Tom LaGrave
Integrated Behavioral Health Provider (IBHP) at Sonoma Valley Community Health Center
It is with a feeling of fraternity, solidarity, harmony, camaraderie, and Esprit de corps.?This is a brotherhood, each (HBA) created will then be offered to a generation of our youth, all deserving to experience this awesome feeling.
Why choose Warren Buffett (The Oracle) and Bill Gates (The Sage)??I’ve spent the last 30 + years preparing for this opportunity, educating myself through college, university, along with years of continuing education units.?Sharing also with you the creation of the Honor Bound Academy (HBA), at all times in my past I’ve required of myself, always the highest of expectations.?During this lengthy evolution, I’ve been selective of who or whom I’ll allow to teach, mentor, or counsel me.?This started with my first and most important educational component, BUD/S.?During my military career, I was continually educated by only those of the highest caliber.?Naturally, when it comes to the Patrons I have sought to pair with the various Native American tribes, Special Forces Command, and middle-earth strictures.?I have continued this dynamic, of only the best.?Nine (9) individual combinations of Patrons for the country, and one set of Patrons for me.
My patrons, the Oracle and the Sage are the first of the eleven wealthiest men in America.?They have gained their station in life by surrounding themselves with only the best, just as I have done.?Mr. Buffett and Mr. Gates are key to unfolding Honor Bound Academy in such a fashion that brings to our youth the opportunity to profoundly affect themselves and our Nation as a whole.
I shared the nine (9) other groups along with the group that the Oracle, Sage, and myself the Adolescent Combat Diplomate is forming. ?Each is located in the geographical area of the specific Native American tribe representing the Honor Bound Academy’s.?For Khazad-Dum linked with the Comanche Nation, the location will be Northern California.?The reason is simple, I am born and raised in this area.?If I’m to ask you to have faith in this program, it’s only right that I start it in my own backyard.
When Honor Bounds ten (10) Academy’s are up and running, the crucial requirement is for the ten (10) to be the same, with no two being alike.?A contradiction??Not really??I’m basing this truth on my association with Navy SEAL’s the world over, our brotherhood, and our community where we are all the same, and no two of us alike.?For clarity, let me explain what defines a Navy SEAL from all others, it is our ability to shoot, move, and communicate.?It is this last defining essence, communicating while operating.?Here you’ll find our greatest asset, no matter how many of us there are, we will always move as a singularity.?That’s what makes us, special.?
This gift is what makes me different from all others offering programs to our youth, my ability to find them, our youth, bring them together, and bind them to one another, for their nation, our Nation’s greater good.