Adjusting your Actions
Absolutely everything we do has some effect on our vibrational state. Most of us tend to do the same things every day, like hanging out with the same people and going to the same places. Even when we do something we think is “new,” it’s often just a different version of what we usually do. Doing the same things over and over again creates stable vibrations, which means that our lives will also stay steady. This is not at all a bad thing.
The vast majority of people just don’t pay much attention to what they do. They might do something out of the ordinary once in a while, but only for a short time. For example, they might travel to their cousin’s wedding, go on vacation, or go to an event or retreat they wouldn’t normally go to. Because these new activities will only last for a short time, they will only cause temporary changes in our vibrational state. As a result, their effects will only be temporary as well.
Have you ever been to a meeting or a retreat that you felt changed your life so much that you left feeling so inspired and motivated to make big changes? But as soon as you got back home, to the same familiar environment, you went back to doing the same things over and over again. The excitement of the event or retreat wore off as quickly as the wind, without any big or long-lasting changes happening in your life.
That’s why, if you have an opportunity and a supportive environment, it's best to start changing the actions you take daily in your home environment rather than drop everything and go to a retreat for a week.
With Love, Ramune