Adobe Attribution IQ – The Next Level of Attribution

Adobe Attribution IQ – The Next Level of Attribution

The customer journey to conversion is becoming even more unpredictable, non-linear, and includes more cross-device touchpoints than ever before. Brands are often challenged with selecting the best media spend mix and have difficulty understanding the impact of each channel across the customer journey. As Adobe shared in its recent Attribution IQ Solution Partner Webinar, the goal of marketing attribution is to produce more revenue by spending marketing budget more effectively. So how do we get there?

Attribution models can also be applied to any dimension or any metric at the individual campaign level, not just the channel level, making the insights even more actionable. You can also compare any number of attribution models to analyze new versus return users to see which campaigns or channels are helping your brand retain customers versus those that are assisting in gaining new customers.

Another interesting enhancement is the ability to trend attribution models over time and utilize Anomaly Detection to detect anomalous spikes or decreases across models. The extra bonus is that no additional implementation is needed to use this new functionality; if your Marketing Channels are all set up in Adobe Analytics and you’re an Ultimate, Prime, Select, or Foundation Analytics customer, you’re ready to go.


Adobe Attribution IQ Solution Partner Webinar, 8/9/18


