Advancing My Skills: My Backend Specialization Journey at Coding Temple
By Victor Bondaruk

Advancing My Skills: My Backend Specialization Journey at Coding Temple

Choosing to specialize in backend development after learning Backend Fundamentals and Frontend Core was a decision driven by my passion for the server side of applications. I believe that starting with backend development gives you a deeper understanding of the big picture and helps you become a better developer over the long term. As a backend developer, you spend more time discussing application architectures, patterns, and fundamental computer science concepts. This foundational knowledge serves as the building blocks for creating robust and scalable applications.

In contrast, frontend development, while equally important, can sometimes distract you with task runners, image optimizations, package management, and even the creative aspects of design, which might be someone else's work. These distractions can prevent you from delving into the underlying principles, much like knowing how to use a calculator without understanding the math behind it.

What I Learned During Backend Specialization

The backend specialization at Coding Temple was intensive and advanced, focusing on key areas such as data structures, algorithms, and modern API technologies. Here’s a breakdown of the core elements I mastered:

  • Advanced Data Structures and Algorithms: I worked on various algorithmic solutions using lists, dictionaries, linked lists, stacks, and queues. I also implemented binary trees and graphs, deepening my understanding of complex data structures (Project 1).
  • GraphQL API: I built a GraphQL API for a movie database, utilizing GraphQL’s advanced features. This project taught me how to handle complex queries and mutations efficiently (Project 2).
  • Real-Time Communication: I developed a real-time chat application using WebSocket technology. This project demonstrated how to create applications that require real-time data updates and communication (Project 3).
  • RESTful API Development: I created an Advanced RESTful Blog API, emphasizing design patterns, security, testing, and documentation. This project helped me grasp the principles of REST architecture and the importance of secure, well-documented APIs (Project 4).
  • Deployment and DevOps: I deployed an Advanced Blog API using CI/CD pipelines and Render. This experience was invaluable in understanding the deployment process and the tools needed to maintain a reliable production environment (Project 4).

Projects That Showcase My Skills

Pic 1. Project 1. Event Management System.

Event Management System is a command-line application for managing events and participants, built using Python. It allows you to create, manage, and organize events, register participants, and handle waitlists efficiently.

Pic 2. The

The system is designed to demonstrate fundamental concepts of data structures and algorithms. My understanding of sorting and searching algorithms is showcased through the implementation of various methods, including:

Sorting Algorithms

  1. Built-in sorted(): Uses a lambda function lambda x: to sort events based on their date attribute.
  2. Built-in sort(): Converts the events to a list and sorts them in place using the date attribute.
  3. Insertion Sort: A simple comparison-based sorting algorithm that builds the final sorted array one item at a time.
  4. Bubble Sort: Repeatedly steps through the list, compares adjacent elements, and swaps them if they are in the wrong order.
  5. Merge Sort: A divide-and-conquer algorithm that divides the list into two halves, sorts them, and then merges them back together.

Searching Algorithms

  1. Linear Search: A recursive search method that checks each event's name, date, and location against the keyword.
  2. Binary Search: A more efficient search algorithm that works on sorted lists. It divides the list into halves to find the keyword.

Pic 3. Examples of Searching and Sorting Algorithms in the Event Management System Application.

This Event Management System provides a robust and efficient way to manage events and participants. It demonstrates fundamental concepts of data structures and algorithms in a practical application. The project can be further enhanced with additional features like a graphical user interface, database integration, and more complex scheduling algorithms.

Read more and view the source code here: Event Management System.


Pic 4. Project 2. GraphQL Movie Project: Managing a Movie Database.

The GraphQL Movies Project is a GraphQL API for managing a movie database, allowing you to retrieve, create, update, and delete movie entries. GraphQL is on the rise. Companies like Facebook, Netflix, Shopify or PayPal are using the data language and API technology to drive their products.

The Rise of GraphQL

GraphQL has emerged as a compelling alternative to REST API architecture. Initially developed by Facebook in 2012 and open-sourced in 2015, GraphQL provides a discoverable API by design with its own query language and runtime. It has gained significant popularity, with success stories from companies like PayPal, Netflix, and Coursera, which have leveraged GraphQL to build flexible and high-performance APIs.

Benefits of GraphQL

  1. Unified Data Graph: GraphQL allows multiple teams and systems to access data through a single endpoint, abstracting the complexity of various data sources.
  2. Precise Data Fetching: Clients can request exactly the data they need, avoiding over-fetching or under-fetching.
  3. Enhanced Developer Experience: Tools like GraphiQL and GraphQL Playground simplify API inspection and testing. GraphQL's self-documenting nature improves transparency and efficiency.
  4. Quality and Transparency: GraphQL APIs are built around a type system that validates queries and generates documentation, enhancing system quality.
  5. Evolution over Versioning: Instead of multiple API versions, GraphQL encourages evolving the API by introducing new fields and deprecating old ones, ensuring backward compatibility.

Practical Implementation

The GraphQL Movies Project showcases the practical implementation of GraphQL in managing a movie database, illustrating its benefits in a real-world application context. The backend is built with Flask, SQLAlchemy, and Graphene for GraphQL support.

This image demonstrates a successful mutation operation using GraphQL to create a movie entry in the database. The GraphQL query on the left specifies the details of the movie "Inception," including its title, director, genre, release year, and rating. The response on the right confirms the successful creation of the movie, displaying the assigned ID and the provided details. This example highlights the precision and efficiency of GraphQL in handling data creation and retrieval within a single request.

Pic 5. GraphQL Movie Creation Mutation Example.

The following code defines a GraphQL API using the 'graphene' library and 'graphene_sqlalchemy' to interact with a SQLAlchemy-based database model of movies. It consists of defining types, queries, and mutations to perform CRUD operations on the movie database.

Pic 6. GraphQL Schema with Types, Queries, Resolvers, and Mutations for Movie DB CRUD Operations.


There is no doubt that REST gets the job done, but for building APIs that serve diverse clients, GraphQL is worth considering. GraphQL allows for the creation of flexible, queryable APIs, simplifies data retrieval, and benefits from a type system that ensures automatic, current documentation. Despite requiring some investment, GraphQL's advantages—especially for handling extensive data and services—make it a powerful tool for API development.

Read more and view the source code here: GraphQL Movie Project.


Pic 7. Project 3. WebSocket API: Real-time Chat Application.

The Chat for Developers is designed to facilitate real-time communication between developers. It allows users to join chat rooms, send messages, and manage user interactions effectively. The application is built using Python, Flask, and Flask-SocketIO for the backend, and JavaScript and Bootstrap for the frontend.

Pic 8. Real-time Chat for Backend and Frontend Developers.

Introduction to WebSockets and Socket.IO

WebSockets revolutionized real-time applications by providing instant, two-way communication between clients and servers, ensuring users experience blazing-fast interactions. Introduced in 2010, Socket.IO was designed to leverage WebSockets and other technologies to create a more robust and feature-rich real-time communication solution. At a time when real-time communication was still relatively new, Socket.IO offered an abstraction layer over the underlying transport mechanisms (such as WebSockets and long polling). This ensured reliable communication by automatically falling back to alternative methods when WebSockets were not supported. With its ability to handle a variety of transport protocols, Socket.IO has become a key player in the world of real-time web applications.

Advantages of using Socket.IO

  1. Real-time Communication: Socket.IO facilitates instant messaging, updates, and notifications without the need for clients to poll the server for new data.
  2. Event-based: It supports custom events, allowing for a more organized and manageable code structure.
  3. Cross-browser Support: It ensures compatibility across different browsers and platforms.
  4. Automatic Reconnection: It handles disconnections and reconnections automatically, ensuring a stable user experience.

Use in the Project

In Chat for Developers project, Socket.IO is used to handle real-time communication between developers in different chat rooms. Here’s how it integrates into the project:

Frontend (JavaScript and Bootstrap)

  1. JavaScript: Socket.IO client library establishes a connection to the server, listens for events, and emits events to the server
  2. .Bootstrap: Used for styling the chat interface, ensuring a responsive and modern UI

The following image illustrates the JavaScript code responsible for dynamically creating a user interface component, handling form submissions, and integrating WebSocket events in a real-time chat application:

Pic 9. Frontend: JavaScript DOM Manipulation and Event Handling.

The next image highlights the HTML code that integrates Bootstrap for styling and Socket.IO for real-time communication in a chat application. It demonstrates how external libraries are included in the project to enhance both the user interface and functionality:

  • Bootstrap JS: The first script tag includes Bootstrap's JavaScript library from a CDN (Content Delivery Network). This enables the use of Bootstrap's responsive and interactive components, such as modals, tooltips, and carousels, enhancing the overall user experience.
  • Socket.IO CDN: The second script tag loads the Socket.IO client library from a CDN. This library facilitates real-time, bidirectional communication between web clients and servers, which is essential for the chat application's instant messaging functionality. The integrity attribute ensures the security of the loaded resource.
  • Custom JavaScript File: The final script tag includes the main JavaScript file (main.js) from the project's static folder. This file contains the application's custom JavaScript code that handles client-side socket events and DOM manipulation.

Pic 10. Integrating Bootstrap and Socket.IO in a Chat Application.

Backend (Python, Flask, Flask-SocketIO)

  1. Flask: Acts as the web framework to serve the application and handle HTTP requests.
  2. Flask-SocketIO: Bridges Flask with Socket.IO to handle WebSocket connections.

The following image depicts the backend code that initializes WebSocket communication using Flask-SocketIO, listens for different WebSocket events (join, leave, and message), and handles real-time data transmission.

Pic 11. Backend: WebSocket Event Handling with Flask-SocketIO.


In this project,?Socket.IO?is used to handle real-time communication between clients and the server, enabling features like joining rooms, sending messages, and broadcasting system messages.?Flask?is used for the backend server to serve the web application and handle Socket.IO events.?JavaScript?on the client-side interacts with Socket.IO to send and receive messages, providing a seamless real-time chat experience. By using these technologies together, I was able to create a robust, real-time chat application that supports multiple users and rooms, allowing developers to communicate effectively in real-time.

Read more and view the source code here: Chat for Developers.


Pic 12. Project 4. Advanced API Blog with Continuous Integration and Deployment.

Building a modern, secure, and feature-rich blogging platform from scratch is no small feat. The Advanced Blog API project exemplifies the integration of contemporary technology, best practices, and robust security measures to create a seamless user experience. This article delves into the technology stack choices, security implementations, deployment strategies, and documentation tools that underpin this project. Additionally, it highlights the development journey, including the challenges faced and solutions implemented to bring this sophisticated platform to life.

Technology Stack Choices

Flask and PostgreSQL

The choice of Flask as the web framework is driven by its simplicity, flexibility, and minimalism, which make it an excellent choice for building RESTful APIs. Flask’s lightweight nature allows for greater control over the components used, making it highly customizable to meet specific project needs.

PostgreSQL was chosen as the database for its robustness, scalability, and extensive support for advanced data types and performance optimization. It is particularly suited for handling complex queries and large datasets, making it an ideal choice for a dynamic blogging platform.

Security Measures

Application Security

The Advanced Blog API prioritizes security through multiple layers of protection.

  • JWT (JSON Web Tokens): JWT is employed for user authentication and authorization. Upon successful login, a token is generated and sent to the client, which is then used for accessing protected endpoints. This ensures that only authenticated users can perform certain actions, safeguarding against unauthorized access.

Pic 13. Example of a user obtaining a token to securely access other endpoints.

  • HTTPS: The deployed API and its documentation are hosted on Render, which automatically provides HTTPS for all deployed applications. The application enforces HTTPS to ensure that all data transmitted between the server and clients is encrypted. This prevents data interception and tampering, enhancing the overall security of the platform.

Deployment Strategies

PostgreSQL and Render

PostgreSQL’s reliability and performance make it a cornerstone for the database layer. The choice of Render for deployment is due to its developer-friendly platform that simplifies the deployment process, supports continuous integration and deployment (CI/CD), and provides robust performance.

Deploying to Render involved several steps and overcoming challenges. Initially, there were issues with migrations applying correctly to the external database and tests not setting up roles properly. A script was created to set up roles correctly before running tests. There were also challenges with hostname resolution for the external database and ensuring fallback to a local SQLite database in case of failures.

Pic 14. Challenges During Server Deployment with a Successful End Result.

These issues were meticulously resolved to ensure a seamless deployment process and successful result.

Pic 15. The Successful Deployment of the Project.

Unit Testing and Automated Deployment

Unit testing is a crucial aspect of the development process, ensuring that each component of the application works as intended. In this project, unit tests were written for various functionalities, including user authentication, post creation, and comment handling (a total of 18 tests).

Pic 16. Example of unit tests used in the automated server deployment process within the CI/CD pipeline. A total of 18 tests have been successfully integrated into the project.

Running these tests ensures that any changes to the codebase do not introduce new bugs. This is essential for automated deployment, as passing tests are a prerequisite for deploying new code to the server. Continuous integration tools automatically run these tests and, upon success, deploy the application, ensuring that only stable and tested code reaches production.

Swagger API Documentation

The API documentation is available via Swagger, providing a comprehensive and interactive interface for exploring the API endpoints. After deploying the application, navigating to API Documentation allows users to try out the endpoints directly in their browsers. This documentation includes all available endpoints, request parameters, response formats, and examples, making it easier for developers to understand and interact with the API.

Pic 17. API documentation interface for the Advanced Blog API, showcasing available endpoints and their usage.

Development Journey and Challenges

The development process involved 51 commits, each addressing various aspects and challenges of the project. Deploying the server posed several hurdles, such as:

  • Migrations not applying correctly to the external database.
  • Tests not setting up roles properly, necessitating a script to configure roles correctly before tests.
  • Hostname resolution issues with the external database.
  • Implementing a fallback server with SQLite.
  • Resolving migration issues for the fallback server.
  • Ensuring tests and routes worked correctly while using Postman for endpoint verification.

These challenges were systematically addressed, ensuring the final product was robust and reliable. The deployment was successfully completed, passing all tests and ensuring the application was ready for production use.

Read more and view the source code here: Advanced API Blog CI/CD.

Final Thoughts

The backend specialization at Coding Temple was an incredible experience. I gained a solid foundation in backend development, but I recognize that there's still much to learn. I want to extend my gratitude to Brian Stanton, my mentor and teacher at Coding Temple, for his guidance and support throughout this journey. I also want to thank everyone who has supported me along the way. I'm excited to apply my new skills and knowledge to solve real-world problems and continue growing as a software engineer.

Stay tuned as I continue to share my journey and insights into the world of backend development!

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This is incredibly insightful, Victor! We're thrilled to see more of your application on back-end development. Keep up the fantastic work, and thank you for sharing your experiences with our community!


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