Tom LaGrave
Integrated Behavioral Health Provider (IBHP) at Sonoma Valley Community Health Center
I would describe it as a lucid dream , one so real, and its colors so incredibly vivid.?What made it wonderful was the fact, I knew I was actually dreaming.?I have had this very dream during waking hours hundreds of times.?It starts the same way each time, we’re sitting at a table and there are four of us.?We’re playing a game of bridge with I and my partner facing off against the Oracle and the Sage.?These are the names I’ve given to the two adversaries, Warren Buffett , and Bill Gates that we face each and every time??
The dream goes on to change as my awareness takes us on a journey, the same journey regardless of which time I have this experience.?With me, is my holy man, my shaman, or in simple terms my bridge playing partner??The common denominator for the four of us is a shared virtue of ruthlessness.?The Oracle and the Sage from their business dealings, my shaman, and his embrace of a system ingrained in a belief that “if it cannot be both,” a leader should be feared rather than loved.?Mine, from a rootin, tootin, lootin, parashootin, double-cap crimpin frogman’s background.? With our shared ruthlessness it must be stated we all hold ourselves at our center possessing only good virtues.
This lucid dream whether waking or sleeping allows me to direct the four of us onward, downward from the eastern gate of Khazad-Dum , across Durin’s bridge, and on into the Chamber of Mazarbul. ?Why??Why Khazad-Dum??Why the Chamber of Mazarbul or the Chamber of records??The reason why is because this dream I share with you is, my dream.?The dream that one day Honor Bound Academy, Inc., my 501 (C) 3 will be available in reality, rather than as a dream only of my imagination.?
In the previous article titled “Adolescent Combat Diplomate,” I described the merger of four (4) categories with Nine (9) line items in each, to tell one (1) story, this story.?I plan to do this in a total of ten (10) short stories found in 1.?Tolkien’s middle-earth, 2.?A Native American tribe along with its geographical location, 3.?A Special Forces Command, and 4.?An individual Patron, one of the 11 wealthiest Americans.?All of this outlines the creation of Honor Bound Academy’s through various presented ensembles.
Back to the dream, here we find ourselves in the Chamber of Records, the four of us seeing the unfolding of America’s newly created “Rite of Passage,” for our 18, 19, and 20-year-old citizens as they transition from adolescence to young adulthood.?Imagine digging a hole 300 yards deep, then building a vast fortress measuring 300 yards wide, and 300 yards in length??
Once it is completed we then bury it, hence creating an underground Academy, doing so in the manner of the Naugrim.?For these Naugrim or dwarves an interesting history you’ll find in “The Silmarillion,” a history that will be taught as part of the education of our youth attending the Honor Bound Academy , known as Khazad-Dum (HBA).
The dream continues, we as the four are now met by the Guardians of Khazad-Dum.?These are the elders of the Comanche Tribe , in the past, these spiritual guides were characterized as “Lords of the Plains.” ?Comanche power depended on bison, horses, trading, and raiding.?The horse was a key element in the emergence of a distinctive Comanche culture, “the band was the primary social unit of the Comanche, and a typical band might number several hundred people.?The Comanche looked on the children as their most precious gift.?Doing so as the boys grew older and were encouraged to be skillful hunters.?As they learned to patiently and quietly stalk the game they became more self-reliant.?It is also by playing together in groups that formed strong bonds and cooperative spirit that they would need when they hunted and raided.?
Most importantly of these spiritual leaders are in the teaching of their language.?Crucial is the merging of the horse, hunting, and language to create a unique, self-sustaining culture for the Dwarrowdelf of this Honor Bound Academy.?