Advanced techniques for state management in Android Jetpack Compose
Maharshi Saparia
CEO & Co-Founder at SAPTEZ? | Tailored Web & Mobile App Professional | 100+ Projects Delivered | Follow for Bespoke Development Tips ??
State management is a crucial aspect of building any modern Android application. It enables us to maintain the current state of our app's user interface, respond to user input, and perform side effects such as fetching data from an API or updating a local database. With the introduction of Jetpack Compose, a modern declarative UI toolkit for building Android apps, state management has become even more important.
In this article, we will explore some advanced techniques for state management in Jetpack Compose, including ViewModel and state hoisting, reducing recomposition with derivedStateOf, Using MutableStateFlow for reactive programming, and using side effects with LaunchedEffect.
By the end of this article, you'll have a better understanding of how to manage state in Jetpack Compose and how to use these advanced techniques to build high-quality, performant Android apps.
One of the most popular techniques for managing state in Jetpack Compose is using ViewModel. It is recommended to use the ViewModel for holding the state in the composable function. ViewModel is a lifecycle-aware class, and it can be used to hold the data for the composable function. The state hoisting technique involves moving the state to the composable's parent or a higher-level composable to keep the state consistent across multiple composable functions.
class MyViewModel : ViewModel() {
? ? private val _count = MutableLiveData(0)
? ? val count: LiveData<Int> = _count
? ? fun incrementCount() {
? ? ? ? _count.value = _count.value?.plus(1)
? ? }
fun MyComposable(viewModel: MyViewModel = viewModel()) {
? ? val count = viewModel.count.observeAsState(0)
? ? Button(onClick = { viewModel.incrementCount() }) {
? ? ? ? Text("Count: ${count.value}")
? ? }
In this example, the MyComposable function uses the MyViewModel to hold the state value for the count. The count value is hoisted to the parent composable, which ensures that the state remains consistent across all composable functions.
DerivedStateOf is a Jetpack Compose function that enables you to create a cached state value that updates only when one or more of its dependent values change. It can help you reduce the number of recompositions triggered in your app and improve the app's performance. For example, if you have a state value that depends on the result of a heavy computation, you can use derivedStateOf to ensure that the computation is only performed when necessary.
fun MyComposable() {
? ? val name = remember { mutableStateOf("") }
? ? val isNameValid = remember(name.value) {
? ? ? ? derivedStateOf { name.value.isNotBlank() }
? ? }
? ? TextField(
? ? ? ? value = name.value,
? ? ? ? onValueChange = { name.value = it },
? ? ? ? label = { Text("Name") },
? ? ? ? isError = !isNameValid.value
? ? )
In this example, the isNameValid state value is derived from the name value. By using derivedStateOf, we ensure that isNameValid is only recomposed when the name value changes, reducing the number of recompositions triggered in the app.
MutableStateFlow is a new addition to Kotlin's coroutines library that enables reactive programming in Jetpack Compose. With MutableStateFlow, you can create a flow of state values that emit updates whenever the state changes. This makes it easy to build reactive UIs that respond to changes in real time. For example, you can use MutableStateFlow to build a search bar that updates the search results as the user types.
fun MyComposable() {
? ? val searchQuery = remember { mutableStateOf("") }
? ? val searchResults = remember { mutableStateOf(emptyList<Result>()) }
?? ?
? ? LaunchedEffect(searchQuery.value) {
? ? ? ? searchResults.value =
? ? }
?? ?
? ? TextField(
? ? ? ? value = searchQuery.value,
? ? ? ? onValueChange = { searchQuery.value = it },
? ? ? ? label = { Text("Search") }
? ? )
?? ?
? ? SearchResults(searchResults.value)
fun search(query: String): List<Result> {
? ? // Perform search
val searchApi = object {
? ? val searchFlow = MutableStateFlow("")
?? ?
? ? fun search(query: String) = runBlocking {
? ? ? ? searchFlow.emit(query)
? ? ? ? search(query)
? ? }
?? ?
? ? fun searchFlow(): Flow<String> = searchFlow
fun SearchResults(results: List<Result>) {
? ? // Render search results
In this example, we use MutableStateFlow to build a reactive search feature. The LaunchedEffect function ensures that the search results are updated whenever the searchQuery value changes. By using MutableStateFlow, we can create a flow of search queries that can be observed by other components, enabling reactive programming in Jetpack Compose.
Side effects are actions that occur outside of the normal data flow of your app, such as fetching data from an API or updating a database. With Jetpack Compose, you can use the LaunchedEffect function to manage side effects in a way that is consistent with the Compose data flow. The LaunchedEffect function launches a coroutine that performs the side effect and then updates the state when the side effect is complete.
fun MyComposable() {
? ? val isLoading = remember { mutableStateOf(false) }
? ? val data = remember { mutableStateOf(emptyList<MyData>()) }
? ? LaunchedEffect(Unit) {
? ? ? ? isLoading.value = true
? ? ? ? data.value = fetchDataFromApi()
? ? ? ? isLoading.value = false
? ? }
? ? if (isLoading.value) {
? ? ? ? CircularProgressIndicator()
? ? } else {
? ? ? ? MyDataList(data.value)
? ? }
suspend fun fetchDataFromApi(): List<MyData> {
? ? // Perform API request
In this example, the LaunchedEffect function is used to fetch data from an API. The isLoading state value is used to display a loading spinner while the data is being fetched, and the data state value is updated when the fetch is complete. By using LaunchedEffect, we ensure that the side effect is performed outside of the normal data flow of the app and that the state is updated in a way that is consistent with the Compose data flow.
In summary, state management is a critical aspect of building any successful app, and Jetpack Compose provides several advanced techniques for managing the state in a way that is consistent with the Compose data flow. By using techniques like ViewModel and state hoisting, derivedStateOf, MutableStateFlow, and LaunchedEffect, you can build reactive, efficient, and maintainable apps that provide a great user experience. So go ahead and experiment with these techniques in your next Jetpack Compose project, and see the difference they can make in managing state! Happy coding!
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Team Lead at Mantra Softech
1 年Wow! That's what we are trying to implement now, Compose with ViewModel. ??????