Tom LaGrave
Integrated Behavioral Health Provider (IBHP) at Sonoma Valley Community Health Center
Now I’ll start, by seeking mysticism and magic, doing it with the various ingredients from the four pillars, which we’ll use to form a solid foundation.?What I’m speaking of is the very ground, the physical world, we all stand upon.?This landmass (America) of ours accrued through manifest destiny from the eastern seaboard to the Pacific.?This includes the northern, and southern borders, along with the gulf coast.?All that comprises this nation was once embraced by a spiritual-believing people. ?They lived in balance with all aspects of the natural world.?Everything is taken and given in equal measure.?In this way, a mystical realm awoke where magic was allowed to flourish.?We are unable to go back into that past but we can bring forward those who still exist, here at this time, both in body and spirit.
The story of Honor Bound Academy (HBA) is an interesting one.?I’ll now introduce it to you by starting with its name, which has evolved from two earlier renditions.?The first, was Khazad-Dum, as in the dwarf mansion in Tolkien’s Silmarillion.?Then there was the second, Orion’s Quest, as in the constellation Orion.?With the first, I was told no one would understand it, and with the second NASA had a program that had the name before I could register it.?So, it was settled on Honor Bound Academy, Inc. my 501(C) 3 non-profit.
For smarter or stupider, these words I chose, they being grammatically clumsy but expressing the point I now make, perfectly.?I paid everyone that did the research for HBA $150.00 an hour, regardless of what they did for my non-profit.?I also spent $10,000.00 dollars for a video created by an Emmy Award-winning documentary filmmaker.?The total bill to date is $125,000.00 dollars,?Smart??Foolish??This was done for a specific reason, my life’s work, my vision, this my dream, or simply put, the purpose I was born into this realm to create is to me, my precious.?I believe deeply that it can profoundly change this nation for the better, as we tumble through time and space without meaningful direction.?
The program (HBA) itself is one year long, initially, it will have 100 youth participating with no cost to them.?In order to do this, I sought one donor (Patron) to begin with offering me $5,191 million dollars (start-up costs) for the first two years of the program.?This was in my mind, the best way to get as many kinks, problems, or mistakes worked out of the program.?Doing so while answering to only one donor.?To bring this vision, this dream of mine up and running at peak performance for the long-term will take multiple funding sources and donors, but to begin, I only want to explain/argue with one individual (Patron), one donor covering the start-up costs.
To understand how each of the four (4) pillars (structure, tribe, Special Forces Command, and Individual) are connected, I will begin a seemingly magical process of transformation, creation, along with combination.?This being necessary for finding the person, place, and thing who’s right for our unique youth, the circumstances, as well as this time in history, requires of me very subtle alchemy.?With that said, I will take the number one to include a structure (KHAZAD-DUM), tribe (COMANCHE), but two individuals instead of a single patron (THE ORACLE AND THE SAGE), and rather than a Special Forces Command, this too will be altered.?As a replacement, removing a Special Forces Command will be me (8492/5326), as I have worked closely with all nine Commands.?Then through the subtle combining of all these components, filtering them as I construct my masterpiece, a picture, that I hope will bring us mutual understanding?
It now begins, my personal gift to a generation of youth - whom I feel I owe, in simple terms: “all that I have to offer, including my last breath, if necessary.”
Whether you’re following this or not, hang on.?I’ve waited for a very long time for this moment to arrive.?With wisdom, humility, and a burning passion I’ll now unleash this, my form of artistry.?Hooyah, 106.