Advantages and Disadvantages...

Advantages and Disadvantages...





What is CALL? CALL is an abbreviation of Computer Assisted Language Learning. This is a learning tool placed within software to assist both language teachers and students, especially English to utilize it for the benefit of their teaching – learning processes. According to Wikipedia, CALL is “a form of computer-based assisted learning which carries two important features: bidirectional learning and individualized learning. It is not a method. CALL materials are tools for learning. The focus of CALL is learning, and not teaching. CALL materials used in teaching to facilitate the language learning process. It is a student-centered accelerated learning material, which promotes self-paced accelerated learning”. From this statement, it is clear that the function of CALL is as a mediator to ease the language learning properly so that the facilitator (teachers) and the learners (students) are capable to utilize this tool as efficient as possible. Utilizing this learning tool efficiently means that both of them are might explore the useful and handy icons or things within this tool in order to enhance their learning outcomes sufficiently.


The Advantages of CALL


CALL as one of the tools in language learning has three main advantages.


The first is availability. While teachers usually have limited time to facilitate their students, The CALL program within the computer has no limitation at all in facilitating the students. In other word, CALL has extensive availability due to its long duration program installed within the software. For instance, if in a particular English skill, say writing session, the usual maximum time spent by teachers to facilitate the students is at least two hours. However, the CALL program is able to spend the learning time for 24 hours a day or even more. This unlimited time of CALL supported by Wikipedia by submitting that one quantifiable benefit to increased motivation is that students tend to spend more time on tasks when on the computer. More time frequently cited as a factor in achievement. From that statement above, we might consider CALL availability as the main attraction especially for students when they have to consume extensive amount of time out of the classrooms such as; in their houses, libraries with hot spot facilities, and so forth. Therefore, teachers should encourage their students to spent longer time exploring their CALL within their computers as good as possible.


The second is flexibility. The existence of CALL is to put a proper adjustment upon students’ learning pace and allow them to do the self-control on their own progression. It shown by a description from Wikipedia that “adapting to the student usually means that the student controls the pace of the learning but also means that students can make choices in what and how to learn, skipping unnecessary items or doing remedial work on difficult concepts. Such control makes students feel more competent in their learning”. Flexible things usually attract students the most. They are always enthusiastic if the learning atmosphere set in a sense of flexibility. They can obtain a number of benefits toward the flexibility offer by CALL. Ahmad (et al, 1985) explained that CALL program “is flexible in a number of significant ways. It often happens that students cannot attend a class because of illness, timetable clashes, and other problems. This present no difficulty for the computer.


 The third is independency. Since the beginning of the 21st century teachers’ role are transformed not just as “the telling parties” but rather than “the sharing parties.” CALL, which totally uses computer as its media to convey the lessons to the students, is a breakthrough toward traditional teaching strategy that merely place teachers as a center. Both sides allowed sharing their ideas within the learning process by utilizing the valuable contents in order to sharpen their language acquisition. To support the prior statement about independency loaded within computer (CALL) Kuang-wu Lee from Hsuan Chuang University (Hsinchu, Taiwan) stated that Independence from a Single Source of Information, means; although students can still use their books, they are given the chance to escape from canned knowledge and discover thousands of information sources. As a result, their education fulfils the need for interdisciplinary learning in a multicultural world. (

From those three advantages of CALL, availability, flexibility and independency teachers are capable to incorporate attractive learning options adjusted with sources, students’ pace, and self-control. CALL, as one of beneficial media in language learning exists to assist both teachers and students in facilitating the learning process properly. The facilitation which provided by CALL is aimed to enhance students’ acquisition toward the learning process. Both sides (teachers and students) are the significant users upon this language-learning device. As the significant users, both of them expected to utilize it as optimum as possible. The optimum utilization of CALL is not only improving teachers’ role as the “facilitating parties”, but also to strengthen students’ role as the “learning parties.”


The Disadvantages of CALL


CALL, as a valuable tool in language learning also own advantages. There are also three disadvantages of CALL.


 The first is financial problem such as; lots of money to spend to buy personal computers. This is the main problem in taking CALL program both in schools and in home. The financial problem emerged due to not all the teachers and students are afford to buy computer since its price is quite high today. In line with the above statement Hartoyo (2006, 32) argued that “viewing from the financial point, CALL is costly enough for the programmer or teacher, let alone for students. A lot of funds have to be provided to purchase equipment, design programs, and for the maintenance.”


The second is technology barriers. Technological barriers are the problem usually faces by the teachers. They hesitate to utilize CALL program in the computer since this tool is strange for them. The solution to overcome this problem is by providing a number of opportunities for teachers to get to know what computer is all about. This situation is depict by a question from (an online journal of English teaching) “You need to be technically minded to use a computer” and Kenneth Beare answered that he agreed with this statement. “Even though computer use is becoming easier every day, certain problems do arise when using the computer. By being technically minded, it is easier to solve these problems. However, if a teacher is not technically minded, it must be remembered that learning to use the computer is no more difficult than learning to teach the simple present. Therefore, I think that we all easily have the technical know-how to use a computer effectively.”


The third is the students’ unfamiliarity and inability upon CALL. Some students feel frustrated against CALL due to their response to CALL as a strange thing. Beside, lots of them have insufficient skill to carry out several simple instructions in the computer. Therefore, teachers must make their students familiar with CALL by providing them extensive opportunity to do computer practices. To overcome students’ unfamiliarity and inability upon CALL, T Ravichandran, M.A.,Ph.d, a lecturer from Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University, Lonere adds that “similarly, the pupils will need no readjustment of attitude when faced with a computer in a classroom and their familiarity and frequent association with the machine would replace the sense of awe and alienation felt by older people.”




CALL has four main strengths in enhancing students’ learning outcomes:


The first is Fostering Students’ Motivation. Computers are most popular among students either because they are associated with fun and games or because they are considered to be fashionable. Students motivation is therefore increased, especially whenever variety of activities offered, which make them feel more independent. Those various activities must supported by sufficient facilities along with teachers enthusiasm during the learning process. This constructive condition is depicted by Kenneth Beare, “The CALL program at a school also needs to have enough facilities to allow each student frequent usage of a computer. Most importantly, the teacher must be enthusiastic about and proficient in usingthe computer in order to get students excited about using computers (


The second is Enhancing Students’ Achievement. CALL might provoke students to do a number of stimulating practices by choosing a number of different software. Those software were meant to enhance students’ achievement toward the target language properly. Their achievement could emerge their self-confidence during the language learning processes. Ayres (2002) investigated how language learners respond to CALL and its relevancy in the context of language learning. The study conducted at New Zealand’s School of English and Applied Linguistics with 175 non-native undergraduate students enrolled in various language programs. In the study, participants given the opportunity to use various types of software they had to use but not instructed on which part of the software to use or how to use it. This flexibility allowed students to freely interact with the software and guide their own learning of the target language. Follow-up surveys administered to assess participants’ attitudes towards using the software. The study concludes that learners clearly favored classroom language instruction as opposed to strictly CALL instructions. However, most participants reported a high level of motivation with CALL and considered it a very useful tool for improving writing and spelling. These results clearly indicate that successful implementation of CALL is dependent on how it integrated within the existing environment of the language classroom. It is important to understand that computer-based technology by itself is often irrelevant when implemented in isolation from the learning goals and objectives of the class. Implementation, therefore, needs to aligned with the goals of the existing curriculum in order to provide a meaningful learning environment for the student.


The third is Extensive Connection with the Internet. Numerous CALL programs these days are accessible in the internet. Random access to World Wide Web breaks the linear flow of instruction from the facilitators (teachers) to the learners (students). CALL is an interactive program that can be incorporate into the internet network. Furthermore, some internet activities of CALL programs contribute to both students’ positive and negative feedback by automatically correcting their on-line exercises. Kuang-wu Lee from Hsuan Chuang University (Hsinchu, Taiwan) submits that “the internet and the rise of computer-mediated communication in particular have reshaped the uses of computers for language learning. The recent shift to global information-based economies that students will need to learn how to deal with large amounts of information and have to be able to communicate across languages and cultures.”


The fourth is Individualization. CALL is an appropriate program to overcome students’ inhibition. Shy or inhibited students can greatly benefited by individualized, student centered collaborative learning upon CALL. High achievers might also utilize their entire potency without disturbing their peers from working at their own pace. It means CALL program within the computer embraces students’ inhibition patiently with no intimidation; in fact elaborate them into the next level of learning. Ruhlman (1995) who designed a computer-based tutorial program for learning a language is also in agreement with the previous assumption. Her view is that: “with computer-assisted learning programs students learn actively, respond to questions, complete interactive tasks, and enter a personal dialogue with their electronic tutor. Students can also assess themselves without the fear of losing face. In contrast to human behavior, tutorial feedback in well-designed computer-assisted learning programs remains constantly supportive and patient. Computer-assisted learning tutorials can encourage self-driven inquiry by the students (Ruhlman, 1995: 46-47)


CALL has also four weaknesses.


The first is the infrastructure problem. CALL program requires two main infrastructures such as; personal computer (PC) plus the internet in order to keep up with the latest development in education world. Both computers and internet lines are costly infrastructures. They are not cheap, and government as an education agent is hesitating to provide free computer and internet access within the country. This costly situation is best described by Herschbach (1994) argues firmly that the new technologies are add-on expenses and will not, in many cases, lower the cost of providing educational services. The procurement of computers in this country mostly added as one of the educational services due to limited budget from National Educational Department. As a result, only a few numbers of schools or learning institutions earn CALL program.


The second is the electricity problem. Since CALL program plugged in the computer that connected with the internet, it absolutely required electricity. During the black out hours, say in the morning between seven up to ten (the golden hours) all of computers and the internet are useless because terminated by the government. As a result, the learning process is stagnant. This situation occurred due to the heavy dependence of CALL to electricity. In the future, Government with its educational bodies throughout Indonesia needs to install a number of diesel power plants as alternative to the present overload power plants.


The third is the software problem. Software of CALL program not distributed to students in free of charge basis, especially students in numerous state schools in the country. The distribution of its software based on certain consideration and do not pay attention to the quality. The impact of that consideration is many students do not perceive quite good quality of CALL. How can educational agencies provide decent quality of CALL program? This question firmly stressed by Herschbach and friends stating, “Availability of high quality software is the most pressing challenge in applying the new technologies in education (Hersbach, 1994; Miller, 1997; Office of Technology Assessment, 1995; Noreburg & Lundblad, 1997)


The fourth is the government problem. In developed countries, such as; The United States of America, The United Kingdom and Western Europe, Scandinavian States (Finland, Sweden, Iceland, Norway, and Denmark), Australia, and other industrial countries, CALL known for quite some time because their government is the cooperative institutions upon people’s education. They provide computers massively so that CALL program is accessible in every part of their regions. In this country, Republic of Indonesia, the government is like to talk rather than do the work. They are bluffing about 20 percent of national budget allocated to support educational projects. However, all of educational projects manipulated for the sake of its certain political misconducts. This situation always repeated during campaign deadline prior to election in every five year. In addition, the genuine victim is always the teachers, the students, and the entire educational communities within the country. As a result, all of educational issues, for instance the procurement of CALL to 33 provinces are nothing but only lip services!




Despite its advantages and disadvantages and also its strengths and weaknesses, CALL offers an attractive alternative in stimulating the learners to learn the language (English). The facilitators (teachers) find their new perspective on how to facilitate certain English lesson in less involvement. The facilitation of English learning through CALL program will elaborate teachers’ teaching skill into the next level. The level of improvement within the learning process that influences both sides (teachers and students) in absorbing high quality English learning. Both of them (teachers and students) set up a cooperative and constructive learning atmosphere when they are conducting CALL program. These cooperative and constructive learning atmospheres to some extent exist due to their willingness to utilize CALL program for the sake of their teaching-learning enhancement. The rapid transformation of teaching aids find its “new home” by the coming of CALL program as one of the alternative in language learning. Within the next decades, it is possible that CALL program will available in massive scales throughout the world at no cost at all. The borderless regions in the internet lines today will transform that possibility into reality. Teachers, students, parents, government and all of the people in this country (Indonesia) in the upcoming years will witness the tremendous transformation of CALL program and all of its “twin projects.” However, to make that dreams come true, all of the parties must from now on prepare a realistic framework of planning in order to be consistent with their plan. At the present, CALL is quite essential as an indicator whether teachers and students able to establish a successful learning acquisition. The success indicated by teachers’ mastery skill of how to operate CALL and students’ comprehension toward the lesson. CALL is only a tool although its existence quite helpful in supporting the learning process. Still, teachers as a “living facilitator” are the real determiner in shaping their students’ progress. This learning tool (CALL) is in fact cannot be operated without a smooth cooperation between the two parties (teachers and students).



  2. Ahmad, K., G. Corbett, M. Rogers, and R. Sussex. (1985). Computers, Language Learning and Language Teaching. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  3. Ayres (2002) New Zealand’s School of English taken from on line journal:
  4. Hartoyo, MA, Ph.D, INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES in Computer Assisted Language Learning (2008). Pelita Insani, Semarang.
  5. Herscbach, D. (1994). Addressing vocational training and retaining through educational technology: Policy alternatives. (Information Series No. 276) Columbus, OHIO: The National Center for Research in Vocational Education.
  6. Kenneth Beare’s on line journal titled FAQ CALL Questions.
  7. Kuang-wu Lee, Hsuan Chuang University (Hsinchu, Taiwan). The Internet TESL Journal, Vol. Vi, No.12, December 2000.
  8. Miller, J.V. (1997). Questions about communication technologies for educators: An introduction. In N.M. Singer (Ed.), Communication technologies: their effect on adult, career, and vocational education (Information Series No. 244, 1-4). Columbus, OHIO: The National Center for Research in Vocational Education.
  9. Office of Technology Assessment (1995). Information technology and its impact on American Education. Washington, D.C: U.S. Government Printing Office.
  10. Ruhlmann, F (1995). Towards replacement of the teaching process: the stimulation of the teaching process with CAL and its implication for the design of a multimedia CAL tutorial. Computer Assisted Language Learning, 8 (1), 45-61.
  11. T. Ravichandran, M.A., M.Phil., P.G.C.T.E., (Ph.D.) a lecturer, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University, Lonere – 402 103. (Paper presented and published in the Proceedings: National Seminar on CALL, Anna University, Chennai, 10-12 Feb. 2000, pp. 82-89.) (


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