Advantages of working in a small organization

Advantages of working in a small organization

The time of looking for a new place of employment is one of the most important decisions in life for most people. After all, we spend about 8 hours at work every day, which is 1/3 of our time during the day. It is therefore worth choosing an employer who will cover at least 80% of our expectations. The question is which kind of employer we should consider - a large, stable corporation or a smaller, boutique startup? I will explain the advantages of the latter in this article.

First… impact on changes.

A small company has usually a flat structure. So getting to the President of the Board is not a big challenge. Your ideas are often considered by people managing the company, and not, for example, by the manager of a specific department. Thanks to this, you have a real impact on the development of the company and you participate in its creation by being close to the center. This is undoubtedly a big plus because it often determines the motivation to work. If the company is small, there is a good chance that you will be listened to and your ideas implemented.

Secondly, competence development.

Thanks to working in a small company, you will be able to learn more for a very simple reason - you will get to know work, projects from different perspectives. When working in a corporation, you are usually responsible for one specific piece of your work, you do not step out of your comfort zone, and you can often experience boredom because you have done all your tasks for the day. Working in a boutique organization is a completely different dimension - there is no room for boredom here, everything changes much faster, so you evolve all the time and see continuous progress and development.

Third, and perhaps most importantly?

Atmosphere. Yes, this is one of the key things when it comes to working in a given company. Even the best money cannot compensate for the pushy boss, the dense atmosphere and the lack of real, friendly relations. A small company often makes its co-workers feel like family. They work in a small team every day, often spend most of the day together and can therefore integrate more efficiently. It is also possible in a corporation, but there is often a situation where you pass a person in the corridor that you do not know at all. In a small company, this is impossible. And what should be mentioned at the end - as an individual you are treated much more special, in a corporation you are one of hundreds or thousands.

Summary: both large and small companies have many advantages and disadvantages when it comes to work. It is impossible to clearly indicate what company size is a good choice for a given entity. In this article, I focused on showing the advantages of working in a small company, but if your character is created to work in a large office building in a huge open space, then changing the company from a bigger to a smaller one does not have to be a good solution. A small company is primarily a family atmosphere, no dress code and a real impact on its development, and this should be remembered.



