Advancing Your Management Career
Mark Paszkowiak ?
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Most management people are hard-working and smart but often don’t have well defined strategies for their own career progress. They seem to put all their faith in their organizations to provide the right experience, guide them on training and promote them regularly. Over the past couple decades this strategy has worked for many people. Fast economic growth has lifted millions of people farther and faster than at any time in history. However, counting on being in the right place at the right time is not a sustainable strategy for long-term career success. The key for ambitious managers is to think how to differentiate themselves from the crowd of other qualified people – most of whom are also smart and hard-working. Since virtually all people are promoted or hired into positions after being compared with other options, this only makes sense. Decision-makers always keep their eye out for who stands out.
If you happen to have remarkable skills in something important like sales, leading people or innovation, then your strategy is clear – continue developing these skills to be the best in your industry and you will stand out. But most of us have to be content with being only a bit above average in some things and perhaps a bit below average in others. It is for this vast majority of people that the strategies below are written.
Here are some of the main tactics that will differentiate you from the crowd of other candidates whether you are trying to be promoted in your own organization or move to another.
Build Relationships
Be an Expert In Your Field
Acquire New Skills
Become Known
International Experience
Small Companies, Big Experience
Small Countries, Big Experience
The best time to improve your odds of employability is when times are good.
I’m always open to discussing technical job specifications, and learning about new client technology stack environments, just drop me an email! Learn more about this and other topics once we are connected Mark Paszkowiak. Or join the group Mississauga IT Careers for instant job postings. To keep up with the latest tech news, please send me an invite and follow me on Twitter @cloudbenchapp.
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