcity, you’ll never leave the level you’re at.
There’s an abundance of everything out there from resources to money. And there’s a prospect at every single price point you can think of. Don’t let others with weak minds, and entitlement attitudes, convince you that your dreams are unreachable or selfish. If you have a solution to someone else’s problem, then it’s selfish to keep it to yourself. And if you have a solution that can transform someone else’s life… then you deserve to charge a premium above and beyond what you’re currently charging now.
Never feel guilty for getting paid well for helping clients when everything else they’ve tried has failed them. If you want to be proud of what you’ve accomplished, and you feel that you deserve more for the value that you provide, then you need to find better people to hang out with that want you to succeed as much as you do. Period.
If you don’t cut out the negative people from your life, you’ll never have a chance to have the life you’ve been dreaming of. These negative influencers in your life think that money changes people for the worse. You’ve heard that saying your entire life right?
What most people don’t understand about money, is that getting more money only amplifies what you already were. If you were a narcissistic jerk, before you had money, then you’ll be a super narcissistic jerk after you become wealthy. But, if you were giving, gracious and kind before you had money, then you’ll be even more giving, gracious and kind after you become wealthy.
Don’t you agree? Doesn’t that make sense?
Money opens opportunities that allow you to become a better version of yourself. Especially when it’s money that’s earned.You have a vision of what you want your life to be. Go get it. You never needed anyone’s blessing, but if you’re looking a blessing, I’m giving you mine now. Hit your goals and help more people hit theirs.
That’s how true value is created in our abundant universe.
Good luck "trimming the fat"!
Jason Hurst