Advanced Custom Aggregation Functions in Pandas

Advanced Custom Aggregation Functions in Pandas

Master Multi-Step Calculations for Data Analysis

In this lecture, we will explore advanced custom aggregation functions in Pandas. These functions allow us to perform multi-step calculations, such as ratios, percentages, and conditional aggregations, which built-in functions cannot handle.

By the end of this article, you’ll learn:

  • How to create advanced custom functions
  • How to calculate percentages within grouped data
  • How to integrate custom functions with built-in aggregations

Let’s dive in!

Why This Module is Important

Advanced custom aggregation functions are crucial when:

  • Built-in functions cannot perform the required calculation.
  • You need to calculate ratios, percentages, or conditional metrics.
  • Business logic requires complex aggregations within grouped data.

You can download the datasets from the following GitHub link: GitHub Datasets

Step 1: Load the Dataset

Let’s start by loading the dataset:

import pandas as pd

# Load the dataset
toyota_sales_data = pd.read_csv("data/car_sales/toyota_sales_data.csv")

# Preview the dataset

Step 2: Creating an Advanced Custom Aggregation Function

Problem Statement:

We want to calculate the percentage of completed sales for each Sales Rep ID.

Let’s define a function that computes completed sales percentage:

# Define a custom function to calculate completed sales percentage
def completed_sales_percentage(sale_status_series):
    """Calculate the percentage of completed sales."""
    total_sales = len(sale_status_series)
    completed_sales = (sale_status_series == "Completed").sum()
    return (completed_sales / total_sales) * 100        

Step 3: Testing the Function on a Single Sales Rep ID

To validate our function, let’s filter data for a specific Sales Rep (ID: 8) and apply the function:

# Filter data for Sales Rep ID 8
sales_by_rep_8 = toyota_sales_data.query("sale_rep_id == 8")

# Apply the function to calculate completed sales percentage
completed_pct = completed_sales_percentage(sales_by_rep_8["sale_status"])


Step 4: Applying the Custom Function Across All Sales Reps

Now, let’s compute completed sales percentage for all Sales Reps using groupby() and agg():

# Apply the custom function to calculate completed sales percentage for all sales reps
completed_sales_agg = toyota_sales_data.groupby("sale_rep_id")["sale_status"].agg(

# Display the results

This table shows:

  • Total sales count for each Sales Rep.
  • Completed Sales Percentage computed using our custom function.

Step 5: Combining Custom Functions with Built-in Aggregations

Now, let’s calculate three metrics for each Sales Rep:

  1. Total Sales Amount
  2. Total Sales Count
  3. Completed Sales Percentage

# Compute multiple metrics with built-in and custom aggregations
sales_rep_summary = toyota_sales_data.groupby("sale_rep_id").agg(
    total_sales=("sale_amount", "sum"),
    total_sales_count=("sale_id", "count"),
    completed_sales_pct=("sale_status", completed_sales_percentage)

# Display the results


  • total_sales: Sum of sale amounts for each Sales Rep.
  • total_sales_count: Number of sales transactions for each Sales Rep.
  • completed_sales_pct: Percentage of completed sales (custom function).

Best Practices for Using Advanced Custom Aggregation Functions

  • Use functions only when built-in methods fall short.
  • Keep calculations efficient to avoid performance bottlenecks.
  • Combine built-in and custom aggregations for comprehensive analysis.
  • Ensure functions handle missing values and edge cases correctly.

Practice Assignment

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What’s Next?

In the next lecture, we will explore Mastering Row-Level Transformations in Pandas with apply(). This is a crucial technique for performing complex transformations and calculations on individual rows of a DataFrame.

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In this article, you learned:

  • How to define advanced custom aggregation functions.
  • How to calculate multi-step metrics like completed sales percentage.
  • How to integrate custom and built-in functions for powerful insights.

Custom aggregations help unlock deeper insights in data analysis. Mastering them will take your data transformation skills to the next level!

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? Authored by Siva Kalyan Geddada , Abhinav Sai Penmetsa

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