Adopting the 25 Attributes of the Champion Mindset

Adopting the 25 Attributes of the Champion Mindset

How Thinking and Acting like a Champion can Drastically Improve your Work Performance

People ask me what I attribute to my success--well to be honest, most of it is a blessing from above, but my personal part outside divine intervention, is my commitment to what I call the Champion Mindset. There are a lot of mindset ideas and concepts that are discussed in business today. The one I want to focus on today is what I call the Champion Mindset. Anyone that works on adopting this mindset will not only get better at what they do, but they will have the chance to be the best at what they do. I have broken these 25 attributes into 7 categories that you can improve your mindset to be like a true Champion: Desire, Excel, Prepare, Think, Sacrifice, Act, and Believe. As you read this article, think about the changes you can make in your worklife to be more like a Champion.

“I tell the kids, somebody’s gotta win, somebody’s gotta lose. Just don’t fight about it. Just try to get better.”
-Yogi Berra

The Champion Mindset comes from observing the greatest Champions in sport. I wanted to see what would happen if people in the workplace behaved like Champions in sports. To do so I have collected the most common behaviors that Champions exhibit and share, as well as some very impactful insightful quotes. I think we can learn a lot from sports, especially if we are carefully examining the many lessons that are available through sports history. This article will look at common themes among Championship athletes and discuss ways we mere mortals can apply them in our worklife to try and get better so we can be our best selves.


“Winning isn’t everything, but wanting to win is.”
-Vince Lombardi

You have to want it more than anyone else. Champions become Champions because they want it more than anyone else on the field. At work, you have to want it more than any other person in your profession. That doesn’t mean you have to compete against your coworkers for promotions and raises. What it means is that you need to work with your coworkers and teammates to win by wanting it more than your competition. This means going to extraordinary lengths to close the deal and provide the best overall customer experience possible. You have to always apply a sense of urgency and do what is important for your customer. Being ambitious is not a bad thing, you should have a healthy dose of ambition that is couched in reality. I once heard a story of a rep who actually went so far as to join a company part-time to get to know the business better. He ended up closing one of the largest deals in that company’s history by going above and beyond, exhibiting true customer obsession! Kobe Bryant attributes his many Championships to a desire early on, he had decided since Michael Jordan had 6 Championships to beat Magic Johnson’s 5, he wanted 2 more than Jordan (hence his original jersey number 8). He ended up with 5 in his career as one of the greatest to ever play.

“I think my greatest victory was every time I walked out there, I gave it everything I had. I left everything out there. That’s what I’m most proud of.”
-Jimmy Connors

Some of the greatest Champions had true grit and would get scrappy when needed. My best reps are the scrappy hustlers who go the extra mile to win deals. You need to be Relentless in your pursuit of the Championship. That means you never give up no matter what. You are persistent in the face of obstacles--refusing to bow down, showing grit against even seemingly insurmountable odds. You push yourself to outperform and overcome any challenge because you realize that the challenge is smaller than you. That challenge is something you were built to overcome. The challenge drives you further in pursuit of conquering it. You regularly launch comebacks--when you are down on your numbers in the last month of Q4, you don’t give up--you push yourself harder to comeback and win. Tom Brady regularly came back even when all the odds were against him--down 28-3 against the Falcons in the Super Bowl, he launched one of the most epic comebacks in history to win the game. No one ever wants to play against Brady because at any moment he could launch another historic comeback. You have to give it your all and leave it all on the field. Even when you are far behind on your number, you can launch an epic comeback by superior drive.

“I am not talented, I am obsessed.” 
-Conor McGregor

You need to have a healthy obsession with winning. This doesn’t necessarily mean hating losing, or winning by any questionable means necessary. It means being a winner and working hard to win at everything you do. If there is a sales contest, everyone better know that you are the favorite because you win at everything you do. A winner loves the taste of winning and will do the right thing to continue her winning streak. If you look into the mind of Michael Jordan, also known as the Psychology of an Obsessed Winner, he would compete to win at almost anything--it is claimed that he once challenged someone to a water drinking contest. He would do anything to win, psyching out opponents, and elevating his game when needed. You don’t get the title GOAT (Greatest Of All Time) for nothing. You can bring that to work by being the best in everything you do and focusing on winning.


“Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss it you will land among the stars.”
-Les Brown

Laser Focus on the Goal. You need to know the goal and how to get there. When teams set out to win a Championship, they figure out what the steps are to win it. You have to stay focused on and prioritize what is important so that you can achieve your goals to be the best you. Don’t let yourself get distracted or get caught looking somewhere else. The goal is key for you to be successful. You need to know what your specific job is, what is your responsibility, and understand what it is going to take to hit your metrics. Come up with a gameplan, follow it religiously, and win by executing. Shoot to Strongly Exceed Expectations and in the worst case scenario, you will at the very least get close to Exceeding Expectations.

“Winning isn’t getting ahead of others. It’s getting ahead of yourself.”
-Roger Staubach

Always be excellent and always give it your 110%. Champions like Michael Jordan never just dialed it in, not even in practice. You have to exude excellence in everything you do. Your brand must be excellence. You have to work harder than anyone else. You have to always give everything you do at work your best effort. Never let your work quality or work product decrease for any reason. You have to hold yourself to the highest standards and compete against yourself to bring your best self to the office every day. Treat every day like the Championship. You don’t get to the big game by taking it easy. If you focus on excellence at all times then you will bring your best self to every scenario on every day.

“Stop wondering if you are good enough, know you are and start acting like this.”
-Anthony Joshua

Be bold. Do not be afraid to lead or do things in a unique way. Think differently! Many of the recommendations in this article will require major changes. Take these recommendations on one at a time, but don’t be overwhelmed by the change that is necessary. Each bold new step you take towards the Champion Mindset will get you closer to the best you. You can get there and you can definitely be better. There is value in taking the road less traveled and truly creative people with unique ways to win are the ones that are irreplaceable. Be irreplaceable and find your path to be a key value to the team.


“The key is not the will to win… everybody has that. It is the will to prepare to win that is important.”
-Bobby Knight

Be coachable. So many players aren’t chosen in professional drafts because the managers and coaches don’t see them as being coachable. Managers want to help you develop to reach your full potential. So be as coachable as you can. This will help you on your performance reviews. Seek feedback. When you get it, show your appreciation and then implement changes accordingly. Feedback is truly a gift, so treat it that way. Listen, don’t just talk, and when you listen, take notes and really pay attention to what is being said. Some of the greatest Championship Dynasties didn’t necessarily have the greatest players at the time, but had coaches like Gregg Popovich that knew how to get the most out of their coachable players. People hire based on coachability and want people who know they can always get better.

“I hated every minute of training, but I said, ‘Don’t quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a Champion.'”
-Muhammad Ali

Practice makes perfect. Train, train, and train some more. Always be working on self-improvement and getting better at your craft. Practice in as many ways you can. Always participate in trainings whenever possible to upskill yourself. Larry Bird is famous for obsessively practicing his jump shot to the point where he had one of the greatest jump shots of all time. Ask anyone and they will tell you he was a true Champion because of his obsession with practicing to perfection. Champions know they can always learn and get even better, especially from other Champions, as Kobe Bryant illustrated late in his career in adding the Dream Shake to his arsenal from Hakeem Olajuwon. Continuous improvement should be a part of everyone’s plan. While you do it, work smarter, not just harder, to ensure your success. Take advantage of trainings, read books, listen to podcasts, etc. When you get to shadow a Champion in your profession, take the opportunity. Find the best people on your team and in your profession to learn from them. Find mentors and you can never have enough. Approach people with humility and they will always be willing to help.

“Playing professional sports, it’s important to eat healthy and take care of your body. In the offseason, rest is really important to me.”
-Troy Polamalu

Resting is very important. Gregg Popovich is infamous for resting his best players during nationally televised games because he had the long game in mind--the Championship. You need to rest as well. That means get to bed at a decent hour and get enough hours of sleep every night. Take time to get the R&R you need, so that when you are in the game at work, you can perform at your peak level. The best teams always make sure their players are in bed on time before every game, so they are well-rested for game day. Nowadays companies are even starting to be ok with a siesta in the middle of the day--Google even has nap pods. Take advantage of it. Do what you need to do to make sure you are relaxed and well-rested. You have to rest properly to ensure you will have peak performance. 

“Your body is your temple. You do your body good, your body will do you good.”
-Floyd Mayweather.

Treat your body like a temple. Championship athletes have nutritionists and personal trainers to make sure they perform their very best. You too need to treat your body this way. Get in shape and eat well. Getting healthier will drastically improve your work performance. It will not only change the way people look at you, but will change the way you feel and how you perform in a very positive manner. Exercise throughout the day. Walk and take the stairs whenever possible. Make sure you are staying active. It is vital not only to guarantee your long term success, but also in the short term, people that exercise and workout different muscles simply perform better than those that do not. Athletes reach peak performance by taking care of themselves.


“I approached it with mindfulness. As much as we pump iron, we need to build our mental strength up... so we can focus... so we can be in concert with one another.”
-Phil Jackson

Be mindful. Nowadays athletes have included mindfulness training into their performance enhancement. Many athletes have taken up activities like meditation and yoga. Phil Jackson was known as the Zen Master because he incorporated key ideas on mindfulness from Buddhism emphasizing meditation and intuition into his leadership philosophy. Taking some time out of the day to think and reflect quietly can really be a gamechanger. Honest self-reflection leads to self-improvement, but even a few minutes of quiet time to clear your mind can be helpful in today’s world of hustle and bustle with so many things going on around you in your head. A clear mind will allow you to concentrate and think more carefully about your tasks at work. By being mindful it also means you are thinking carefully before you speak to ensure you are best communicating your message effectively and appropriately. Search inside yourself to find the best you.

“You have the ability to change your inner response to calm yourself down under competitive pressure.”
-Alan Goldberg

Remain calm under pressure. The Champion does not get disturbed with however hot the temperature is in the kitchen. Work can become very stressful at times, but you can’t let the stress get the better of you. You have to get the better of your situation and remain calm and focused. They say that true Champions have ice running through their veins. They remain calm regardless of the scenario. The Champion takes a deep breath and hits the clutch free throw or kicks the game winning field goal without being phased at all because those points could be the difference in winning the Championship. 

“I just think winners win. And guys who won all the way through high school and college, the best player at every level, they have a way of making things happen and winning games.”
-Tony Dungy

Stay Positive. Don’t let anything negative that comes from anyone or anywhere change your positive personality. Studies show that people that think positive have much better results than those that don’t. Just channeling positive energy will change your results at work. Smiling while talking is one technique people have used for ages to have better results. By being purposefully positive and blocking out anyone or anything that is negative, you will perform better. Don’t let the negatives get the better of you. Some of the best Championship quarterbacks were tested to see what they had in common, and what they found was that they had very short memories--when they made mistakes they forgot about the play, never focusing on a missed catch or a drop--ready to move forward and focus on being positive.

“There's two kinds of pain in sports: the pain of discipline and the pain of regret.”
-Jeff Blatnick

Be disciplined. You have to exercise discipline in everything you do. That means you have to pay attention to the rules and you have to follow them. Don’t allow yourself to be disqualified by fouling out or getting technical fouls. You never want to be thrown out of the game. So know the rules at work and follow them to a tee. Never let your guard down when it comes to following the policies and procedures of your company. Chris Webber famously lost with the Fab 5, one of the most talented squads in NCAA History, in the 1993 NCAA Basketball National Championship because he got a technical foul for calling an extra timeout that the team did not have. His lack of discipline and situational awareness cost Michigan the Championship.

“Yesterday’s home runs don’t win today’s games.”
-Babe Ruth

Be present. Too often we find ourselves in meetings or working throughout the day with our minds wandering, not concentrating on what is most important. Today, a lot of us get distracted by screens, whether it is our phones, having the TV on in the background, or having a laptop open in our meeting. The reality is that studies show that as much as we want to believe we are, we are not as good at multitasking as we think. Our short term memory only allows us to concentrate on three things at a maximum. Multi-tasking ruins our performance. You need to be dialed in at work and remove distractions. If you are in a meeting, bring a notebook with a pen, and leave the laptop unless it is necessary. Don’t visit social media, chat apps, or play games on your phone. Same when you are at home, be 100% and present in all your activities. Many Championship teams make players get rid of distracting devices and have them turn them in, so they can be 100% dialed in, you should consider the same when you are at work--watch your productivity skyrocket.


“The good and the great are only separated by their willingness to sacrifice.”
-Kareem Abdul-Jabaar

Be willing to make sacrifices. You don’t always have to give something up to get to where you need to go, but you need to be ready to make sacrifices and do what must be done. Sometimes you have to do things that are for the greater good, not just what is best for yourself. The Champion may not get to score the most points because they have to get their teammates involved to win the game and their individual performance may not look as great on paper, but their team will win because of it. The team should come first and the team’s success should be your success. Go from being focused on what’s important to the individual to what matters to the team.

“Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence wins Championships.”
-Michael Jordan

Be a great teammate. The best players make others around them better. Ask yourself a question, how are you making your team better? What is your contribution to making the team better? Are you making your teammates better or worse? The greatest Champions not only perform well themselves, but understand the importance of collaboration and making others around you better. When you help your teammates by coaching, sharing insights, and building knowledge, it is not ignored and something that leaders look to reward. Be helpful and help everyone around you, especially your teammates. Be compassionate towards them and use your personal greatness to lift up those around you to lead them to greatness as well.

“I’ll do whatever it takes to win games, whether it’s sitting on a bench waving a towel, handing a cup of water to a teammate, or hitting the game-winning shot.”
-Kobe Bryant

Play your role. You can be a Champion and not be the best player on your team. You might not even be one of the best three players on your team. Who has the most NBA Championship Rings in modern NBA History (post-1980), no its not MJ, Shaq, or Lebron, its Robert Horry--who was a role player his entire career. Whether you knew him as Big Shot Rob or Cheap Shot Rob or something else, he knew his role and excelled in it to win Championships. You have to know your role, and know how to successfully pay your role. Sometimes it is the leader, but sometimes its in support. There are great Inside Sales Representatives that are the reason their Field Sales Representatives hit their number. They know their role and perform it very well. I have seen great Field Sales Representatives become Inside Sales Representatives and flounder because they don’t play their role well and are still trying to act like Field Sales Representatives. You have to do what your team needs you.


“Lead from the back and let others believe they are in front.”
-Nelson Mandela

Lead from the front and from behind. Be a player coach. Every coach needs a captain to help lead a team. Championship teams regularly fill their rosters with veterans who may not be as good talent-wise, but they bring their wisdom and experience to making the team better. Servant leadership means getting into the trenches and pulling the weight from the front. Every manager needs someone who can reiterate their message and help bring the point home. You can establish yourself as the leader on the team by being the guy the manager can go to for support. One of my previous managers would count on me for support because I was the most experienced member of the team and I had gained the respect of my teammates. I used my position to further his goals and together we made the team more successful as a whole.

“The true test of a man's character is what he does when nobody's watching.”
-John Wooden

Keep it real. A true Champion is sincere and honest. They are someone you can get behind because they have integrity and you can believe in them. They are sincere in their thoughts, words and actions. By keeping it real, a Champion sets the tone for the rest of the team and leads his team to victory. You need to not only bring your true self to the workplace, but you need to be open and honest when asked. People see right through insincerity and will not get behind anyone who they think is fake.

“For every minute spent in organizing, an hour is earned.” 
-Benjamin Franklin

Be organized in all of your activities. Athletes have people that organize their lives for them. Some businesspeople have assistants to organize their lives for them. For those of us that don’t have someone to do it for us, we need to do it ourselves, and nowadays there is plenty of technology you can use to help you be better organized. Being haphazard and unorganized at work is not only inefficient, but it looks bad. Have an organized workspace and be organized in your work activities, it will lead to better performance.

“There is no way around hard work. Embrace it. You have to put in the hours because there’s always something which you can improve.”
-Roger Federer

Always be early and leave late. Do not be on time. No matter if they say they care or not, people notice what time you show up. The people that show up early and leave late are not only the hardest workers, but they also have more time to perform better than everyone else. That time before others show up to the office and after others leave is also usually the best time to have focus time to really think and make strides and progress on your major projects. Some of the best Champions are the ones who showed up early to go to the gym and were the ones to leave last.


“There are only two options regarding commitment. You're either in or you're out. There's no such thing as life in-between.”
-Pat Riley

Accept responsibility. You need to hold yourself accountable for your success. At the end of the day, Champion’s don’t leave things to chance or in anyone else's control. They also don’t blame others for their failures. They take full responsibility and don’t drop the ball. At the end of the day, you control whether you will be a Champion or not, so recognize the responsibility and act accordingly. 

“Don’t be afraid of failure. This is the way to succeed.”
-LeBron James

Show no Fear! A true Champion is not afraid of anything. A true Champion knows that fear is something that you can have, but the Champion never let fear get the best of her. The Champion knows that the only thing to fear is fear itself, and never let fear hold her back or handicap her. Fear of failure is not in the vocabulary. The Champion owns fear and gets past their fears to reach new levels of success. Big Shot Rob, Robert Horry, was once a forward on the Rockets that was going to get traded to San Antonio for Sean Elliott because Horry wasn’t scoring. His coach convinced him to stop being afraid to shoot because he was missing all the shots he wasn’t taking. Horry started shooting three’s and the rest is history--he won two hands worth of Championship rings on many teams as one of the early stretch fours who could always be counted on for a clutch three pointer. Take your shots and get in the game, don’t be afraid to fail fast. Jack Welch, former CEO of GE, once thought he was going to be fired going into a meeting with his boss for losing the company around a million dollars, instead his manager said “Why would I fire you, I just spent a million dollars on your education?” Don’t go out and make a million dollar mistake, but don’t be afraid to try something special.

“Never underestimate the heart of a Champion!” 
-Rudy Tomjonavich

Always believe in yourself. Many times in life, people will doubt you. Our teammates at work, our managers, and other employees may start to doubt our performance or whether we belong because of one small error or mistake. Don’t allow others misunderstandings bring you down. You must always believe in yourself because it is difficult to believe in the person that doesn’t even believe in themselves. People doubted Michael Jordan his entire career--he didn’t even make varsity as a sophomore at Laney High--until he started dominating the sport on the Chicago Bulls. A little bit of heart and determination can go a long way.

“If you believe it, the mind can achieve it.”
-Ronnie Lott

Start by recognizing your deficiencies and accept the fact that you can improve to be a better version of yourself. Then adopt the Champion Mindset and go one by one down this list until you have mastered every single item, prioritizing the ones that connect with you the most. Recognize that it is a long journey and there are no simple shortcuts to being a Champion. Work hard at getting better every day little by little and reward yourself as you improve. 

"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take."
-Wayne Gretzky

People will take notice and your work performance will get better. Adopting the Champion Mindset will help you achieve your goals and accelerate your career growth. Get off your tricycle and get on the rocketship to career progression. Start becoming a Champion today. Start tracking your progress. Take the plunge. You will never regret it and you will thank yourself for it. 

Just remember you can do anything you put your mind to… You can do it!

What do you think of the Champion Mindset? Did I miss anything? If you like it, please feel free to share this article with your network, so that we can help others become Champions too! (Cue Queen “We are the Champions!”)


Zeeshan Javed Hafeez, is the Coach of Cloud Selling Champions at Google where he is the Head of Cloud Sales & Customer Growth for Canada and the Northeast USA. He is dedicated to getting the best out of his team and helping them adopt the Champion Mindset, so they can all be the best versions of themselves. The opinions expressed in this article are the author's own and do not necessarily reflect the views of his employer.


High School Graduate (Cambridge A-level) at Central High International School

1 年

Great article; very detailed. Thank you Mr. Zeeshan.

Carson V. Heady

Best-Selling Author | Managing Director, Americas - Microsoft Tech for Social Impact | Podcast Host | Sales Hall of Fame

4 年

Brilliant stuff, my friend. You are inspirational.

Mohsin Siddiqui

Product Manager at Amazon | Connected Technologies | Customer Experience | Dad to future superwoman

5 年

Thanks for sharing this! Love it.

Laila Khan

Vice President, CRO at Guidance Residential | 3X Top 20 Sales, Marketing, & PR Trailblazer Award Winner

5 年

Awesome article and great share Zeeshan Hafeez!

Ahmed Youssef

Servant for humanity, nonprofit consultant

5 年

I truly love it!


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