The advantages of LTE Advanced

The advantages of LTE Advanced

LTE stands for “Long-Term Evolution” and is offered as wireless broadband connectivity with mobility.

As one pundit summarizes, the main advantages of of LTE is that”… it relies on broadcasting towers, not cable, meaning a cable doesn’t need to be installed in the ground over the ‘last mile’ to your home or business. That makes it a faster convenience for neighbourhoods and businesses that don’t yet have fibre in their area.” (

LTE Advanced or LTE-A has even more advantages oven the previous incarnation of LTE.

As one article succinctly encapsulates this difference: “LTE-A stands for LTE-Advanced. It is a standard for mobile communication that is one generation beyond LTE (Long Term Evolution). Whereas LTE was a 3G communication standard, LTE-A is a 4G or fourth generation communication standard.” (

In technical terms, the main benefit of LTE Advanced is referred to as ‘ carrier aggregation’. This in essence means that LTE advanced differs from LTE in that

with conventional LTE networks, “…carriers broadcast in multiple frequency bands, but each device or 4G router can only utilize a single frequency band at a time. At any given time, certain frequency bands may be overtaxed with traffic, while other frequency bands remain underutilized. This means the devices are underutilizing the network resources, and quality-of-service (QoS) might be negatively impacted by high-volume usage on one band within a geographic area or when applications require a lot of bandwidth.” (

However, carrier aggregation makes it possible for carriers to transmit data over multiple network bands at once, through a single “aggregated data pipe.” Therefore ,

  • LTE Advanced offers better Quality-of-Service (QoS)
  • LTE-A utilizes a more efficient packet scheduling protocol and allows carriers to manage radio frequency resources more flexibly.
  • Thirdly, LTE Advanced is more reliable.
  • LTE-A is three times faster than the previous generation of LTE (

An important factor to consider is that the use of Multiple frequency bands in LTE Advanced overrides the problem of connectivity interruptions when a devise switches frequency bands. A further important aspect is that “…even if one band drops, the device stays connected via the second band in the aggregated data pipe.” (

It is for this reason that businesses can trust LTE-A with essential connections and vital applications.

The bottom line is that LTE-A  is the ultimate solution for those who don’t have access to ADSL or Fibre to the home connectivity. You Save on costs as No landline needed ! 

Now Imaginet also offers roll-over on data for an additional full calendar month. Top-up bundles shall remain at 30 days from the date of purchase.  

  LTE-A is the future of fixed wireless connectivity! Aimed at providing affordable high-speed, reliable wireless Internet in areas that don’t have DSL or Fibre coverage. Imaginet now also offers Cell C LTE-A .

Get the best home and business LTE-A deals and Cell C LTE-A in South Africa right here!

The choices are great but you will need to find out whether you are within the coverage area.

Visit our Site for your LTE-A connection Now!!!


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