Adjuvant Tip of the Month - March 2024
Water quality and weather conditions have a negative impact on various crop protection products (CPPs). Water quality influences
Dissolved cations, water pH and buffering capacity will influence sensitive CPPs. This means that the efficacy of a CPP
Temperature and humidity are two of the main factors that can have a devastating impact on CPP efficacy. This already begins when the nozzle has released the droplet, and it starts evaporating in the air. When the leaf retains the spray droplet, rapid evaporation plays a further negative role. After the water has evaporated from the droplet, the CPP may lie on the leaf for an extended period. This is where low humidity and high temperature could further desiccate the droplet residual, limiting the amount of active ingredient available for effective control. Adjuvants like surfactants, oils and humectants help to keep the spray droplet residual conducive for prolonged activity of the CPP. This stabilises the efficacy
Villa’s stance
Adjuvants play a crucial role in stabilising CPP efficacy over different water quality and weather conditions and often mean the difference between unacceptable and acceptable control. Never use adjuvants as an excuse to apply CPPs irresponsibly, and always follow the labels. When an adjuvant is recommended, use the specific brand name product. If this product is unavailable, contact the CPP registration holder for advice. Contact your Villa marketing advisor