Mike Kimelman
Empowering Leaders: Bestselling Author, Investor, and Executive Coach Specializing in Disruptive Innovation and Human Optimization
The world just became a better place. Israel, the tip of civilization’s spear against the 7th century genocidal savages that support and commit terror, just took out one of the most vile, blood-soaked terrorists on the planet - Hezbollah’s leader Hassan Nasrallah.
This is not just a win for Israel, but for humanity itself.
Israel once again proved it’s not just playing defense, it’s playing to win. And that’s exactly what we need in a world where too many turn a blind eye to evil.
This is what justice looks like—swift, decisive, and unapologetic. Hezbollah can mourn all they want, but the rest of us? We should be raising a glass.
Israel also took out Nasrallah’s replacement within 24 hours designating Hassan Khalil Yassin as the new Guiness Book of Records holder for the shortest reign of a terrorist leader ever.
But for Biden and Harris cozying up to the terrorists and trying to keep Israel on the leash, the war in Gaza and Lebanon would have been over months ago.
Time to keep up the pressure and let the funders and masterminds in Iran and Qatar know they’re in the crosshairs as well.
Par for the course, it’s fascinating to see the utter depravity of the corporate media.
Here’s the AP describing the death of a US Senator and the death of one of the biggest terrorists leaders in the world responsible for the deaths of tens of thousands.
No matter how much you despise the media, it isn’t nearly enough.
Of course, the NYT belongs in a class by itself.
Here’s their parody-like take on the event.
As if he really thought there should be equality for Jews. This is genuine ‘laugh out loud’ material.
Then again, the NY Times also defended Hitler in the early 1930’s so this isn’t a great surprise.
And that's what we're calling terrorists now? "Heavily armed nonstate forces?"
Orwell would be beaming with pride.
Had the current NYT editors been around in 1945, you'd have got this obituary: "Herr Hitler authorized a major road-building program, while his simultaneous rearmament and expansion of the German armed forces did much to stimulate economic growth and alleviate unemployment…."
Truly, sick and depraved people.
For the rest of the letter and all the greatest memes and tweets of the week, click the link below!