ADSUP Client Plan Analysis
Armand Ruci M.A, M.Ed
EdTech & AI Content Specialist | NYC DOE History Teacher | Expert in Thought Leadership & ROI-Driven Content | Helping EdTech Brands Boost Engagement & Credibility with Strategic Content
ADSUP Lesson Plan – Pythagorean Theorem- solving for the missing side.
Mathematics (Special Ed setting)
Title of the Lesson:?
October 18, 2022
Applying Pythagorean theorem to answer?
word/real world problems.
School: Pathways to Graduation? Grade: 10th
a. Who are the students? Identify students according to age, grade, gender, prior knowledge, special needs,?
language proficiency, and background.?
- 10th grade class??
- 2 female, 8 male students?
- Seven – 20-year-old students, Four – 19-year-old students, and One – 18-year-old student?
- One ELL student (male student, 19 years old)?
(Bilingual class setting not recommended)?
Prior Knowledge:?
Students will activate prior knowledge from previous lessons on finding Pythagorean theorem as well as lesson on finding square roots of given numbers.
b. What are the conditions? Describe possible conditions for planning and delivering of the lesson such as curricular,?
testing, classroom management issues.
Motivation: (possible)?
● Preparation for high school mathematics?
● Feeling of Accomplishment?
2 - LESSON RATIONALE Provide the rationale for the lesson including requisite skills, prior knowledge, curriculum?
Prior Knowledge:?
Students will activate prior knowledge from previous lessons on finding Pythagorean theorem as well as lesson on finding square roots of given numbers.
3 - CONTENT STANDARDS Provide the appropriate grade level and standards using numbers and text.
NY - 10.G.7?
Apply Pythagorean theorem to determine unknown side lengths in right triangles in real-world and mathematical problems in two and three dimensions.
a. Learning Objectives What is expected of the students and how would they demonstrate this?
How do we solve for the hypotenuse of a triangle when given the two other sides??
Students will be able to solve for any missing side of a triangle (right) and or also construct triangles using word problems and solve for the missing side.?
Learning Target:?
I can construct and solve right triangle problems using the Pythagorean theorem to solve for any missing side.
b. Academic Language Explain the key vocabulary and academic/language functions.
● Square root (Prior knowledge)?
● Right triangle geometry?
● Legs (of triangle)?
● Hypotenuse (of right triangle)?
● Pythagorean theorem?
● Pythagorean triples?
● Real-world/authentic/word problems?
5 - INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS Describe what materials are needed for teacher and students.
● White boards/white board markers?
● Pen/pencil?
● Notebook/loose-leaf?
● Handout(s) (if applicable)?
If fully remote (Materials):?
● Computer/laptop, or tablet required
a. Strategies and Tasks to Support Learning
Communication of goals, activities planned,?
include estimate of time, and key teacher
questions, directions, plans for grouping.?
Focus Question(s):?
Does a triangle having a hypotenuse prove that the triangle is a right-angle triangle? What do I use to find the missing side of any right triangle??
Can I have a word problem that tells me to find a shadow cast by a tree and honestly think that I can find how tall the tree is? How??
Why do we need to find a hypotenuse??
Why do we need to solve for a side of the triangle??
Why do we need real world application of the Pythagorean Theorem??
Instructional Procedure:?
● Students will be re-introduced to square root problems as well as Pythagorean theorem problems via DO NOW.?
● The formula of two sides being squared and added equaling the largest side (hypotenuse) of triangle squared will be verbally as well as algebraically re-introduced.?
● Students will work on example problems involving Pythagorean theorem.?
● Students who are ready will move onto Pythagorean theorem word problems and sheets.?
Follow-Up Activity:?
Students will be given several example questions that they will independently work on and have the opportunity to put on the white board to gain both extra credit as well as a sense of accomplishment.
Will take place with the delivery(s) of given information. For review purposes all students will have to at least attempt all problems/examples.?
● No use of idiomatic expressions/phrases?
● Extra lag time given for ample time to answer questions?
● Special attention given to ELL student(s) (if applicable)?
● Use of IEP goals to develop, differentiate teaching per particular student?
Follow-Up Activity:?
Students will be given several example questions that they will independently work on and have the opportunity to put on the white board to gain both extra credit as well as a sense of accomplishment.
a. Formative Assessment Describe how students demonstrate learning and understanding of the lesson. Include?
what criteria will be used and what feedback?
will be provided.
Exit Ticket:?
To complete the lesson students will put answers, just answers on exit tickets with their names and deposit in basket on desk near the door leaving the classroom.?
Students will be given several example problems to do independently at home to gage understanding of in class materials and examples.
b. Summative Assessment Explain the evidence of student learning that will be collected and how you will modify?
future assignments.
Homework will be checked for completion and gone over the following day of mathematics class. Students will have the opportunity to gain extra points on Homework coming up to the whiteboard and going over homework/class work problems.
8 - PROFESSIONAL QUALITY Provide a full heading and format the lesson accordingly.
● 10th grade Mathematics.
● Hunter College.?
● Pythagorean Theorem- solving for a missing side.?
● Any teacher certified in Special Education in Math 7-12, can teach this lesson. ● All professional standards are met, computer printed, can be used on tablets, well organized and formatted.?
Perfect Square Review?
Directions: Calculate the following square root values. 1. 100 = ________ 8. 9 = ________?
2. 25 = ________ 9. 81 = ________ 3. 49 = ________ 10. 16 = ________ 4. 4 = ________ 11. 169= ________ 5. 121 = ________ 12. 144 = ________ 6. 64 = ________ 13. 36 = ________ 7. 196= ________ 14. 225 = ________
Do now?
Student A begins in the cafeteria. Student A walks 8 feet straight down the hallway to the stairs. The stairs head back in the direction of the cafeteria and after walking down the stairs the student is directly 90 degrees below his starting point and 6 feet away.?
1. How long is the staircase??
2. Accurately draw the illustration to show your work. 3. Use the formula a2 + b2 = c2.?
o Hint: C is equal to the length of the staircase.
Pythagorean Theorem
The Pythagorean Theorem can be used to find the length of a side of a right triangle if the lengths of the other two sides are known. The 2+ ??2 = ??2?
The formula is ??. The hypotenuse is c and is always the longest side and opposite the right angle.?
??2+ ??2 = ??2?
32+ 42 = ??2?
9 + 16 = ??2?
3cm 25 = ??2?
25 = c?
5 = c?
4 cm?
Directions: As a class, find the length of each triangle’s missing side.?
8 cm?
1.. 2.?
5 cm 6 cm?
12 cm
Answer: ___________ Answer: ___________ Directions: Find the length of each triangle’s missing side. *Round to the nearest tenth if necessary?
3. 4.?
7 m 1 m?
4 m?
2 cm?
Answer: ________ Answer: ________?
5. Jessica made a sandwich for her lunch that was 3 inches long and 5 inches high. If she cuts the sandwich diagonally, what will be the length of the new side??
3 in
5 in Answer: __________ 6. A teacher wants to get a new rug for her students. The rug she gets is 6 meters long and 2 meters wide. How long is the diagonal of the new rug she places in her classroom??
6 m?
2 m Answer: ___________?
7. A man wants to hang Christmas lights on his house. He stands 5 feet from the house and places his 14-foot ladder against the house. If he begins stringing the lights at this exact spot, how high up on the wall will the lights be??
14 ft 5 ft
Answer: ____________