Adversity Builds our Roots
I was talking to a friend today about their inch plant. They were concerned, thinking they should water the plant more than the recommended every other week.
"I don't know, I just think it could use some more water."
“Stick your finger and the dirt. Does it feel moist?”
“Damp, not moist.”
“But you feel moisture, correct?”
“Yes. But not very much.”
“Then you should wait until next week to water it.”
“Won’t it grow more if I water it now, though, right?”
Here’s the thing. They were right. It would grow more vines and leaves if they kept watering their plant before it really needed the water. But, underneath, at the roots, it would become weak. The roots would become soft and easily breakable. Then, when the leaves became heavy and voluminous, the roots wouldn’t be strong enough to hold the weight and they would snap in half. Quite ironically, by watering the plant too much, my friend would cause the plant to eventually kill itself.
I don't think we are much different than plants.
I find that people who constantly have an influx of money, time, assets, etc. have as many issues as those who have had to struggle greatly to get and sustain those things. The difference I see is, those who didn’t go through the adversity for it, the thirst for it, often find themselves breaking from the weight of them.
In order to experience long-term, sustainable growth we need to face adversity. We need to grow deep and strong roots. Then, when we DO find ourselves flourishing, we have a stable foundation. We’re internally strong and we’re prepared for times of adversity to come again, because they inevitably will.
It is the disciplines, habits, and processes that we develop during adversity that allow us to survive, and then thrive no matter what is thrown our way. So be thankful for some times of drought, times of storm, and times of trial, sink those roots deep, and be ready to grow like crazy when the water flows and the sun shines.
What are some of the adversities you’ve faced that help you build YOUR roots??