Adult Learners Shape the Future of Education at Regional Forum in Offaly
Laois and Offaly Education and Training Board
Excellence in Education and Training
Tuesday 19 November - Adult learners from Laois and Offaly gathered at the Tullamore Court Hotel in Co. Offaly to share their voices and shape the future of their educational journeys. This regional meeting of the National Further Education and Training (FET) Learner Forum provided participants with the opportunity to discuss experiences of their learning journeys.
The National FET Learner Forum is a collaborative initiative involving AONTAS, the National Adult Learning Organisation; SOLAS, the Further Education and Training Authority; and local Education and Training Boards. Last year, thousands of learners from across Ireland participated in the forum, sharing their educational experiences and insights.
Speaking at the forum, Anne-Marie Keane, Quality Assurance Manager at Laois and Offaly Education and Training Board (LOETB) said:
"Leaners are at the centre of everything we do. It's important for us to get your feedback to improve the services we deliver, and we encourage you to be as honest as possible. This feedback helps us".
Learners highlighted several positives during the forum, including the patience of tutors, the availability of guidance and counselling support, and the excellent facilities at some centres. Some participants expressed particular appreciation for the presence of learning hubs or quiet spaces. Challenges were also raised, such as limited access to laptops, continuity of staff due to limited replacement tutors, and the lack of disabled access in older buildings.
Adult learners expressed that the opportunity for open discussion and having their voices heard and valued was one of the most positive aspects of the regional meeting. One facilitator shared that a learner commented, “AONTAS is really listening.” This feedback highlighted the importance of the forum in ensuring learners feel acknowledged and supported.
If you are thinking of going back to education, you can find further information on the AONTAS website. You can also check out the range of programmes available at the Laois and Offaly Education and Training Board on their website.
For more information on the forum, contact:
Karyn Farrell, AONTAS Learner Voice Project Office at [email protected]
AONTAS is the National Adult Learning Organisation, a membership organisation which represents approximately 500 providers of adult and community education, along with tutors, researchers and individual adult learners. AONTAS provides information to adults returning to education, advocates on behalf of adult learners and promotes the benefits of adult learning.