Adulting Is Hard. May Our Hearts Stay Soft.

Adulting Is Hard. May Our Hearts Stay Soft.

I was blessed to give this message today at Community of Hope Church in Sidney, Ohio.

Whatever happens, conduct yourselves in a manner worthy?of the gospel of Christ. Then, whether I come and see you or only hear about you in my absence, I will know that you stand firm?in the one Spirit, striving together?as one for the faith of the gospel?without being frightened in any way by those who oppose you. This is a sign to them that they will be destroyed, but that you will be saved—and that by God.?For it has been granted to you?on behalf of Christ not only to believe in him, but also to suffer?for him,?since you are going through the same struggle?you saw?I had, and now hear?that I still have. (Philippians 1:27-30, NIV)

This is the Word of our Lord.

Thanks be to God.


Growing up, I always thought ahead to the next stage in life thinking that it would be easier. Fact is, I never really liked school much. In elementary school, I looked forward to greater freedom in middle school, and changing classes and teachers. In middle school, I looked forward to bigger desks, more class offerings, and more freedom in high school. In high school, I looked forward to the new challenges, and the greater freedom, of college. In college, I looked forward to no more classes, not having to study and read and write papers.? I looked forward to having the work I was doing be a productive part of a job rather than just the busy work of college classes. But, despite my hoping and looking forward to the next stage in life, fact was the next stage always just brought new and different challenges. Nothing ever got to the magical point of being easy that I dreamed of.

This doesn’t have much to do with anything but here’s a funny quick story about college. While I didn’t care much for my younger school years, I really enjoyed college but during college and even for many years after I was done, I would have this dream that I was at the end of a semester – finals week -- and I suddenly discovered, much to my horror, that I had a final to take in a class that I’d never even attended. I can still feel the panic in those dreams as I worried about how I could possibly pass the final for a class that I’d never even attended! In fact, as these dreams would play out, it dawned on me that I really didn’t even know where to go to take the final. Because I’d never been to the class, I had no idea where it was held.

While I like to think that somewhere along the line I had outgrown or gotten beyond this, when I was in school, I always described myself as “self-pressurized.”? Like a pressure cooker, I was putting the pressure on myself to do the best I could and the end result is I was always looking forward to getting that stage of life behind myself and on? to what I was just certain would be better and easier.

Fact is, though, life is challenging. God did not create us to be stagnant beings. He didn’t create us to be like sloths who take a minute to travel just six feet. Can you imagine that? Who store up their poop so long that when they do poop, it takes a really long time and they lose a third of their body weight. Another thing about sloths you may not know – they typically fall out of the tree they live in at least once a week. Can you imagine? Their bodies are designed so they can survive falls from 100 feet up. I find that pretty interesting. And, as animals go, these slow footed guys live a pretty long time – at least 50 years typically. ?Enough about sloths … I have no idea how I got onto that.

Life is challenging. As many popular memes and jokes attest, adulting is hard. I recently saw a fake onlinereview for Adulting and here’s what it said: ?“One star. Overrated. Expensive. Would not recommend.”

Here are some popular memes about adulting — Being an adult is the dumbest thing I have ever done.

I can’t adult today … and tomorrow isn’t looking so good either.

Too much adulting in one day.?


Things they don’t tell you about adulthood: One day, you get a little sleepy and then you stay that way for the rest of your life.

This adulting thing is kind of tough but, as I get older, I realize that, despite life getting more complicated, God is still working on me. He is taking me through experiences designed to challenge me and to grow me to be more like Him.

There are lots of stories in the Bible of the growth and change that God takes us through.

Let’s look at the story of Mary Magdalene. In the Gospels, we learn a good amount about Mary Magdalene or Mary of Magdala.? Mary had a rough reputation. You can read into it for yourself what all this might have entailed but we’re told that she had led a sinful life. We even understand from the Gospels that an exorcism was performed on her. She was possessed by demons – bad spirits that cried out from her. Folks like Mary were not accepted into proper culture. They were outcasts in all ways. No one wanted to be seen with them. No friends. No one would provide employment to them. They were forced to live on the outskirts of town, probably scavenging through the local dump to try to find some sustenance – something she could eat.

But in the story of Mary of Magdala, we see an amazing transformation. She meets this fellow named Jesus who is probably the first person since she was a young child to show her genuine love and compassion. One of the stories we’re told about her is from the Gospel of Luke.

When one of the Pharisees invited Jesus to have dinner with him, he went to the Pharisee’s house and reclined at the table.?A woman in that town who lived a sinful life learned that Jesus was eating at the Pharisee’s house, so she came there with an alabaster jar of perfume.?As she stood behind him at his feet weeping, she began to wet his feet with her tears. Then she wiped them with her hair, kissed them and poured perfume on them.

When the Pharisee who had invited him saw this, he said to himself, “If this man were a prophet,?he would know who is touching him and what kind of woman she is—that she is a sinner.”

Then he (Jesus) turned toward the woman and said to Simon,?“Do you see this woman? I came into your house. You did not give me any water for my feet,?but she wet my feet with her tears and wiped them with her hair.?You did not give me a kiss,?but this woman, from the time I entered, has not stopped kissing my feet.?You did not put oil on my head,?but she has poured perfume on my feet.?Therefore, I tell you, her many sins have been forgiven—as her great love has shown. But whoever has been forgiven little loves little.”

Then Jesus said to her,?“Your sins are forgiven.”

?The other guests began to say among themselves, “Who is this who even forgives sins?”

?Jesus said to the woman,?“Your faith has saved you;?go in peace.”

But, fact is Mary of Magdala she didn’t just “go” … she continued to follow Jesus. She wanted to learn from Him, to put her past behind her. And, because of the work that Jesus did in her heart and her life, Mary of Magadala made an amazing transformation. She went from outcast to one of those closest to Jesus. She went from a pariah of society and community to one of those who actually observed the crucifixion of Christ and, in fact, the Gospels tells us that she didn’t want to leave the cross after Jesus’s death. And finally, this woman who had once been demon-possessed, who had once been someone that those of the Jewish faith wanted nothing to do with, because of Jesus’s mercy and work in her life, became one of those who first discovered the open grave after His resurrection.

This is the transformative power of Christ. And this is why, as Christians, we must always remain open to His work, with soft hearts wanting to be perfected in Christ our Savior. ?If we do not let our hearts be open to His work, we miss out on what He wants to do in us. And we do not bring Him the honor and glory that we’re called to give him.

I recently had a dream about something that happened to me in high school where a teacher really hurt me and made me angry. And, honestly, I would have told you that I’d put that whole story behind me years ago, that my heart had softened to what happened and that I no longer had ill feelings toward that teacher. But this recent dream, popping up more than 40 years after this event happened, showed me that God isn’t done with me yet, that I was still holding anger and a grudge.


So, I will share the story with you at the risk of now it seeming pretty meaningless but, back in the day, it really upset me. So, I confess, in high school, I was a band kid. Through and through. I played trumpet and, every musical group where I could play my trumpet, I was there. And, yes, I was one of those who got passes from study hall to spend time in the band room. Of course, I didn’t practice – just hung out with my friends.

But, anyway, the trumpet section in marching band was divided up into three parts. First, second, and third trumpet. And then each of those three sections had first chair, second chair, third chair, and so on. My freshman year, I was first trumpet, third chair. Same for my sophomore year. Junior year, because someone graduated, I was second chair first trumpet. And then another senior graduated and I went into my senior year fully expecting to be first chair, first trumpet.? But the band director skipped someone around me … and I remained second chair, first trumpet.

Now, looking back, there were good things about that. In jazz band, for example, don’t ask me why, but it’s often the second trumpet who gets to play soloes.? But, still, I never got to be section leader and, for a 17 year old kid dedicated to band my entire four years in high school, it hurt.

And, as evidenced by this recent dream, it still hurts. So, since that dream, I have prayed that God might soften my heart and truly allow me to forgive the band director. I’m sure he had many good reasons for what he did. He was always a very wise and gifted man. And I am determined to have a heart that accepts it.

But, I wonder, how many other areas of my life is God not done with me yet? And how do I keep a heart that can be tender to his work in my life so that I might be transformed in those areas where God wants to grow me?

Regardless of our age, regardless of where we are in our journey with Christ, He calls us to be open to the hard work in our inner selves so that not just our outward shell or persona is changed but we are changed through and through.

The sixth chapter of Acts introduces us to a man named Stephen. In the early church after Jesus’s crucifixion and ascension, Stephen was chosen as a deacon, responsible for helping to distribute food to the widows. He was described as a man full of faith and the Holy Spirit. Stephen was known for performing miracles and wonders. Unfortunately, this did not sit well with some of the other leaders so they falsely accused him of saying things that were blasphemous. Yes, some of those he was supposed to be in lock step with turned on him.

Stephen was brought to trial. This is detailed in the 7th chapter of Acts so check it out when you can. At his trial, Stephen declared that the Jewish leaders – the Sanhedrin – had a history of not being open to the prophets and of resisting the Holy Spirit.

The Sanhedrin was furious after hearing this. They rushed Stephen, dragged him to the edge of the city, and began to stone him.

Now, I don’t know about you but if those I am supposed to be serving with turned on me, I am likely to get kind of angry.? But not Stephen. You see, Jesus had transformed this man’s heart. While he was being stoned, Stephen prayed, “Lord Jesus, receive my spirit. Do not hold this sin against them.” And then he died. His last words were for God to forgive those who had turned on him. A bit reminiscent of Jesus at His death, no?

I will be the first to admit … while I want that kind of heart at the end of my days, God still has a lot of work to do in me … so, again, I pray that my heart will be soft to His amazing and miraculous transformation. Amazing and miraculous are the only words I can think of to describe what God can do in the heart of man. If we remain soft to Him, He takes us from our human nature of anger and revenge to a heart that even prays for our attackers.

Some scripture that really speaks to me is from the Sermon on the Mount.? Matthew 5:43-48, especially verses 46 and 47 which will come near the end of what I am going to read.

“You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor[i]?and hate your enemy.’?But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you,?that you may be children?of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous.?If you love those who love you, what reward will you get??Are not even the tax collectors doing that??And if you greet only your own people, what are you doing more than others? Do not even pagans do that??Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect”

What a reminder … God loves our “enemies” – even those who made Mary of Magdala an outcast, even those who stoned Stephen and of course those who may have upset us 40 some years ago when we were a high school punk – just as much as He loves us.

This is the love shown to us by Jesus when He walked the earth, and today. This is the love that He wants to transform our hearts so that we hold it as well. It was just spelled out there in the scripture I read, Jesus wants us to be perfect, just as He was.?

Oh, what a long way I have to go. Dear Lord, keep working in me.

Life does keep getting harder as we get older. Adulting is challenging and often not a lot of fun. The hardestthings that any of us will ever face are probably yet ahead of us. As we age and go through life, feelings of anger, hurt, bitterness, and betrayal can harden our hearts so that we reject the work God wants to do in us but let us pray that they don’t. ?Let us all pray that, as we continue to adult, we continue to have a soft heart that God works in, perfecting and sanctifying us and bringing us closer to that place of perfection modeled and talked about by Jesus.

Let us pray.


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