Advance Descaling Solution - Energizing Equipment Life
Advance Descaling Solution - Energizing Equipment Life

Advance Descaling Solution - Energizing Equipment Life

Scale?formation is a common challenge in the pharmaceutical industry, specifically for the water systems and systems that use water as a utility. Scale is a water contaminant that forms deposits on the contact surfaces over a period. These contaminants are typically a salt of calcium & magnesium (carbonates & sulphates), iron, aluminium & silica. Salts have limited solubility but are not totally insoluble in water.

Impact of Scale formation

Scale formation coats the heat transfer surfaces with the salt’s deposition. This scale acts as an insulator that impedes heat transfer resulting in

  • Reduced productivity & efficiency of the system,
  • Increases energy consumption, and
  • Impacts quality of the product & process.

Meita Nahar

"Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of leaning"

2 年



