Advent of Code Day 1
Brodie Heginbotham
Impact-driven Revenue Ops Professional and Software nerd | Certified Salesforce Administrator and Apex+Javascript Programmer
This was a fun one! Took me around 40 minutes, but most of that time was getting more familiar with Python. One thing I learned is that if you want to access the index of an array you're looping, you need to use enumerate(). It was also cool getting to play with Python's built-in file reading/editing. Coming from Javascript, this is a much simpler way to do things than Javascript's file system.
What do you think of my solution? What could I have done better?
import csv
list1 = []
list2 = []
totalDifference = 0
similarityScore = 0
frequencyMap = {}
def getLists():
# Format text to replace spaces with a \tab so it can be read into array
with (open('data.csv', 'r') as data,
open('newdata.csv', 'w') as new_data):
for line in data:
new_data.write(line.replace(' ', '\t'))
with open('newdata.csv') as new_data:
reader=csv.reader(new_data, delimiter='\t')
for line in reader:
for i, item in enumerate(list1):
if(item not in frequencyMap):
frequencyMap[item] = 0
totalDifference += (abs(item - (list2[i])))
for i, item in enumerate(list2):
if(item in frequencyMap):
frequencyMap[item] += 1
for key, value in frequencyMap.items():
frequencyScore += (key * value)