Advertisers: "Made for Advertising" websites are toxic to your ad spend... and the planet.

Advertisers: "Made for Advertising" websites are toxic to your ad spend... and the planet.

"Made for advertising" websites are created for the sole purpose of generating revenue from advertising. These websites often host low-quality content and are designed to generate high levels of traffic through the use of misleading headlines and clickbait tactics. Here’s the full scope of the problem and why advertisers need to be extremely cautious.

According to media investment analysis firm Ebiquity, “Made for Advertising” websites capture around 15% of all ad spends, despite badly harming the programmatic advertising industry. Even worse, MFAs tend to use fraudulent tactics to generate traffic, such as using bots to click on ads or using malicious software to infect users' computers. This results in marketers paying for forced, fake, or invalid traffic, which negatively impacts the effectiveness of their campaigns.

>> Read more here

How Adloox pushes the limits of ad-verification:?

  • Our proprietary technologies allow us to act fast to list fraudulent or irrelevant websites and provide the best traffic quality as possible to our customers.
  • We flag 30 other categories of IVT and inefficiencies.
  • Our test panels showed us a rate up to 20% of Invalid Traffic when there’s no prebid optimisation, depending on the DSP and the geotargeting.

?? Our ad-verification suite interests you? Book a demo with our team.



