Admitted to the Bar: Macon B. Allen

Admitted to the Bar: Macon B. Allen


Source: and

Allen, Macon Bolling (1816-1894)

Macon Bolling Allen is believed to be the first black man in the United States who was licensed to practice law. Born Allen Macon Bolling in 1816 in Indiana, he grew up a free man. Bolling learned to read and write on his on his own and eventually landed his first a job as a schoolteacher where he further refined his skills.

In the early 1840s Bolling moved from Indiana to Portland, Maine. There he changed his name to Macon Bolling Allen and became friends with local anti-slavery leader General Samuel Fessenden, who had recently begun a law practice. Fessenden took on Allen as an apprentice/law clerk. By 1844 Allen had acquired enough proficiency that Fessenden introduced him to the Portland District court and stated that he thought Allen should be able to practice as a lawyer. He was refused on the grounds that he was not a citizen, though according to Maine law anyone “of good moral character” could be admitted to the bar. He then decided to apply for admission by examination. After passing the exam and earning his recommendation he was declared a citizen of Maine and given his license to practice law on July 3, 1844.

Finding work in Maine, however, was difficult. There were few blacks there willing and able to hire Allen and most whites were unwilling to have a black man represent them in court. In 1845 Allen moved to Boston, Massachusetts where he met his wife Hannah Allen. They had five sons together, most of whom became teachers.

Allen passed the Massachusetts Bar Exam on May 5, 1845. Shortly afterwards he and Robert Morris, Jr., opened the first black law office in the United States. Allen soon set his sights even higher; in 1848 he passed another rigorous exam to become Justice of the Peace for Middlesex County, Massachusetts. In addition to his license to practice law he is believed to be the first black man to hold a judiciary position.

Allen moved to Charleston, South Carolina after the Civil War to open a new legal practice. In 1873 he was appointed as a judge in the Inferior Court of Charleston and one year later was elected judge probate for Charleston County, South Carolina.

After Reconstruction, Allen moved again, this time to Washington, D.C. where he worked as an attorney for the Land and Improvement Association. He continued to practice law right until his death at age 78. Macon Bolling Allen was survived by his wife and one son, Arthur Allen. 


J. Clay Smith, Jr. Emancipation, (University of Pennsylvania Press: 1993); Allen, Macon Bolling(1816–1894)

Macon Bolling Allen: First African-American Licensed Attorney

By: Femi Lewis


Macon Bolling Allen was not only the first African-American licensed to practice law in the United States, he was also the first to hold a judicial post.

Early Life

Allen was born A. Macon Bolling in 1816 in Indiana. As a free African-American, Allen learned to read and write. As a young adult, he gained employment as a schoolteacher.


During the 1840s, Allen moved to Portland, Maine. Although it is unclear why Allen moved to Maine, historians believe it may have been because it was a free state.

While in Portland, he changed his name to Macon Bolling Allen. Employed by General Samuel Fessenden, an abolitionist and lawyer, Allen worked as a clerk and studied law. Fessenden encouraged Allen to pursue a license to practice law because anyone could be admitted to the Maine Bar association if they were considered to have good character.

However, Allen was initially rejected because he was not considered a citizen because he was African-American. However, Allen then decided to take the bar examination to bypass his lack of citizenship.

On July 3, 1844, Allen passed the exam and became licensed to practice law. Yet, despite earning the right to practice law, Allen was unable to find much work as an attorney for two reasons: many whites were not willing to hire a black attorney and there were very few African-Americans living in Maine.

By 1845, Allen moved to Boston. Allen opened an office with Robert Morris Sr.

Their office became the first African-American law office in the United States.

Although Allen was able to make a modest income in Boston, racism and discrimination were still present--preventing him from being successful. As a result, Allen took an exam to become a Justice of the Peace for Middlesex County in Massachusetts.

As a result, Allen became the first African-American to hold a judicial position in the United States.

Allen decided to relocate to Charleston following the Civil War. Once settled, Allen opened a law office with two other African-American attorneys--William J. Whipper and Robert Brown.

The passing of the fifteenth amendment inspired Allen to become involved in politics and he became active in the Republican Party.

By 1873, Allen was appointed a judge on the Inferior Court of Charleston. The following year, he was elected as a probate judge for Charleston County in South Carolina.

Following the Reconstruction period in the south, Allen relocated to Washington D.C. and worked as a lawyer for the Land and Improvement Association.

Abolition Movement

After becoming licensed to practice law in Boston, Allen caught the attention of abolitionists such as William Lloyd Garrison . Allen attended anti-slavery meeting in Boston. Most notably, he attended the anti-slavery convention in May 1846. At the convention, a petition was passed around in opposition to involvement in the Mexican War. However, Allen did not sign the petition, arguing that he was supposed to defend the United States Constitution.

This argument was made public in a letter written by Allen that was published in the Liberator. However, Allen ended his letter arguing that he still adamantly opposed enslavement.

Marriage and Family Life

Very little is known about Allen's family in Indiana. However, once moving to Boston, Allen met and married his wife, Hannah. The couple had five sons--John, born in 1852; Edward, born in 1856; Charles, born in 1861; Arthur, born in 1868 and Macon B. Jr., born in 1872. According to United States Census records, all of Allen's sons worked as schoolteachers.


Allen died on October 10, 1894 in Washington D.C. He was survived by his wife and one son.


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