Advanced Inventory Count simplifies inventory and cycle counts with comprehensive data entry, reconciliation, posting, and analysis tools. You can significantly reduce count times and increase productivity by streamlining the counting process, including flexible count sheet generation, multi-user count entry, and integration with inventory barcodes.
With robust reporting and reconciliation features, you can ensure accurate inventory accounting and finish inventory counts sooner, freeing up time for other important tasks. Say goodbye to long, exhausting inventory counts and go home earlier with Advanced Inventory Count.
- Efficient Inventory Management: Save time and effort by streamlining the inventory counting process, making it more efficient and accurate.
- Accurate Inventory Tracking: Ensure all inventory is accounted for, including WIP, reducing the risk of discrepancies and errors.
- Faster Data Entry: Enable multiple users to enter count data simultaneously, speeding up the data entry process and improving overall efficiency.
- Customized Counting Experience: Tailor count sheets to match specific counting needs, resulting in more accurate and efficient counts.
- Quick Discrepancy Resolution: Rapidly identify and resolve inventory discrepancies with robust reporting and analysis tools.
- Seamless Barcode Integration: Enhance the speed and accuracy of inventory counting by integrating with barcode systems and data collection devices.
- Improved Item Tracking: Automatically reconcile differences in lot numbers and serial numbers, minimizing manual entry and reducing errors.
- Adaptable to Various Location Configurations: Accommodate different warehouse configurations, making the inventory counting process more efficient regardless of the location setup.
- Simplified Count Process: Comprehensive data entry, reconciliation, posting, and analysis tools simplify inventory counts and cycle counts.
- Multi-User Count Entry: Speed up manual data entry by allowing multiple users to enter count data simultaneously, regardless of the number of count sheets, data entry staff, or count staff.
- Flexible Count Sheet Generation: Create count sheets that match how your company counts inventory, with tools available to quickly and easily configure count sheets to simplify the inventory count process.
- Inventory Barcode Integration: Integrates with the Mobile Warehouse Data Collection app and other external data collection systems to automate inventory counts with barcode scanning, improving count efficiency.
- Supports All Location Configurations: Whether you have bins enabled or not or even use "advanced warehousing," the module will make your next count significantly more efficient, reconciling by lot and serial number.
- Powerful Reporting and Reconciliation Features: Identify obsolete inventory, items with improper planning parameters, and the financial impact of those issues, and quickly locate count errors with powerful reporting and reconciliation features.
- WIP Counting: Automatically reconcile and post lot or serial number discrepancies, identify and manage WIP, and reconcile it with other counted inventory, and posts the appropriate consumption and inventory adjustment entries.
- Recount Sheets: Set up formal recounts during full physical counts or cycle counts based on a percentage, value, or quantity variance, with audit trails of the original count quantities and any subsequent recounts.
- Journal Test Report: Identify anything that may prevent posting, such as blocked items, missing item tracking, missing posting groups, etc., to ensure the data on the journal will post without multiple long, annoying retries.
- Inventory Managers
- Warehouse Supervisors
- Logistics Managers
- Purchasing Managers
- Production Managers
- Supply Chain Analysts
- Warehouse Staff
- Quality Control Managers
- Financial Controllers