Adopting Gen-AI is No Longer Optional
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Adopting Gen-AI is No Longer Optional

Generative AI is in use today by organizations of all shapes and sizes. This technology is helping organizations to solve problems, operate more efficiently, and helping them to stay competitive. If your team or your business is not tapping into this technology you are already behind the curve.

Read: What is Generative AI?

The rise in popularity of Generative AI came about with the amazing success of OpenAI's ChatGPT. Millions of people have since engaged with ChatGPT in some form or fashion. For many, this type of interaction is novel but limited. For example, "I use ChatGPT to help write my emails...".

In these scenarios Gen-AI is helping people to be slightly more productive but this is really just scratching the surface what this technology can do. When connected to an organization's data, Gen-AI's goes from being novel to game changing.

Imagine being able to ask questions of your data such as:

  • "Which vendor routinely charges above the current market rate?"
  • "Which customer has purchased product ABC but not DEF?"
  • "Which employee has skills in Adobe Photoshop and JavaScript but also has management experience?"

By connecting Gen-AI to your data, the opportunity for your team to uncover new insights can be astounding. In this capacity, Gen-AI is helping organizations with a fundamental ability to make timely, intelligent, data-driven decisions and it is scary good at it!

Gen-AI will help organizations maximize the value of their data in such a way that it provides even greater insights and smarter decision support capabilities. It will learn the companies data, learn how it is used, and then use this knowledge to make recommendations.

The organization that can make faster, smarter decisions, is an organization that operates with greater agility and transparency. This means greater competitiveness. Gen-AI is no longer optional. Organizations need to start investing in it today.

Four Steps You Need To Take Right Now To Tap Into Gen-AI:

#1) AI requires good, clean, accurate data

Translated: Start addressing data quality issues right away. For example, if AI will be used to coach new employees, you will need to make sure it is not misleading them with incorrect data. The root of poor quality data is often due to poorly designed applications, broken or disconnected business processes, or bugs in the data pipeline. These issues can stall AI-related initiatives so it is best to start addressing them right away.

Pro Tip: Conduct employee surveys to uncover areas of recurring data quality issues and discuss ways to empower users to identify, communicate, and fix problems with minimal effort.

#2) Gen-AI will return greater rewards if you feed it with both structured and unstructured data

If you feed the AI model text it will be able to read the text and then answer questions about it. Cool, but how does it work with all of the data sitting in your data warehouses? Fortunately a lot of people are thinking about this problem and technology is now available to help Gen-AI algorithms to read and learn from this data too. One technology in particular your IT department should be researching is Graph Database technology. As data stored in a graph database is optimized for Gen-AI search and retrieval.

Pro Tip: Research Graph Databases and "Retrieval Augmented Generation" (RAG). RAG is an approach that couples data with the muscle behind the Gen-AI algorithms to make Gen-AI results tailored for specific use cases.

#3) You need to teach your Gen-AI engine how to use the data

For it to become smarter, Gen-AI needs to be able to tap into your day-to-day business processes and learn from the micro-decisions that go on each day to help it learn. Translated: You need to do a better job of collecting process-related data. Process data can inform Gen-AI with the most popular or appropriate path to take and use this knowledge to make recommendations to future users.

This data is naturally captured in workflow systems or in application logs. However, many organizations are heavily dependent on spreadsheets for capturing business process outcomes and this is a problem. As powerful as it is, Gen-AI cannot unlock value from complex, multi-tab spreadsheets. This is because spreadsheets are developed to target extremely specific scenarios which are often difficult for anyone but the spreadsheet author to decipher.

Pro-Tip: Look to alternative platforms and technologies to minimize spreadsheet dependence and improve workflow capabilities.

#4) AI does not create intelligent feedback by accident it takes effort

Gen-AI use cases are often spawned in a lab environment by well intentioned IT staff. The problem is that these individuals are often not close enough to the problem to understand if their Gen-AI models are working or not. The sooner you can enable your subject matter experts with this new technology, the better. This often means a change in strategy and a bit of custom code in order to put this technology in the hands of a broader group of people. Fortunately, there are now technology platforms (like Process Tempo) that can accelerate this effort.

Pro-Tip: Make it easy for all stakeholders to participate in the testing and evaluation of your Gen-AI models by providing them with a platform they can use to get started quickly and easily.


Just a few weeks back I was somewhat of a skeptic. How could an artificial intelligence model learn the complex language of today's complex businesses? Gen-AI has since turned me into a believer.

This is why the Process Tempo team is now accelerating our investment in Gen-AI capabilities.

We are also making improvements to some of our existing dashboarding and workflow capabilities so that can be used to help organizations tap into Gen-AI.

We feel that the unique combination of features we provide are perfect for organizations that wish to implement Gen-AI use cases.

For example:

  • We help organizations improve data quality with our embedded workflow features which allow users to spot and correct data-related problems quickly and easily
  • We offer a central platform built on top of the graph to make retrieval augmented generation a reality. Perhaps it was smart of us to hitch our wagons to graph database technology so many years ago!
  • Our no-code, rapid application development framework has been helping organizations migrate away from spreadsheets for years now. This is the "Process" in Process Tempo. Data should not be stuck in spreadsheets!
  • Lastly, in version 4 of our platform we will be releasing an experimental feature that will make it easy for IT departments to quickly scale Gen-AI model testing to a wider group of users. In this release (and future releases), it will be easier and easier to empower users to test their own models without writing any code. This will crowd-source the brains of your Gen-AI models and put them to work for you!

To learn more, please jump on our calendar:

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