Adopting “The Right” Comms Network Can Make Scaling, Organizing & Managing Your Business 10x Easier!

Adopting “The Right” Comms Network Can Make Scaling, Organizing & Managing Your Business 10x Easier!

Don’t be like Elon Musk! Choose The Right Comms Service Early on For Long-Term Marketing & Workplace Benefits. Read Further to Determine Which One is The Best Fit For Your Business!

As a business owner/manager, you want a coercion-free, organized, and reliable comms network that can handle complex and bulky operations. You want a place where tasks, deadlines, goals, strategies, and resources are well-sorted and made clear-cut, so everyone works independently and causes minimal disruption for you.

Keeping business-related communications organic may work well for startups with small teams, but when you’re transitioning to an established organization, organic comms will become a complete disaster, obviously!

This article illuminates some benefits that early UCaaS adoption would entail — and also clarifies on whether which one of the two - slack or discord - would best serve your business needs as per your business type.

UCaaS: Unified Communications as a service;

Why Use Slack or Discord as a Communication Network?

#1. It Makes Client and Employee Onboarding Process Easier

The most troublesome and complex part of building a business is scaling. You can definitely build a brilliant plan and strategy in theory, but when it comes to execution, many unseen arbitrary variables come into play.

To mention a few, you’ll notice that onboarding new hires would cause disruption in the organic workflow. Also, managing clientele would become tedious as their number grows.

The main purpose of any UCaaS is to:

  1. Organize operations, workflow and information,
  2. Help employees adapt to sudden changes/improvements in workflow,
  3. Make client management easier and, therefore, scalable.

An organized communication network is essential to creating a digital infrastructure that functions like a supercomputer from 3000s! Maybe…

#2. It Helps Find and Eliminate Redundant or Disruptive Comms.

The most important part of running a multifaceted workflow is not falling into dependency deadlocks. Let me elaborate.

For example, many times, complex tasks involve back and forth between three or more departments. With increased collaboration, the communication network becomes so complex, the chances of operation conflicts between 3 different departments increase exponentially.

When 3 or more unsupervised departments create a feedback loop where the adjacent ones rely on one another to move forward, solve a problem, or reach a goal, chances of long iterations arise.

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Both Discord and Slack offer organized channels to help managers visualize these conflicts so they can devise the best way to tackle them.

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As you can see, there’s a slight difference in channel types. Because Slack is targeted toward professional settings, it offers all forms of communication through every channel.

In contrast, Discord offers choices over the type of communication users prefer via channel types.

#3. It Makes Tasks And Operations Easier to Execute And Manage

Ultimately, using a UCaaS like Slack and Discord gives you the facility to organize, execute and manage everything seamlessly, which could further help you quantify productivity, visualize workflow and gain insights into improving the overall functioning of your organization.

You can also integrate softwares like Google drive, Jira, zoom, workday, Microsoft office, and many other extensions for added benefits.

Disclaimer: I’m not affiliated with any businesses mentioned in this article!

#4. It Gives Employees An Incentive to Stay Organized & Maintain Welfare

When employees see sophisticated systems that contribute to facilitating them in thoughtful and articulate ways, they feel they’re catered to, and this improves their mood and work experience. Another reason that adds up to the?29% yearly hike of the UCaaS market.

So, Which One Should You Pick — Slack or Discord?

A fairly simple way to decide this is by understanding the key differences between the two and how they affect your work environment.

Slack is great for business environments where there are minimal to no interactions with the end customers, but more with the clientele and staff.

While both services have similar features and interface, Slack offers several minor features that add up to make your work environment comparatively better. To put it simply, Slack gives users the liberty to view, use and manage data the way they want because the interactions are presumed to happen in professional settings.

Discord, on the other hand, is better suited to businesses in the creatives and entertainment industry, either B2B or B2C. So if keeping interactions, updates, feedback and public relations is the backbone of your business, Discord’s branding and relaxed comms can make your business more approachable and bring it into the spotlight for the right people.

At the end of the day, setting up, not systems, but ecosystems that manage themselves, is the right way to go. And running a business in an organized and smooth-running environment creates an ecosystem that scales by itself!

That’s it for this one! Thanks for reading.

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