Adult Learners Do Not Have Time for PMP Exam Retakes.  Doing it right The 1st time matters most!

Adult Learners Do Not Have Time for PMP Exam Retakes. Doing it right The 1st time matters most!

Here are some of the challenges adult learners face as they attempt to retain control of job security. This short list is only part of the challenges they face but some pretend they can use 'old school techniques' like 'faking it until they make it happen' and that is just not cutting the materials and intensity needed to play to win on current projects or to compete on current jobs.

Discussion points for individuals struggling to know what to do 1st or 2nd, or 3rd in a very intense topic such as the PMP Certification.

  • Time Management

Balancing study time with personal and professional responsibilities, inadequate preparation.

** HPMC offers accountability sessions so you never fall off your study schedule.

  • Test Anxiety

High-stakes exams can induce anxiety, affecting performance.

** HPMC offers a MOCK EXAM Workshop to track your bad testing behaviors and your lack of knowledge.

Current offer Feb 1st, 2025 =

  • Complex Material

Technical subjects can be dense and challenging, hard to grasp with critical concepts.

** HPMC has discovered clients that take note and attend learning events pass the PMP sooner.

  • Staying Motivated

Maintaining motivation over a long study period, when juggling multiple priorities.

** HPMC advocates for clients that need support from their manager or even from the spouse. .. house work, cooking meals, vacuuming the rugs, mowing the lawn, doing laundry is-not-a-priority! Get your family to take your responsibilities so you have time to do your PMP studies.

  • Keeping Up with Evolving Content

In IT or Project Management, the topics require continuous learning.

** Our clients to not have time to read social media post and review news report - we do that for clients to confirm they know that is most important related to exam preparedness only!

  • Effective Study Techniques

Not everyone knows or applies effective study strategies, hindeing knowledge retention.

** HPMC WITH 23+ years offering PMP support, we keep our finger on the pulse of what matters for exam pass information. Be sure to register for our workshop "Topics You Dare to Skip While Taking The PMP Certification Exam".

  • Lack of Practical Experience

Exams often test practical application, theory alone can be insufficient.

** HPMC interviews clients before confirming event registration. There have been individuals with lots of knowledge but could not finish the exam because they were not truthful of their past experience. They actually violated the PMI PMP Code of Conduct.

  • Resource Overload

Deciding which study materials are most valuable can be overwhelming/challenging.

** Pretending you can do more with less does not apply to the PMP readiness status.

  • Financial Constraints

Exam fees, prep courses, and study materials can be costly.

** Anything worth having will cost you some cash. Consider our workshop on 'How to Choose The Right PMP Instructor'. Not all PMP Coaches are good instructors or deliberate in intentions to confirm you pass your PMP Exam. Do your necessary social proof research.

  • Balancing Review and Practice

Striking the right balance between reviewing concepts and practicing exam-style questions.

** The current exam has some challenging concepts and lots of topics that require you to quiet down, read, take notes,, listen to recordings, attend classes, have discussions with your coach, and so much more. Clients that cut corners are a bit upset with themselves after they realize the lost time, lost money, lost promotions, lost review periods ... and to see others with less qualifications skipping to the front of the line for their promotion. It is about complying with industry standards. If your industry is asking for the certification - just do it!

Good luck to those focused on taking their exam in the next 30 days.

We are here to offer you the support needed.


Elaine Jackson, BS, PMP, GPM, CB-PMO, PQ Coach

[email protected] click link for calendar discussion

Project Management Excellence

Addressing Multiple Professional Certification Requirements

15+ years in Project Management Industry

Transformation of 500+ Project Managers

Unique integration of technical mastery, leadership, and positive intelligence


Elaine T. Jackson, PMP, GPM, CB-PMO, PQ, AI的更多文章

