Advanced Xposure: Blaise Weber Point Of View.
Brendan Caine
ProEdge Branding Co-Founder - Professional Athletes | College Athletes | Universities | Sports Organizations - Lets Connect!
I don't consider myself an ordinary person. I've always had an energy that when focused the right way created great results for me in my endeavors. I've never been someone that can focus on small tasks, but rather a big picture person. The college experience changed an immature little boy coming out of high school into the creative and thoughtful person I consider myself today. College made me think about who I am, and what I want to do. When it came time to begin searching for summer internships, I like most kids my age looked to large companies. Internships where leadership wouldn't even take the time to learn who I am, and instead just pile on countless hours of mind numbing work. The thought of this ate at my self-esteem as I realized I was just be a small screw in a large machine. Just as my mind was about to be lost in the monotony of cubicle life, an opportunity from an old friend presented itself. I decided to take an internship with Advanced Xposure. A startup company looking to revolutionize the way business is done by combining the power of technology and the tenderness of a smile to build an immense network. Using this network allows us to act as a bridge granting our clients the ability to cross the choppy waters of business, and into a land of prominence. I often consider myself a leader. Someone that wants to take charge and be involved with something greater than myself. Advanced Xposure has granted me that opportunity. My internship allows me grow professionally and personally as I have real world business experiences and countless opportunities to enhance my personal skills. Leadership has taken the time to get to know me, and my strengths. Advanced Xposure takes advantage of what I do well which makes me feel like a part of something. Most internships hone one to be ordinary. Just another name in the crowd. My internship with Advanced Xposure has given me an opportunity to be extraordinary.