Advancing Solar Solutions: Qn-SOLAR

Advancing Solar Solutions: Qn-SOLAR


The solar industry is on the cusp of a transformation with the popularization of TOPCon solar cell technology. This innovative approach represents a significant leap forward from PERC and PERT cells, promising enhanced efficiency and performance.


TOPCon Solar Cell Technology: Understanding the Basics

TOPCon cells, with their striking resemblance to PERC/PERT solar cells, can be seamlessly integrated into existing production lines with minimal adjustments. Understanding the structure and manufacturing process of TOPCon cells is crucial for harnessing their potential.

Qn-SOLAR Technology

Advantages of TOPCon Solar Cell Technology:

TOPCon technology boasts enhanced efficiency, seamless integration into existing production lines, and resistance to impurities, outshining traditional solar technologies like PERC and PERT.


Advantages & Disadvantages of TOPCon Solar Cells:

While TOPCon solar cells offer higher efficiency and better performance, challenges in the manufacturing process and higher silver requirements pose potential obstacles.


Present and Future of TOPCon Solar Cells:

TOPCon technology revolutionizes solar panel design and holds the promise of surpassing current PERC solar cell affordability. Despite facing competition from emerging technologies like Heterojunction (HJT) and Interdigitated Back-Contacted (IBC) solar cells, TOPCon is poised to play a pivotal role in shaping the future of solar energy.


Qn-SOLAR: Illuminating the Path in Solar Technology Advancement

At the forefront of solar innovation, Qn-SOLAR?is revolutionizing TOPCon technology, with plans to boost n-type cell capacity by a remarkable 36GW(69GW N-Type+P-Type) by 2024. With the bold ambition of securing 80% of n-type module shipments, Qn-SOLAR?is reshaping the landscape of solar energy generation.

?How can we achieve that goal?

One of our aims is a strategic expansion Across Europe, recognizing Europe's pivotal role in propelling solar ambitions, Qn-SOLAR?is strategically amplifying its presence across the continent. With aspirations to deliver an impressive 320 GW of solar photovoltaic capacity by 2025 and nearly doubling to 600 GW by 2030, Qn-SOLAR?is primed to catalyze Europe's renewable energy revolution in addition to our global expansion.


At the heart of Qn-SOLAR?lies an unwavering commitment to delivering unrivaled quality. Through relentless collaboration with downstream utilities and strategic partnerships with Tier 1 suppliers, we uphold the highest standards of product excellence and reliability.



Qn-SOLAR's relentless drive for innovation, commitment to quality, and strategic global expansion position us as one of the leaders in the dynamic solar energy landscape. The journey of TOPCon solar cell technology marks a transformative phase in our industry, with proven efficiencies and advancements paving the way for a brighte ?future. As the technology matures and costs decline, Qn-SOLAR’s?TOPCon solar modules?are set to lead the charge toward a sustainable energy landscape.


Contact us to learn more about Qn-SOLAR and how you can be a part of the solar energy revolution.



