The advantages and disadvantages of reading books.

The advantages and disadvantages of reading books.

Do you read a book in your daily lifestyle.. Is it your habit or not..?? 

Which types of book do you read in your day to day life..?? 

Do you know the advantages and disadvantages of reading a book...?? 

These are many questions which people think or have in their mind.

Perhaps I have these answer about these... 

There had been an question why billionaire and trillioners reads books most times. 

Might probably this would be an answer.

"Books are our best friends..." As the quote suggests.

By reading the book you cultivate new thoughts in your mind. 

These thoughts can change personality and behaviour 

of an person. 

These creates and empact in persons life. 

Many different kinds of books are available in shops as well as in open market which gives different types of knowledge. !!

There are perhaps religious books which gives religious knowledge. 

Educational books which give different types of education, how to skill or master vocabulary, grammer mistakes and many other like Information technology books like how to code, coding in different programming languages,web devloping,master backend and frontend, physiotherapy, psychology, brain anatomy, medicinal plants and it's uses, ayurveda, allopathy,vastu shastra, learn about The space anatomy and plantes,designing books like fashion design and interior design,food recipes books like how to cook, learn to draw books like how to draw for beginners,master sketching etc how to become an enterpreneur,managing finances, how to grow an business, etc

Are also great topics of books are which are available and great to learn. 

Autiobiography of famous person's life and their famous works which inspired us too. 

Animated and creative books like Alice in wonderland, narnia, harry Potter, are quite famous. 

There are many comics written by famous writters which are popular among most of the children's of the world. 

Great articles published in books are also an kind of inspiration to many people. 

These all types of books gives us knowledge and make our mind calm and strong . 

Many people headed to library where there is a long bookshelves containing books... These books are actually knowledge which we can read and can give these knowledge to other people. 

These books pages contain written articles which help you to speak their content in your own worlds in speeches during some events or programmes. 

Perhaps., there are many things which we can learn from books but coming to the conclusion there are last I mentioned...

The advantages of reading an books are as follow :-

° improve vocubalury

° improve skills

° improve creativity

° provide perspective

° fun to read

° Help you improve your professional life

° provide knowledge

The disadvantages of reading books are as follows :-

° consumes time

° spend money fast

° waste of time. 

° people call you a nerd

° will power is needed

° weakens the eyesight

° infocrastination

Reading books is most successful habit of succesful people's. 

Reading books had always been an advantageous, Disadvantages vivid ,and livings. 

The advantages of reading books is to get knowledge , education from the book. 

Reading books always consumes much of times so it had been an great disadvantages for most of the people's. 

The disadvantage of not reading a book is you can't take the knowledge or education from the book. 


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