Advanced Technologies will transform the Life Sciences/ Biotechnology industry from 2020

Advanced Technologies will transform the Life Sciences/ Biotechnology industry from 2020

The world is constantly changing on routine basis. Whether it’s an advancement in technology, culture, arts or sciences, there are many more things to look on this perspective. Life Sciences/ Biotechnology industry is continuously growing and experiencing breakthroughs to improve the lives of people, plants, animals and environmental ecosystem.

Global Biotechnology Market is expected to reach USD 727.1 Billion by 2025 as compared to the market value of USD $370 Billion in 2017. The global expenditure for diseases like cardiovascular disease, cancer and respiratory diseases will be escalated to 50% & is about to be $4 trillion by 2020. Global Genome editing market will expected to reach USD 8.1 Billion by 2025.

The main biotechnologies are: DNA sequencing, Nanobiotechnology, Tissue engineering and Regeneration, Fermentation, Cell- based assays, PCR Technology, and Chromatography.

The key drivers for growth will be:

-         Regenerative medicine and genetics in diagnostics.

-         Artificial Intelligence advancement is expected to fuel the progress in the sector.

-         Machine learning will help understand the cancer cases at individual level.

-         Continuous introduction to the biotechnological products will increase to cater the healthcare sector involved in diagnosis, prognosis and other biotechnological developments.

-         Increasing number of services and decreasing cost will drive the market segment.

Genexi Biotech Accelerator, a platform brings the transparency in Biotech sector through blockchain, provide grants for cutting edge projects. They use professional & practical expertise to combine them to create an ecosystem for biotech startups and pharmaceutical company.

US, China and India are expected to work on the increasing demand of food and agricultural products. More and more R&Ds will open to research on the factors like shortage of water, low yield crops, pest attack and limited availability of land etc. The factors driving for R&D growth are:

-        Decreasing price of DNA sequencing will increase the initiatives to understand the genetic variations and therapeutic solutions.

-        Active collaborations among governments, companies, medical specialists etc.

Some trends in Biotechnology/ Life sciences are as:

-         Despite the major drug failure on Alzheimer’s disease, more research would be underway in 2020.

-         Opioid crisis and CRISPR research will be continued.

-         Expenses are the big concern for biotechnology companies. Drug prices and treatments are expected to be top of each candidate.

-         Investors are more optimistic about biotech research and trend will continue.

-         Organ-on-chip development may evolve to study physiology.

-         Realistic miniature plants influence the investors for Organ-on- chip technology to go ahead with realistic financial investments.

-         Bioproduction and metabolic engineering will introduce more specialized ‘production hosts’ like Cyanobacteria and microalgae to produce carotenoid and fatty acids help in genome editing techniques.

-         Launch of the new era of Personalized medicine and healthcare procedures through advancement in genetics implies to more customized based DNA information and other genetic features.

-         Expansion of innovation is expected partnership of Life Sciences/ Biotechnology Industries with other related health sciences to find out the right solutions. Example: Arzeda, Twist Biosciences, Labcyte and Teselagen have partnered to create state-of-the-art assembly platform for DNA.

-         By smart technologies, the integration of assessment devices, lab equipments and patient’s monitoring and management tools will help doctors to prescribe right medication. They have ability to collect data support them practice the objective information provider rather than the subjective reports.

-         Rising robotic studies to improve the surgical methods in the field of precision medicine and surgery. Artificial Intelligence will be applied to play an important role in providing the insight and accuracy in the procedures.

-         Augmentation in digitization in the life sciences field through online assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of patients. Many healthcare professionals are now accredited to continue their practice virtually. Some general practitioners prescribe medications through database websites such as LivHealth or Teladoc. Telepractice is a growing trend in the area of Life sciences.

-         Good news for consumers, more laws will be passed to drive down the price of drugs. And consumers can also see the actual demonstration of drug effectiveness and provide evidence-based information to key stakeholders.

-         Cloud management will enable data management professionals to collect and interpret information easily to improve the life sciences practices.

-         Much needed medications are being held stagnant due to the long process of drug approval in FDA. Advances in technology will improve the speed of the drug testing and holding controlled trials for candidate patients. The Oncology Center of Excellence, Real-Time Oncology Review (RTOR) pilot program, aims to explore a more efficient review process to ensure the safe and effective treatments are available to patients as early as possible, while maintaining and improving the review quality and balancing it through data and analytical standardization. And early iterative engagement with applicant.

-         Genetic information in the assessment and treatment of disorders in humans and animals will be increased. Gene editing technology is continuing to rise as more conditions are discovered to be genetic in nature.

-         Life sciences industry is the most vital part of our society. Immunity is the most important aspect which helps prevent harmful diseases. Researchers are interested to focus on certain mechanisms of immune cell functions. Recent studies show that the immune cells get most of their characteristics through their mitochondria.

-         Total spending in life science is $428 billion dollars to improve human health. There must be policies provided help to drive down the cost of medicines while improving its effectiveness.

-         Natural supplements are available everywhere, but they still lacking the claims. The nutraceutical industry needs more dedicated professionals, having the ability to show evidence-based performance.

-         Environmental pollution is one of the major issues in the world, 14 billion pounds of garbage is dumped in ocean and landfills is the major cause of soil pollution. More outs are needed to improve public awareness and innovations to stop these problems.

-         There are still some territories needed to be explored in marine biology.

-         There are 16% people affected by deadly cancer. Advancement in life sciences industry allowed people to take preventative measures like, treatments, lifestyle choices and immunizations.

-         Life sciences industry impact economy and job growth. And investors should be wary of fraudulent biotech research activities and startups.

-         Neurological disorders account for 10% of deaths worldwide. Breakthroughs such as brain mapping will be helpful in improved treatment outcomes.

Bioinformatics is expected to witness the fastest growth including algorithm designing for efficient storage and management of genomic and proteomic data generated through the studies carried out on animals, plants or human genomes. Cloud based solutions which effectively and robustly manage the parallelization and distribution of input data and user code is attributed to the growth in the bioinformatics-based methods. It also supports processing NGS generated data is a driving force in the current scenario.


 Nano-biotechnology had already dominated in terms of share in 2016. Its major application is in drug delivery therapies for chronic disorders such as cancer. Nanoparticle based chemotherapeutic drugs, gold nanoparticles, quantum dots for molecular diagnosis and nano-biosensors which help in optical imaging and drug delivery. It is a growth driver in segment for R&Ds finding the new avenues as microfabricated system and devices used in the treatment of acute ailments

Super Technology will transform the world of 2020 to 2050. By 2050, Genetic engineering and other biotechnology will succeed in curing many diseases like cancer, Alzheimer’s, heart disease etc. Effective longevity by removing senescent cells. Some aspects of the aging will be reversed. These trials will be carried out on dogs in next few years.

Super technology will transform the world of 2020 to 2050.

I appreciate your valuable comments.

 Happy New Year 2020


