Advertising Standards & Specifications
Bhavin Gandecha
Program Management | OTT | Hustle Mindset | Student of Leadership | Development Speaker | Love Coaching & Mentoring | Hope Influencer
Since the last couple of articles, we have been discussing digital advertising. Let's take one more step to understand the technical landscape better.
Previous articles focused on the Difference between Client-Side Ad Insertion & Severe-side ad insertion, in a later article we learned went behind the scenes and learned how the process works from an architecture POV.
In this article, we are looking at some of the drivers, and specifications, that help the advertisers scale so that they reach larger audiences and publishers so that they monetize optimally.
Interactive Advertising Bureau come-up with streamlined Ad operations specifications. These specifications have been widely accepted among publishers, ad networks, and ad serving systems.
It opens up inventory and sales for digital video advertising.
VAST - Video Ad Serving Template
It was created to help advertisers scale their ads across multiple publishers.
VAST offers a structured method for ad servers and video players to communicate, it also enables basic ad tracking which provides valuable consumer engagement metrics for advertisers.
VPAID - Video Player Ad Interface Definition
V paid offers enhanced features that allow advertisers to create richer and more interactive video experiences that scale easily across a broad range of consumer devices.
For example, a consumer might click a VPAID-enabled ad to engage deeper with the ad's content.
VPAID components could include an expanding ad that presents a minigame or a subscription form pausing the content while the user engages.
An ad could also show a movie preview an educational tutorial or some other video element to further enhance the ad experience.
VMAP - Video Multi-Ad Playlist
VMAP enables a Content owner to specify the exact placement of ad brakes in situations where they don't control the video player.
This ensures an optimal content viewing experience for the consumer.
With VMAP the number and placement of ad brakes can be defined by the content owner prior to distribution.
Publishers now know where to insert their ad tags within the content.
VAST, VPAID, and VMAP can each be used independently or in combination.
The digital video market is growing, and implementation of these specifications makes the process easier for everyone including content owners, vendors, etc