For some cultures, adulthood is determined when an adolescent reaches a certain age and are allowed certain freedoms not known before. 18 is the age of adulthood in most countries of the world.?? “The starting premise here is that due to globalization developing a cultural identity in the course of adolescence and emerging adulthood has become more complex (Jensen & Arnett, 2012).” “Age 18 works well as an age marking the end of adolescence and the beginning of a new life stage, as it is the age when most people in developed countries finish secondary school, reach physical and sexual maturity, and become adults under the law” (Arnett, 2016). ?
Two cultures in relation to age
United States
In the United States, 18-year-olds can vote, smoke cigarettes and can get married without consent.? This is typically the age when adolescents reach sexual maturity. Generally, this means that the adolescent is no longer under the parents’ rules or are under relaxed rules if still living at home. It is the age in which non-restricted driver’s license are obtained as well.? In the US, adulthood may also be reached at age 21 symbolized by the ability to get into adult clubs, buy alcoholic beverages or vape e-cigarettes.?
In Russia “adulthood” is also at age 18 when you can vote and be held accountable for your actions under the law. You can marry and legally drink.? In most adult clubs one can get in prior to age 18.? 18 is also the age in which you can drive (except for motorcycles which is age 16). Every adult rite of passage in Russia is considered 18 and holds true to the cultural homogeneousness.
Potential values
Adulthood is considered less risky. For example, in the US, automobile insurance reduces into adulthood. It leads to less role confusion as there is a general unspoken rule that being an adult means being responsible.? Adulthood is obtained when individuals are settled on their “behaviors, beliefs, values, and identifications” (Jensen and Arnett 2012).
Potential limitations
Chronological ages are static.? “Of course, there would be variations across cultures and countries, and even within American society there would be diverse paths, as there would be in any life stage” (Arnett, 2016). Different children mature at different ages and individual children need to be treated as that-individuals. One child may be able to withstand the weather of adulting when one may crumble.
In conclusion, “Emerging adulthood can be considered to exist wherever there is a period of at least several years between the end of adolescence—meaning the attainment of physical and sexual maturity and the completion of secondary school—and the entry into stable adult roles in love and work” (Arnett, 2016). Actual adulthood is not that of a chronological age.? When do you become and adult? Adulting is not something everyone ever reaches.
Arnett, J. J. (2016). Does Emerging Adulthood Theory Apply Across Social Classes? National Data on a Persistent Question. Emerging Adulthood, 4(4), 227-235.
Arnett Jensen, L and Jensen Arnett, J. (2012). Going Global: New Pathways for Adolescents and Emerging Adults in a Changing World. Journal of Social Issues. (68)3 pp. 473-492
Tran, V.C. (2019). Coming of age in multi-ethnic America: young adults experiences with diversity. Ethnic and Racial Studies. 42(1), 35-52.