Advanced Blending Solutions (ABS) Introduces Automated Blender Cleaning
Reinhard Dr.-Ing. W?hlbier
Founder & Partner of &
Advanced Blending Solutions (ABS) Introduces Automated Blender Cleaning
Advanced Blending Solutions (ABS) is pleased to introduce its first automated self-cleaning blender, the Chameleon Simplicity 3000. Designed to meet a significant market demand, the Chameleon Simplicity 3000 is a fully automated material cleanout system that can complete a blender material change without operator assistance.
Material is removed from the feeder tray using an automated vacuum system, and can be sent to a material collection station or bin for later use. Compressed air cleans the side walls of the component hopper. Changeovers can be done in as little as 20 seconds with the smallest ABS feeder, assuming that the rundown feature was used.
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