Adoption of the Best Practice in the Establishment of the Maritime Silk Road Confucius Institute in the Advocacy of World Peace and Development

Phraprommangkalachan was an academician with an Oriental Philosophical view on Change, Innovation, Idealism, and Freedom to attain World Peace in the Asia-Pacific. His view imposes the academic manifestations of the Confucius Institute of Maritime Silk Road Confucius Institute. For him, the academic dimension of Maritime Silk Road reflects the mindset of change on the purview of enlightened acceptance that Asian nations work together as the Chinese people are all the peripherical cognitive view whose mindset defines the critical value of Freedom that emerges the long-term acculturation and assimilation of the western culture. The academic reflection of this oriental philosophical view of change and freedom will transform into millennial ideological advocacy that will result in the diminishing political value in the traditional hold of collective power.

The western world has not seen the gray areas of human nature on acculturation and assimilation development where the Asian migrants in the Asia-Pacific will uphold the global mindset of change and freedom. The international insights into the Asian people political orientation of the soft power, trojan horse, and sphere of power influence in the implementation of the Maritime Silk Road projects may not be the future direction … the rise of the Asian millennials living and working in the western world is the pandora’s box that the old political power will gradually diminish in the assimilated assumption of the insights of Change, Idealism, and Freedom…. Let the western world takes care of the international education of the Asian people to become the world leaders then the ideas on Change, Innovation, Idealism, and Freedom in the academic advocacy of the Maritime Sild Road Confucius Institute will lead the way of World Peace and Development.

The historical account of the Marine Silk Road describes the diplomatic peace and unity in the major civilizations of Asia, Europe, and Africa for thousands of years that resulted in the cultural assimilation and amalgamation of the Chinese people among the different nations of the world to the contemporary time. It symbolizes the closeness of human hearts and spirits to bring world peace even in the 21st century. There has been mutual respect and understanding of the different countries around the world in the exploration and opening of the trade that resulted in the cultural exchanges in the pathways of the economic belt. The idea of diplomatic initiative defines the inter-regional cooperation of all segments of the society to bring world peace and prosperity based on the Silk Road Spirit that provides closeness of the people in Asia, Africa, and Europe for many centuries. As a diplomatic approach to provide world peace and development initiative by the Chinese government, it is morally right to bring closer the heart and soul of China that is deeply rooted in its historical tradition from economic trade to the cultural and educational divergence of the human society around the world.

These are the applications of Phraprommangkalachan’s Oriental Perspectives to the Confucius Institute of Maritime Silk Road Confucius Institute which provides support the exchanges ad mutual learning between different civilizations :

1. The cultural assimilation as the Chinese descent permanently residing in other ASEAN countries including Asia, Africa, and Europe. This represents the Chinese society in the world as an ambassador of goodwill with the result of the intermarriage with other countries of the Economic Silk Road in the past.

2. The complementation of the cultural and educational thought of the Chinese descent. The cultural assimilation as a result of the inter-marriage responded to a unique cultural and educational thought throughout Asia, Africa, and Europe. The strategic opportunity to appreciate the economic and cultural contributions in the development of Chinese culture and language around the world.

3. The economic and cultural exchanges of Chinatown with economic cooperation from the Chinese government. The important economic contribution of China around the world is the distinct recognition of Chinatown as the center of Chinese activities. The Chinese Chamber of Commerce contributed so much to the national economy of other countries around the world.

4. The continuing cultural and educational advocacy of the Confucius Classrooms/Institutes. This is a good opportunity for the Confucius Institute of Maritime Silk Road to conduct cultural and historical research to be disseminated in international conferences and lectures. The establishments of the Chinese Classrooms/Institutes are sustained to provide training in Chinese language, culture, and history that may still be adopted in the Confucius Institute of Maritime Silk Road. These are the primary activities that can be done for human society to be aware of the contribution of China around the world.

5. The establishment of economic partnerships with the ASEAN region with the theme Maritime Silk Road Economic on Equal Collaboration. This is an equal development opportunity to share the wealth and human resources of China and ASEAN countries in the development of the China Sea in the Maritime Silk Road that produced economic prosperity of hundreds of years ago. The historical antecedents produced a remarkable diplomatic peace and development including the cultural assimilation of the Chinese descents that helped the ASEAN countries sustained the economic and cultural development of Chinatown and active participation of the Chinese Chamber of Commerce.

In the attainment of World Peace, the Confucius Institute of Maritime Silk Road adheres to the diplomatic strategy in the new models of international cooperation and global governance. In the case of the Multipolar World, the advocacy of world peace carries the understanding of educational and cultural exchange ties even in the multiple centers of power and influence to the different parts of the continent. The economic diplomacy provides a deeper understanding and sharing of wealth and human resources about the role of the Marine Silk Road for the global prosperity of the region. Furthermore, the ideals of positive energy in pursuing world peace in the 21st Maritime Silk Road reflect on the global free trade, economic globalization, cultural diversity, greater IT application.

The Global Free Trade had been well-established since the beginning of the economic belt and silk road in Asia, Africa, and Europe. In the 21st century, global free trade defines in the spirit of an open world economy through regional cooperation among the nations of the world. There are unique super-structure of the educational, cultural, and economic system that may apply the multi-layered bonding of the multipolar world with one purpose of creating world peace The open world economy replicates the Maritime Silk Road of the past that the convergence of human development provides the greater level of social accessibility in commerce and industry.

The Chinese Chamber of Commerce and the diplomatic chain of economic development of China should provide the necessary support to bring the Confucius Institute Philosophy in the adherence of world peace and the international cooperation based on the ideals of the "One Belt and One Road" for the greater economic prosperity. Furthermore, the economic globalization and greater IT applications are still part of the whole package of the development of the "One Belt and One Road" to respond to technological change in the 21st century. However, the most important infusion of technological and economic development must respond to a quality of human resources to bring unified cultural effort of social change. As to the role of the Confucius Institute of Maritime Silk Road, it provides the educational and cultural support as to the acculturation process of human development within the symbiotic perspectives on the presence of Chinese descents and Chinese economic activities in the areas of global interest.

The relevance of the Silk Road Economic Belt revives with the original initiative of the Chinese government through President Xi Jinping when he visited Central Asia and Southeast Asia last September and October 2013. In the same year, Chinese Premier Li Keqiang in China ASEAN Expo emphasized the need to build the Maritime Silk Road oriented towards ASEAN, and to create strategic propellers for hinterland development.

The Vision and Actions on Jointly Silk Road Economic Belt and 21st Century Maritime Silk Road has the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence in the Belt and Road Initiative namely : (1) mutual respect's sovereignty and territorial integrity; (2) mutual non-aggression; (4) mutual non-interference in each other's internal affairs; and (5) equality and mutual benefit, and peaceful coexistence.

          The China's diplomatic strategy for peaceful coexistence has the open up a new window of educational and cultural opportunities to achieve world peace. It is guided by comprehensive and friendly cooperation with the fundamental interest to secure a peaceful international environment as a win-win interaction of the human society in the world. The peaceful coexistence defines by standard diplomatic strategy through equality and mutual benefits by providing support on educational and cultural exchanges which is open to all countries but not limited to the ancient silk road.

The Confucius Institute of Maritime Silk Road entails harmonious and inclusive support through dialogues among different civilizations. Primarily, it provides support on the educational and cultural exchanges in the field of Chinese language, culture, history, and arts within the theme of the Maritime Silk Road. This gives more academic opportunities to explore the fusion of cultural diversity in the social acculturation and assimilation of the flourishing Chinese trade with diplomatic contacts in the different continents of the world. The educational and cultural exchanges may be done through academic training, cultural and historical research studies, lectures, and international conferences to ensure the sharing of ideas and sentiments to achieve world peace and development.

As part of the diplomatic strategy that permeates in the global economy of the "One Belt and One Road" Initiative, the Confucius Institute of Maritime Silk Road has educational, social, and cultural attributes deeply rooted from its designed to go from China's coast to Europe through the South China Sea and the Indian Ocean in one route, and from China's coast through the South China Sea to the South Pacific in the other. The silk products (including Chinese porcelain jars) did not only bring the economic goods but the Chinese cultural life that spread throughout the coastal areas and trade centers that eventually amalgamated in the different cultures of the human society in the world. This brings world peace as the Chinese government provides diplomatic support including economic investments in infrastructure development to ensure the sustainability of the past generation effort in the economic activities in the Maritime Silk Road.

These are the expanded programs of the initiative to distinctly contribute to the implementation of the Maritime Silk Road Confucius Institute :

1. The Maritime Silk Road Festivals that would include through the arts festivals, film festivals, TV weeks, and book fairs in each other's countries; cooperate on the production and translation of fine films, radio, and TV programs. The Confucius Institutes adopt the academe-media linkages to identify the presence of the Maritime Silk Road of great importance that can exclusively open up new windows of opportunities to discover and share the knowledge about the Chinese people striving to provide economic and cultural contributions in the specific Silk road activities in the past.

2. The Medical and Allied Health Cooperation in support of the Maritime Silk Road based on the utilization of the Chinese Alternative Medicine. The Confucius Institutes through the academe-public health linkages may respond to the point of origin as to the alternative medicine in the Silk road. The cultural diversity provides the medical response as to the regional cooperation among nations to the presence of alternative medicine in the maritime silk road. The Chinese medicine is now part of the 21st-century revival of traditional medicine which is called the alternative medicine that can be found from the different silk road routes in the past.

3. Science and Technology International Cooperation in the Continental Areas of the Maritime Silk. The Confucius Institutes spell out for the support of the educational and cultural exchange programs. However, the expanded development program for the Confucius Institute of Maritime Silk Road through the economic silk road provides the academe-science linkages to universities with Confucius Institutes to collaborate with other departments and divisions in science and technology to pursue the promotion of international research linkages through joint ventures on sci-tech innovation. These are clustered according to the regional continental structure of the economic belt for the silk road.

4. The youth employment, entrepreneurship training, vocational skill development, social security management, public administration and management, and other areas of common interest. The Chinese language and culture can still be part of the cultural training in the implementation of the aforementioned areas of common interests. The articulation of the employment development program integrates the manufacturing of Chinese products along with the utilization of the Chinese designs for paintings and sculptures with the inclusion of cultural tourism.

There are innovative ways for the Confucius Institute of Maritime Silk Road to carry out diplomatic exchanges including organizing public interest activities concerning education, health care, poverty reduction, biodiversity, and ecological protection for the benefit of the general public, and improve the production and living conditions of poverty-stricken areas along the Belt and Road.

Furthermore, from its decade of securing durable world peace, the expanded approach in the implementation of the Confucius Institute of Marine Silk Road provides a strategic opportunity to benchmark the best practices of the implementation of the Confucius Institutes worldwide.

1. Bridge of Inter-language and intercultural Communication. The sustainability of the implementation of the Confucius Institutes worldwide responds better awareness and understanding of the Chinese language, culture, and history in Asia, Africa, America, and Europe.

The Confucius Institutes of Marine Silk Road can sustain the adoption of the Maritime Silk Road Interlanguage and Intercultural communication in pursuit of the cultural assimilation and amalgamation of the Chinese history, arts, and culture. The Chinese theme reflects the main idea as to the spread of cultural patterns, processes, and systems uniquely blended in the history of nations.

2. Feature Education Resource System. The Confucius Institutes are now part of the academic community from pre-school to university education and from short-term training to degree education. There is a faculty and students exchange program, Chinese language training proficiency program, full-fledge language teaching to the publication of the Chinese books.

The Confucius Institutes of Maritime Silk Road ensures the academic community to discuss common leverage of Historical and Cultural Agenda to work on holistic implementation of the Maritime Silk Road Theme as to its economic and diplomatic values in Asia, Africa, Europe, and even America. The educational focus no longer on short-term training to degree education but through academe-industry linkages to respond and meet the vision and mission on the economic belt of the maritime silk road.

3. Creation of a Collaborative School-running Model based on equality, cooperation, mutual benefit, and win-win by Confucius Institutes rooted in and serving the public.

The Collaborative School-running model which ensures the diplomatic adoption of openness, transparency, and standardized operation for SinoForeign Cooperation can be adopted in the Confucius Institutes of Maritime Silk Road. The recipient universities and communities have to respond to the unique culture and diversity to suit the needs of the local community by enhancing teaching content and activities. The cultural diffusion, assimilation, and amalgamation should respond to Chinese life based on its historical antecedents of the Maritime Silk Road.

4. People to People Exchange via the Media of Language and Culture. In the decade of existence, the Confucius Institutes worldwide have accomplished the famous brand for deepening people-to-people exchange via the media of language and culture. The establishment of the Confucius Institute of Maritime Silk can adopt the cultural exchange activities, faculty and student exchange programS, and other Chinese academic exchange programs for other nations to benchmark in culture, arts, and technology. The "Chinese Bridge" Competition has the most successful Chinese language program of the Confucius Institutes. Furthermore, the Confucius Institutes have the initiative to spread Traditional Chinese Medicine, martial arts, culinary, vocational skill training, and other featured activities to deepen friendly bonds with people in other countries.

In the case of the ASEAN Integration, there are proposed critical areas applied in the establishment of the Confucius Institute of Maritime Silk Road as experienced by the Romchatra Foundation for the ASEAN Integration in support of the Socio-Cultural Community (ASCC) for the " One Road and One Belt" diplomatic strategy of China.

1. The educational forging of a common identity and building a caring and sharing society through the social acculturation and assimilation of the Chinese descent as a result of the Maritime trading of the silk road.

2. The participation of the student and faculty in the cultural exchange programs of the students and faculty such as Chinese conversation, Chinese recitation, Chinese calligraphy, Chinese music, Chinese Kung Fu, and handcrafts courses, and joined in real-time class with native Chinese students.

3. The youth leadership exchange programs also provide a better understanding of the development of the Maritime Silk Road in Asian countries.

4. The "Chinese Bridge --Top Crown Diamond Cup International Chinese Language Competition" with the participation of the elementary schools, junior and senior high schools, and colleges.

5. The scholarship and training of the poor but deserving students through cultural and educational exchange programs in areas of cultural arts, theater and dancing, silk product development, science and technology, and other fields of interest.

6. The scholarly research presentation, publications. lectures and international conferences as to the historical studies about the history and development of the Maritime Silk Road in the ASEAN countries.

7. The life-long learning education support tracing Maritime Silk Road in the ASEAN Communities.

8. The educational networking with the ASEAN countries and China for a broader understanding of the cultural and educational diplomatic ties.

The Maritime Silk Road for the Educational and Cultural Exchange Development Program in the ASEAN Integration can particularly respond to Human and Social Development. In the socio-economic development activities, the ASEAN will enhance the well-being and livelihood of the peoples of ASEAN by providing them with equitable access to human development opportunities by : (1) Promoting and investing in education and lifelong learning; (2) Promoting in human resource training and capacity building; (3) Encourage innovation and entrepreneurship; (4) Promote the use of English language; and (4) Promote ICT and applied science and technology.

In Advancing and Prioritizing Human and Social Development in the ASEAN Integration, the strategic objective is to ensuring the integration of education priorities into ASEAN's development agenda and creating a knowledge-based society; achieving universal access to primary education; promoting early child care and development; and enhancing awareness of ASEAN to youths through education and activities to build an ASEAN identity based on friendship and cooperation.

1. Universal Access to Primary Education. The eradication of illiteracy and to ensure compulsory primary education for all and gender equality in education, through advocating for equal opportunity in education regardless of social class, geography ethnicity, background, or physical disabilities.

2. Early Child Care Development. The promotion of early child care development through sharing of best practices, experiences, and capacity-building education in the ASEAN region.

3. Quality and Adaptability of Education. The Improvement of the quality and adaptability of education, including technical/ vocational/skills training.

4. Life-long Learning. The use of ICT to promote education and life-long learning particularly in underserved communities through open, distance education and e-learning

5. Education Networking. The promotion of education networking in various levels of educational institutions and continue university networking and enhance and support student and staff exchanges and professional interactions. Furthermore, the strengthening of collaboration with other regional and international educational organizations to enhance the quality of education in the region.

6. Gender Equality. The Promotion of equal access to education for women and girls and enhance the exchange of best practices on the gender-sensitive school curriculum.

7. Cultural Heritage. This includes the teaching of common values and cultural heritage in school curricula and develops teaching materials and capabilities. It also develops and offers courses on ASEAN studies, both in the primary, secondary, and higher education levels. Furthermore, the exchange of cultural performers and scholars among the Member States through the education system gives greater access and understanding of the different cultures of ASEAN Member States.

8. ASEAN Development Program. The continuation of the ASEAN Youth Leadership Development Programme and similar programs with the same objectives and encourage networking among ASEAN Youth Programme alumni to promote solidarity and mutual understanding. It also supports the learning of ASEAN languages and promotes exchanges of linguists. This provides the establishment of ASEAN university games, ASEAN youth peace corps, ASEAN computer games, and ASEAN Science Olympiad to promote greater interaction and understanding among the youths in the region. Furthermore, it continues to implement the youth awards program such as the ASEAN Youth Day Award and Ten Accomplished Youth Organizations in ASEAN (TAYO ASEAN) to recognize outstanding individuals and youth organizations significantly contributing to the promotion of ASEAN ideas and values among the youth across the region and work towards the establishment of an ASEAN Youth Programme Fund to fund the various youth projects and activities in ASEAN.

9. English Language Proficiency. This is the support of the citizens of Member States to become proficient in the English language so that the citizens of the ASEAN region can communicate directly with one another and participate in the broader international community;

In line with the ASCC of the ASEAN Integration the relevant diplomatic activities as to the Strategic Direction of the Confucius Institute of the Maritime Silk Road ( Plus China) are the following:

(1) The cultural heritage that responds to the assimilation of the Chinese-Thai people on the unique culture and history in the development of the Maritime Silk Road. The ASCC achieves this diplomatic strategy to conform its enduring solidarity and unity among the nations and peoples of ASEAN by forging a common identity and building a caring and sharing society. There are Chinese descents in the ASEAN Community that solidify the common areas of cultural interest on language, tradition, and history in all parts of ASEAN countries within the periphery of Chinatown.

(2) The Thai-Chinese youth leadership exchange program on ASEAN values and ideas. This is similar to the Language Autumn Camp of Thai students to China with the reciprocal visit of the Chinese students to understand the ASEAN values and ideas. The Autumn Camp offered a variety of Chinese language events and Chinese cultural events. Students were involved in the events of Chinese conversation, Chinese recitation, Chinese calligraphy, Chinese music, Chinese Kung Fu, and handcrafts courses, and joined in real-time class with native Chinese students. However, the major theme of the youth leadership exchange programs also provides a better understanding of the development of the Maritime Silk Road in Asian countries.

(3) The Chinese language proficiency program in the ASEAN countries. The Confucius Classrooms/Institutes have sustained the "Chinese Bridge---Top Crown Diamond Cup International Chinese Language Competition" with the participation of the elementary schools, junior and senior high schools, and colleges in Thailand and other ASEAN countries. The ASCC program provides support on educational sharing of the Chinese language to appreciate its contribution to the ASEAN Community. The Confucius Institute of the Maritime Silk can benchmark the Chinese Bridge-Top Crown Diamond Cup International Chinese Language Competition as part of the regular activities in the ASEAN countries. The expanded version of the program provides the regular Chinese Language Proficiency Program in the educational institution with the support of the Confucius Classrooms/Institutes.

(4) The capacity building on inclusive growth through cultural and educational exchange program. The cultural diversity in the native tongue is also a part of social processes of the inclusive growth that fermented both Thai-Chinese people. The Confucius Institute of the Maritime Silk Road provides the development initiative for the scholarship and training of the poor but deserving students through a cultural and educational exchange program in areas of cultural arts, theater and

dancing, silk product development, science and technology, and other fields of interest.

(5) The ASEAN studies relevant to the history and development of the Maritime Silk Road. The unique contribution in the establishment of the Confucius Institute of the Maritime Silk Road is the scholarly research presentation, publications. lectures and international conferences as to the historical studies about the history and development of the Maritime Silk Road in the ASEAN countries. This will provide better information about the "One Belt and One Road" diplomatic strategy of China through cultural and social processes as to the Chinese relations in the Maritime Silk Road with the ASEAN countries.

(6) The life-long learning education support tracing Maritime Silk Road in the ASEAN Communities. The Confucius Institute may adopt in a sustained manner the Chinese Language and Work Initiative for Life-Long Learning Education in local communities and universities under the theme of Local Industry –Academe Linkages. This can be done through the Life-long Learning Education for adult and out-of-school youth with work blending on cultural handicrafts and indigenous products with Chinese design.

(7) The educational networking with the ASEAN countries and China for broader understanding on the cultural and educational diplomatic ties. The educational networking in support of the Confucius Institute of Maritime Silk Road broadens the diplomatic capacity to exchange ideas and insights as to its contribution to the cultural and educational development of nations. This is done through academic international linkages adopting a unique feature of the continental regions of the world as to the participation in the economic silk road belt in the past.


Confucius Institute of Maritime Silk Road: A Diplomatic Strategy for World Peace and Development

The First Confucius Institute of Maritime Silk Road was founded by Phraphrommankalachan to create a new way in the promotion of Chinese history, culture, and language in the educational institutions, government offices, and private organizations which was established during the 40th anniversary of diplomatic relations between China and Thailand. Phraprommangkalachan in his speech during the establishment of the First Confucius Institute of Marine Silk Road said that Chinese President Xi Jinping's initiation of "One Belt and One Road" diplomatic strategy embodies a great contribution China makes to world peace and the mutual development of neighboring countries. In the report of Hanban (2015), the establishment of the Confucius Institute of Maritime Silk Road aims to better develop and advance the Chinese language education in Thailand as a pivot on the Maritime Silk Road and to facilitate exchanges between China and Thailand in all fields as it also marks the starting point of 2015 ASEAN Integration. At present, there are 14 Confucius Institutes and 18 Confucius Classrooms in Thailand, and the number of Chinese learners has exceeded 850,000.

Global Book Publication Link:


Belt and Road Initiative of the Maritime Silk Road Confucius Institute


The "Belt and Road Initiative of the Maritime Silk Road Confucius" is the expanded version of the " One Belt One Road Initiative: Universal Perspectives in World Peace and Development through Change, Innovation, Idealism and Freedom" to further establish the presence of the Maritime Silk Road Confucius Institute in the promotion of cultural diversity, economic and political diplomacy in the Asian region. The Romchatra Foundation and Hanban with the participation of ASEAN foreign universities for continuously supporting academic publications to promote the essence of oneness and closeness of the Asian people. It will also develop and forge independent foreign policy within the ideal view of comity and amity that will ensure world peace and development in the sovereign states that will participate in the "Belt and Road Initiative" through the Maritime Silk Road in the Asian region.


The revival of the Maritime Silk Road in contemporary time denotes the manifestation of the philosophical wisdom continuously view the human reflections of sufferings and the nirvana of freedom as the centerpiece of cosmic forces of human society. The human life cycle must now come into new economic diplomatic order in the interdependence of states where peace and development existed in the heart and spirit of all of us. We can only do this by the ideals of the Maritime Silk Road where the integration of Confucius Institutes ensures the political, cultural, social, and economic diplomacy development advocacies within the realm of INNOVATION, CHANGE, IDEALISM, and FREEDOM. The nirvana of the philosophical point of view of the " Belt and Road Initiative" is when peaceful cooperation and agreement on tangible infrastructure support for manufacturing and industrial sector, transportation, technology transfer, information technology, and other modes of development assistance. The end economic results are innumerable particularly addressing a decent life that will work just like developed countries with bilateral and multilateral development programs. The social stratification will be expanded to the presence of the middle class that will have the collective consciousness in appreciating the ideas of Change, Innovation, Idealism, and Freedom.


One Belt One Road: Universal Perspectives in World Peace and Development through Change, Innovation, Idealism, and Freedom

The philosophical wisdom for world peace reflects the simple way to express that "Every day the world turns to break the new day." The element of time embodies the essence of life. This reflects the changing world where the gradual transformation of everyday activities defines the life cycle of mankind. However, the most interesting struggle of the life cycle defines by how we govern, how we dictate the kind of goods and services, how we follow our beliefs, ideals, and aspirations, and how we weave the knowledge and love we have to live in this beautiful world. The new day demonstrates the changing perspectives on how we aspire and live our life working harmoniously to attain world peace and development for our future. Basically, we consider these life cycles of the new day to embrace the development of world peace through change, innovation, idealism, and freedom. These are within the clauses of noble truths where Buddhism defines the essence of life from its conception of suffering to the cessation of the gradual path that may follow within the gradual wisdom steps of change, innovation, idealism, and freedom.

The "One Road One Belt" describes the paradigm shift for world peace that transforms the continuum process of change, innovation, idealism, and freedom in the economic, technological, cultural, and political development to attain the quality of life among the participating countries in the world. There is so much to learn in openness, oneness, and inclusiveness in reminiscing the past grandeur of our great ancestors who guided us the role model in the diplomatic respect and trust as the purveyor of truth for the existence of the Maritime Silk Road. In its historical account, it defined the diplomatic peace and unity in the major civilizations of Asia, Europe, and Africa for thousands of years that resulted in the cultural assimilation and amalgamation of the Chinese people among the different nations of the world to the contemporary time. This symbolizes the closeness of human hearts and spirits to bring world peace even in the 21st century. The Maritime Silk Road which is the basis of the "One Belt One Road," it evolves as a good model of political and economic life which the Asian nations respected the ideas of wholesome development of the society where independence and freedom existed vis-à-vis to technological innovations. The sovereign states transformed into dynamic and vibrant economic order with good diplomatic ties among Asian nations

.          In contemporary times, this has been achieved by the industrialized states of Asia. However, the political and economic philosophy may be different from the western nations but the genuine principles are still reflective in its underlying principles of the quality of life in the Asian region. The idea of world peace must always bring the principles of peaceful co-existence within the ambit of amity and comity through the interdependence of the sovereign states. The implementation of "One Belt One Road" can be extracted from the principles of the paradigm shift for World Peace and Development in the ideas of President Xi Jinping that discuss the features of change, innovation, idealism, and freedom. The diplomacy strategy is to apply regional cooperation for bilateral and multilateral agreements among the countries of the world. Likewise, the realignment of the development agenda and thrusts of the sovereign nations are anchored on the quality of life that can be articulated in employment generation, poverty reduction, universal education, cultural diversity, technological and infrastructure economic support, and other means to enhance the productivity in the macro-level that be cascaded in the masses.



Based on the Traimit Model of Education, the Confucius Classroom at Traimittwittayalai High School has offered training courses and organized an international Chinese competition known as the "Chinese Language Bridge-Top Crown Diamond Cup." This competition has attracted over 32,500 competitors and professionals as a model of Chinese and foreign educational cooperation. The 32 volumes of Happy Travel in China series of textbooks which are developed with the cooperation of Tianjin Experimental High School have been widely used by more than 10,000 students in Thailand. It organized book exhibitions and the Hanban donated high-tech function school facilities and equipment for the first Confucius Classroom. Based on this research, it would like to study the Traimit Model as the first Confucius Classroom as to the educational contribution and management along with the academic objectives and goals, teachers' competence, adequacy of instructional materials, academic management, and Confucian academic achievement to the basic education program in primary, junior and senior high school. As an effect of the educational management of the first Confucius School, the study determined the influence of the student performance along with the values, formation, spiritual development, human relationship, behavioral development, and cognitive development.














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