Advanced Industrial Cobotic Palletizer - Much more than a Cobot

Advanced Industrial Cobotic Palletizer - Much more than a Cobot

You may have heard about Cobots (Collaborative Robots), but I'm not sure you've considered them for palletizing.

New kind of applications and tasks can be handled by collaborative robots which have not been automated before because of bad ROI (Return on Investment), small production batches that need flexibility or lack of space in the production floor.

As Collaborative robots are more a complementary to industrial robots than a competitor of traditional industrial robots, the range for industrial automation implementation has just been extended.


Let's look at some solution providers:

First solution provider: Gebo Cermex using a Universal Robots UR10 Cobot:

In case your challenges and needs are:

  1. Improving working conditions by replacing manual palletizing (Keep in mind the maximum net payload of 8Kg and cycle speeded up to 6 cycles/min).
  2. Maintaining high-level safety standards without fences and complicate safety guards and sensors.
  3. Finding an affordable capex-optimized solution for your End of Line (comparing to regular robotic palletizing cells).
  4. Dealing with lots of space constraints on the production floor - classic robotic palletizing cells with their fences need a lot of footprint.
  5. Looking for easy to use advanced technologies. No need for a highly trained robotic expert on site.
  6. Bringing greater flexibility to one or several low-speed lines. the palletizing cell can be moved from one line to another according to the needs.

Main advantages:

  1. Multi-configuration cell layout. Can be installed in different configurations according to the line end constraints (straight or 90 degrees).
  2. All inclusive solution, including the accumulation conveyor, Cobot arm, Cobot vertical actuator, gripping tool, HMI, control unit, software and even a vertical interlayer magazine.
  3. PalDesigner software for configuration and simulation with many configurations and options available that allow full pallet management with the possibility to modify, simulate and create pallet patterns autonomously.

For more details: CoboAccess? Pal BROCHURE


Second solution provider: Similar to most of the kit explained previously, but this time it is made by Flexlink using the same Universal Robots UR10 Cobot:

For more details: Flexlink Easy palletizing with collaborative robot - BROCHURE


Of course, local cobot integrators may also offer you a turnkey solution such as the example below from ADDE:

I recommend you start screening your potential spots for those kinds of solutions.

Feel free to contact me for any assistance or question in this field.

#Industry40 #SmartManufacturing #SmartIndustry #Cobots #Robots #Palletizing #IIoT


