The Advantages Of Rear-View Back Up Cameras
Back Up cameras are one of those technologies that automobile makers have been adding into their newer models because they enhance the safety of the driver and can help eliminate accidents. The wide-angle lenses that are incorporated into the technology are specifically designed for the automotive industry because the camera must operate in varying weather conditions and environments.
The cameras need to be able to operate in low-light, in a wide angle field, provide high resolution and high color fidelity regardless of the ambient lighting conditions. The cameras also provide a view to the driver that offers a low distortion – crucial to preventing accidents.
What are the benefits to the camera technology?
1. The technology is a button-sized device that allows for drivers to see objects and people behind the vehicle. Some of them have sensors that sound an alarm when the vehicle is getting close to an object.
2. It’s been shown that these cameras can help prevent accidents by up to 55%.
3. They can add a major expense to the cost of a new vehicle – up to $2,000 in some cases – but add safety to the operation of the vehicle that can outweigh the cost.
4. Even an older vehicle can have the camera technology installed.
5. The weather conditions could impact how well the camera technology functions. Dirt and road salt build up can also affect its operation – keep it clean.