Advantages of wood countertops.
Torrente Kitchen
In torrentekitchenandbath, we offer to our customers a big variety of kitchens and bath styles.
Choosing the kitchen countertop is one of the key decisions in any kitchen project, since that is where we do all the work of preparation being one of the most punished areas of the kitchen. One of the most common types of countertops, are wood countertops
One of the advantages of the most remarkable wooden countertops is its price since they are cheaper, than the countertops of natural stone or resin. They are, therefore, a good option if we want to change ours and we do not have much budget.
On the other hand, wood has natural antibacterial properties, since numerous scientific studies have shown that wood has hygienic properties, in direct contact with food.
- Aesthetics: White kitchens with wooden countertops are a trend, since they confer warmth and complement each other perfectly, with the kitchens of modern lines.
- Moisture resistance: These countertops are created, from pieces of solid wood, joined with high quality adhesives with a high resistance to moisture.
- Easy cleaning: We only have to wash it with water and neutral soap, then we can wipe it dry, so it is completely clean.
Community manager: Sayduvis Blanco. 24-05-2018.