Adversity-Through COVID-19
Danny Christian
CEO at Environment Control of New Mexico/Loba Luna Bed and Breakfast,LLC
“Adversity reveals genius and prosperity conseals it” (Staubach)
If you have been around for the last 2 months I am sure that you and Adversity are BFF’s by now; Best Friends Forever. WOW, this has been a ride. So the question becomes how do you, we, I handle adversity. Whether this it is an adversity you have brought on yourself, or if its adveristy brought on by life and things out of your control. I touched on it last week, we need to respond to adversity and not react to it. As leaders and/or managers when we respond to adversity we are exersizing wisdom, when we react we are using our emotions. No body should ever make any decision out of emotions, we should only make life changing/altering decisions out of facts, knowledge, and the exersize of that, which is called wisdom.
If this has not given you adversity direclty, then it has at least let you experience it by a family member, friend, enemy, foe…..somewhere somhow you have not escaped adveristy the last 3 months. The question is: What has it taught you? Have you run from it? Have you learned from it? Has it made you stronger? Has it made you love more? Has it made you more aware of those things in life that matter……the things that will last when you are gone. What has it done to your relationships? (family/work/friends/enemies). Things come to light in the midst of adversity.
I love this statement: Let us boast in tribulation (adversity), knowing that tribulation (adversity) produces patience, patience produces character, and character produces hope.
You see you will only reap what you sow. What I mean is if you let adversity beat you down, tear you up, affect your life in a negative way then you will not have the blessing and value of sowing in your life wisdom, perseverance, faith. Which means then you can not pass that along to those in your life. Be of good cheer, fear not, and lets OVERCOME together. YOU ARE NOT ALONE.
Environment Control