Adjustment Of Surplus Staff Of GENCO-III
Rajput AbdulWaheed Bhatti
Attendant (BPS-16) at WAPDA / PEPCO, NPGCL, GENCO-III, Gas Turbine Power Station (GTPS), Faisalabad at NPGCL GENCO-III
These days, I am facing a severe restlessness and I could not prepare any further video lecture after 14-05-2022 because study requires mental calmness and tranquility. I am desirous to come back to my favorite academic activity but unfortunately official circumstances are not favorable and hinder me in this connection.
In May-2021, 1753 employees of GHCL (GENCO Holding Company Limited) were rendered surplus and adjusted in various distribution companies like FESCO, MEPCO, HESCO, etc. vide a few office orders from the office of the Managing Director PEPCO. It is further clarified that at present, the post of MD PEPCO has been redesignated & given some new name. Moreover, it is hereby clarified that PEPCO stands for Pakistan Electric Power Company which has further sub-companies as FESCO, LESCO, GEPCO, IESCO, MEPCO, HESCO, QESCO, PESCO, GENCO-I, GENCO-II, GENCO-III, GENCO-IV, etc.
GHCL is just a Controlling Authority over GENCO-I, GENCO-II, GENCO-III, & GENCO-IV. GHCL not only deals with Govt. Power Plants of GENCO-I, GENCO-II, GENCO-III & GENCO-IV but also deals with IPPs (Independent Power Plants) & this line of distinction between these two sectors carries much more importance. It is a general opinion of the majority of employees of GENCO-I, GENCO-II, GENCO-III & GENCO-IV that GHCL gives more importance to IPPs than GENCO-I, GENCO-II, GENCO-III & GENCO-IV.
A few days after these surplus orders of 1753 employees, distribution companies like FESCO, MEPCO, HESCO, etc. refused to accept arrivals of these employees and demanded that their arrival reports must be accompanied by Bank Cheques from GENCOs which will be according to their lengths of service in GENCOs so that at the time of retirement of these employees, their gratuity / pension matters may not suffer adversely. Meanwhile, a few days after these surplus orders, employees from Jamshoro Power Plant approached Sindh High Court (Karachi Bench) and got a stay order regarding all the four GENCOs (GENCO-I, GENCO-II, GENCO-III & GENCO-IV). It is further clarified that only GENCO-III is situated in Punjab while GENCO-I, GENCO-II & GENCO-IV are situated in Sindh. It is further clarified that this stay order from Sindh High Court (Karachi Bench) was obtained by Paigham Union working under the leadership of Mr. S. D. Saqib Gujjar while the case was filed as a struggle of Mr. Safdar Arain.
Contrary to Paigham Union, a similar stay order was obtained by Hydro Union from Lahore High Court (Multan Bench) but this stay order was only to the extent of GENCO-III. Now, two Unions, two High Courts, two provinces have been involved. Now, employees of GENCO-I, GENCO-II & GENCO-IV are not under any disturbance and their stay order is still existing with full validity but employees of GENCO-III have been once again relieved on 30-05-2022 from GENCO-III after a period of about one year. Actually, employees of GENCO-III have yet not been physically relieved from GENCO-III, but they have been forbidden / prohibited from making their attendance in attendance register and in their transfer orders of 30-05-2022, it is mentioned that they will stand relieved from their duties with effect from 31-05-2022 after noon, due to which they usually do not come on duty & sit on floor on check-post as a protest.
I request GHCL very humbly to treat all the four GENCOs (GENCO-I, GENCO-II, GENCO-III & GENCO-IV) alike without any discrimination.?