Advanced Topics about Lean Documents, Lean Configuration, and Document Control - Part 1

Advanced Topics about Lean Documents, Lean Configuration, and Document Control - Part 1


Lean documentation stems from Lean manufacturing and Lean software development principles, emphasizing efficiency, value creation, and waste reduction. In Lean terminology, "waste" encompasses any activity that fails to add value to the final product or service. The goal of Lean documentation is to produce clear, concise, and effective documents that support processes while minimizing complexity and unnecessary overhead.

Understanding the basic elements of Lean configuration, which form the foundation for configuring an entire ERP or QMS system, is essential: ? Single-function documents ? Authored by functional experts ? Provide precise and complete information needed by users at the point of use ? Minimize cross-references—allow the database, DHF, or DMR to fulfill its role ? Eliminate unnecessary duplicate information ? Avoid complex "smart" numbering systems* ? Where possible, keep product information distinct from process information

* NOTE:?Many companies develop complex numbering schemes, such as WI-QA-123-xxxx, where elements serve as database fields (e.g., WI for Work Instruction, QA for Quality Assurance). Databases can inherently manage unique records and facilitate searches using keywords and fields. Maintaining complex numbering schemes, therefore, can often be non-value-added, resulting in increased operational complexity and cost.

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