Adopting sustainability in Pakistan's textile industry By Mirza Zia Hussain
Mirza Zia Hussain
Marketing Executive at MK Sons (Pvt) Ltd. |Marketing| Sales|Merchandising|Sourcing|Fabrications|Processing|CMT|Keynote Speaker|Humanitarian|Writer| Teacher | Strategist |More than 2 Decades in Industry
Pakistan's textile industry is not only the backbone of the country's economy, but also has a prominent identity at the global level. It is a complex process from cotton production, yarn production, fabric weaving and then garment production that makes Pakistan one of the major textile producers in the world. But with the changing times, a new concept has emerged which is called "sustainability".
Sustainability refers to the process of using existing resources in such a way that they remain available for future generations. It is a theory that integrates environmental, economic and social factors into long-term planning. Regarding the textile industry, sustainability means adopting practices that minimize environmental damage and use energy, water and natural resources efficiently and wisely.
Pakistan's textile industry is one of the largest industries in the world, but this industry has also become a major environmental challenge. Excessive water consumption, use of toxic chemicals, waste generation and use of unsustainable energy sources in cotton cultivation are having a negative impact on our environment. Much of the waste generated in the textile industry pollutes land and water, affecting not only soil fertility but also water bodies.
Pakistan is a water-scarce country and there are fears that this crisis will worsen in the future. From cotton cultivation to fabric manufacturing, the textile industry uses a lot of water. According to an estimate, it takes thousands of liters of water to make just one cotton shirt. Therefore, the biggest benefit of adopting sustainability principles is in less water usage. Adoption of modern technologies and procedures can reduce water wastage in textile mills.
The textile industry also consumes a lot of energy. The use of unsustainable sources of energy such as coal and oil causes an increase in environmental pollution. Machinery used in textile manufacturing requires a lot of electricity, which is expensive and a burden on the environment. The solution to this problem is the use of sustainable energy sources such as solar energy, wind energy and biogas. These are not only environmentally friendly but can also be economically beneficial in the long run.
The use of modern technology is very important for adopting sustainability principles in the textile industry. Today, machinery and processes are being used around the world that can provide more output with less water and energy. For example, water consumption can be reduced through "compressed air technology", while "energy efficient boilers" help save energy. Also important for sustainability are the principles of "recycling" and "upcycling", in which waste materials are reused.
The use of chemicals in textile factories in Pakistan is common, especially in the dyeing and washing stages. These chemicals harm both water and land and are also harmful to human health. Adopting sustainability principles requires reducing the use of chemicals and choosing environmentally friendly chemicals.
Another major challenge is "fast fashion", in which clothes are produced quickly and sold at low prices. In this process, quality is neglected and the environment is also damaged. This results in more waste generation that affects both land and water. We can meet this challenge by adopting the principles of sustainable fashion, which prioritizes quality, durability and eco-friendly materials.
There are several international standards for sustainability across the world that Pakistan's textile industry needs to adopt. Such as "Global Organic Textile Standard" (GOTS), "Better Cotton Initiative" (BCI), and "Eco Labels". Adoption of these standards will not only improve the quality of Pakistani textile products but also give them a unique position in the global market.
Several steps can be taken to promote sustainability in the Pakistani textile industry. First, the government should introduce policies that promote sustainability in the textile industry and encourage eco-friendly techniques. Also, facilities should be provided to industries to use modern technology so that they can use less energy and water.
The role of consumers in promoting sustainability is also very important. Consumers should prefer eco-friendly products and avoid fast fashion. It is also important that consumers become more aware of sustainability and make their purchasing decisions accordingly.
Adopting sustainability in Pakistan's textile industry is not only important for the environment but can also be beneficial for our economy. If we start adopting the principles of sustainability today, we can not only preserve our natural resources but also gain a positive recognition globally. This article has been written to increase the awareness of people on this subject. It will try to explain in simple terms the steps taken to move the textile industry towards sustainability.