Advancing Partnerships: MSIE South Area's Annual Meeting with the Private Sector
MSI Ethiopia Reproductive Choices
A leading network of caring professionals delivering maternal, sexual, and reproductive health services.A
The MSIE South Area Office has conducted a private engagement network annual meeting?on December 9,2023 at?Shashemene.?During the opening session Mr. Samson Dubale ?MSIE’s?South Area Manager,?provided a brief overview?on the?role of private sectors in?the country’s?SRH service delivery,?the?challenges and opportunities?and he also presented the?2022 impact analysis?of the network.?
The discussion was aimed to?strengthening the upcoming year 2024 business to business partnership model?between the private sector and MSIE.?Review of 2023 Private Sector SRH Service Performance,?Key achievements and challenges?were presented at the?meeting.?The?2023 annual Performance Analysis?was presented?and the rise in services was registered as it was indicated at the meeting.
It is underscored that?there is an increase?on more than 20 services when it is compared with same time last year. And?20 percent increment was registered from the business plan. Services like?CYP, SA/PAC, LARC?hold the higher share according to the data presented at the?session.?
During the?2023 budget year partnership between private health sectors was?strengthened, best experiences of services such as?infection prevention training and its positive outcomes were shared, financial stability?on private health sectors was elevated,?private commercialization concept was highly?vitalized,?and model of equipment sales?and membership packages were enhanced according to the session.
Mr. Tesfaye?Arage?Private support officer at South Program Area also presented the key findings and achievements?through the initiative.?According to him the overall performance of the SRH service for South Area Program Office private network in 2023 is?regarded as?encouraging. He?claimed?that the trajectory supported the increase in every regard.?This indicates that the network is successfully providing high-quality SRH services to its clients.
To the way forward?the participants agreed?to establish a?working group?which will be?responsible further?to?develop the proposed models for private commercialization,?The working group will engage in further consultations with stakeholders, including government officials, service providers.?In?addition,?the session stressed?for having a?detailed plan for implementation will be developed, including timelines, resource allocation, and monitoring and evaluation mechanisms.?
The session brought together representatives from?Blue Door clinics,?South Ethiopian Region Regulatory authority,?South Ethiopia Region MCH department,?Sidam?Region Regulatory?authority,?Sidama?Region MCH department,?Zonal health department MCH and?regulators.
#MSI #PrivateSectorEngagement