The advantages of using Flutter MVC pattern with GetX.

The advantages of using Flutter MVC pattern with GetX.

What is MVC Architecture?

MVC, short for Model-View-Controller, is a design blueprint in software development. It divides an application into three key sections: the model, responsible for managing data and logic; the view, which handles the user interface and displays data; and the controller, which facilitates communication between the model and the view, managing input. The aim of MVC is to compartmentalize the responsibilities of each part, simplifying development, upkeep, and testing. It's a widely employed approach in creating web and mobile apps.

Why should we use MVC

  1. Separation of concerns:?MVC separates the application into three distinct components, each with its own responsibility. This makes the code more organized and easier to understand, maintain and modify.
  2. Reusability:?The separation of concerns allows for greater code reuse. The model and controller can be reused across multiple views, and the view can be reused across multiple controllers.
  3. Testability:?MVC architecture makes it easier to test each component of the application in isolation, which improves the overall quality and reliability of the code.
  4. Flexibility:?Because MVC separates the application into distinct components, it makes it easy to change or replace one component without affecting the others.
  5. Scalability:?MVC architecture allows for more flexibility in how the application can be scaled, both in terms of adding new features and supporting additional users.
  6. Ease of maintenance:?With MVC architecture, it is easy to maintain the application because any changes made to the model or the controller do not affect the view, and vice versa.

Responsibilities of MVC classes in Flutter

In Flutter, the MVC pattern can be implemented by creating separate classes for the Model, View, and Controller.

  1. Model:?The Model “represents the data and business logic”?of the application. It should be a plain Dart class, with properties and methods that correspond to the data and logic of the application.
  2. View: The View is “responsible for displaying the data to the user”. In Flutter, the View is implemented using widgets. The widgets should be stateless and should only be responsible for displaying the data, not for handling user input or performing any business logic.
  3. Controller: The Controller “handles user input and communicates between the Model and the View”. It should be a separate Dart class, and it should use the?setState?method to update the View when the Model changes.

Implementing flutter MVC with GetX

To implement the Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern in a Flutter app using GetX, you will need to:

  1. Create a model class that holds the data for your app and defines the logic for manipulating that data.
  2. Create a controller class that manages the state of the app and communicates with the model. The controller should also handle any business logic or network calls.
  3. Create a view class that displays the data from the model and allows the user to interact with the app. The view should use the controller to update the model and handle user actions.
  4. Use GetX to bind the model and controller to the view.

Here’s some sample code:

In this example, the MyModel class holds a count value that is observed by the MyView class using GetX’s?obs?property. The MyController class manages the state of the app and communicates with the MyModel class. The MyView class displays the data from the MyModel class and uses the MyController class to handle user actions.




